[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][unit-documentation] Added units from ntpd.h, expanded explanation of document purpose.

Ian Bruene gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Mon Apr 3 00:44:08 UTC 2017

Ian Bruene pushed to branch unit-documentation at NTPsec / ntpsec

574e39e9 by Ian Bruene at 2017-04-02T19:43:10-05:00
Added units from ntpd.h, expanded explanation of document purpose.

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- devel/units.txt


--- a/devel/units.txt
+++ b/devel/units.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,42 @@
-This document is a list of the important time variables and what units they represent in various areas throughout the program.
+This document is a one stop shop of the important time variables and what
+units they represent in various areas throughout the program.
+Important note: This document is very incomplete, and may have the same
+variable listed more than once. Categorization is haphazard as well.
+Outstanding general questions:
+* Are all seconds-per-second units the same thing as parts-per-million?
+* How many of these are just different names for the same value?
+# The following were harvested from ntpd.h
+Name            | internal  | Comment
+drift_comp      | seconds/s | clock frequency
+clock_stability | seconds/s |
+clock_max_back  | seconds   | max backward offset before step
+clock_max_fwd   | seconds   | max forward offset before step
+clock_panic     | seconds   | max offset before panic
+clock_phi       | seconds/s | dispersion rate (this is jitter, right?)
+clock_minstep   | seconds   | step timeout
+Clock state machine variables
+Name         | internal     | Comment
+sys_poll     | log2 seconds | system poll interval
+last_time    | seconds      | time of last clock update
+last_offset  | seconds      | last clock offset
+allan_xpt    | log2 seconds | Allan intercept
+clock_jitter | seconds      |
+cyc_offset   | seconds      |
+sys_jitter   | seconds      |
+# The following were harvested from ntp_control.c
 System Variables

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/commit/574e39e994d361b645936ccda98ccc3362b73a1e
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