[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][master] Remove the failed libntpq experiment.

Eric S. Raymond gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Fri Sep 23 09:05:51 UTC 2016

Eric S. Raymond pushed to branch master at NTPsec / ntpsec

fd68e6f5 by Eric S. Raymond at 2016-09-23T04:58:59-04:00
Remove the failed libntpq experiment.

This was a libraryized version of the ntpq code with which other mode 6
clients could be written in C, but web searches turn up not a trace of
evidence that this ever happened.  This is a poor application for C;
better to use Python and the Python packet library.

- - - - -

7 changed files:

- devel/TODO
- devel/ifdex-ignores
- − ntpq/libntpq.c
- ntpq/libntpq.h
- − ntpq/libntpq_subs.c
- ntpq/ntpq.c
- ntpq/wscript


--- a/devel/TODO
+++ b/devel/TODO
@@ -120,10 +120,6 @@ Neither is ideal, easy pickings for someone to code on.
 * We might be able to eliminate a lot of the Linux runtime
   droproot code by using file capabilities.
-* There is a mess around the symbols NO_MAIN_ALLOWED, BUILD_AS_LIB, and
-  LIBNTP_C that needs to be refactored.  ntpd should *always* be built as
-  a library linked to a main module, these guard symbols should go away.
 * Use the snprintb in util/ntptime for flag words like flash
   codes and use it systematically to make reports more readable.

--- a/devel/ifdex-ignores
+++ b/devel/ifdex-ignores
@@ -17,10 +17,7 @@ ENABLE_KILL_ON_TRAP	# Die on seccomp trap
 MSSNTP_PATH		# Set a default path for the MSSNTP feature.
 NTP_VAR			# Path to NTP statistics directory
-# These are cruft having to do with the way libntpq is presently built.
-# They should go away and be replaced by better module factoring.
-LIBNTPQ_C		# Involved in library build.
+# Formerly used on some embedded systems. Kepr around in case of re-port
 NO_MAIN_ALLOWED		# Used to be set by VxWorks.
 # System capabilities that waf should detect but does not.

ntpq/libntpq.c deleted
--- a/ntpq/libntpq.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,774 +0,0 @@
- *
- *  libntpq.c
- *
- *  This is the wrapper library for ntpq, the NTP query utility. 
- *  This library reuses the sourcecode from ntpq and exports a number
- *  of useful functions in a library that can be linked against applications
- *  that need to query the status of a running ntpd. The whole 
- *  communcation is based on mode 6 packets.
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
-#define LIBNTPQ_C
-#define NO_MAIN_ALLOWED 1
-/* #define BUILD_AS_LIB		Already provided by the Makefile */
-#include "ntpq.c"
-#include "libntpq.h"
-/* Function Prototypes */
-const char *Version = "libntpq 0.3beta";
-/* global variables used for holding snapshots of data */
-char peervars[NTPQ_BUFLEN];
-int peervarlen = 0;
-associd_t peervar_assoc = 0;
-char clockvars[NTPQ_BUFLEN];
-int clockvarlen = 0;
-int clockvar_assoc = 0;
-char sysvars[NTPQ_BUFLEN];
-int sysvarlen = 0;
-char *ntpq_resultbuffer[NTPQ_BUFLEN];
-unsigned short ntpq_associations[MAXASSOC];
-struct ntpq_varlist ntpq_varlist[MAXLIST];
- *
- *  ntpq_stripquotes
- *
- *  Parses a given character buffer srcbuf and removes all quoted
- *  characters. The resulting string is copied to the specified 
- *  resultbuf character buffer.  E.g. \" will be translated into "
- * 
- ****************************************************************************
- * Parameters:
- *	resultbuf	char*	The resulting string without quoted
- *				characters
- *	srcbuf		char*	The buffer holding the original string
- *	datalen		int	The number of bytes stored in srcbuf
- *	maxlen		int	Max. number of bytes for resultbuf
- *
- * Returns:
- *	int		number of chars that have been copied to 
- *			resultbuf 
- ****************************************************************************/
-int ntpq_stripquotes ( char *resultbuf, char *srcbuf, int datalen, int maxlen )
-	char* tmpbuf = srcbuf;
-	UNUSED_ARG(datalen);
-	UNUSED_ARG(maxlen);
-	while ( *tmpbuf != 0 )
-	{
-		if ( *tmpbuf == '\"' )
-		{
-			tmpbuf++;
-			continue;
-		}
-		if ( *tmpbuf == '\\' )
-		{
-			tmpbuf++;
-			switch ( *tmpbuf )
-			{
-				/* ignore if end of string */
-				case 0:
-					continue;
-				/* skip and do not copy */
-				case '\"': /* quotes */
-				case 'n': /*newline*/
-				case 'r': /*carriage return*/
-				case 'g': /*bell*/
-				case 't': /*tab*/
-					tmpbuf++;
-					continue;
-			}
-		} 
-		*resultbuf++ = *tmpbuf++;
-	}
-	*resultbuf = 0;
-	return strlen(resultbuf);
- *
- *  ntpq_getvar
- *
- *  This function parses a given buffer for a variable/value pair and
- *  copies the value of the requested variable into the specified
- *  varvalue buffer.
- *
- *  It returns the number of bytes copied or zero for an empty result
- *  (=no matching variable found or empty value)
- *
- ****************************************************************************
- * Parameters:
- *	resultbuf	char*	The resulting string without quoted
- *				characters
- *	datalen		size_t	The number of bytes stored in 
- *							resultbuf
- *	varname		char*	Name of the required variable 
- *	varvalue	char*	Where the value of the variable should
- *							be stored
- *	maxlen		size_t	Max. number of bytes for varvalue
- *
- * Returns:
- *	size_t		number of chars that have been copied to 
- *			varvalue
- ****************************************************************************/
-	const char *	resultbuf,
-	size_t		datalen,
-	const char *	varname,
-	char *		varvalue,
-	size_t		maxlen)
-	char *	name;
-	char *	value;
-	int	idatalen;
-	value = NULL;
-	idatalen = (int)datalen;
-	while (nextvar(&idatalen, &resultbuf, &name, &value)) {
-		if (strcmp(varname, name) == 0) {
-			ntpq_stripquotes(varvalue, value, strlen(value), maxlen);
-			return strlen(varvalue);
-		}
-	}
-	return 0;
- *
- *  ntpq_queryhost
- *
- *  Sends a mode 6 query packet to the current open host (see 
- *  ntpq_openhost) and stores the requested variable set in the specified
- *  character buffer. 
- *  It returns the number of bytes read or zero for an empty result
- *  (=no answer or empty value)
- *
- ****************************************************************************
- * Parameters:
- *      VARSET		u_short	Which variable set should be
- *				read (PEERVARS or CLOCKVARS)
- *	association	int	The association ID that should be read
- *				0 represents the ntpd instance itself
- *	resultbuf	char*	The resulting string without quoted
- *				characters
- *	maxlen		int	Max. number of bytes for varvalue
- *
- * Returns:
- *	int		number of bytes that have been copied to 
- *			resultbuf
- *  			- OR -
- *			0 (zero) if no reply has been received or
- *			another failure occured
- ****************************************************************************/
-int ntpq_queryhost(unsigned short VARSET, unsigned short association, char *resultbuf, int maxlen)
-	const char *datap;
-	int res;
-	int dsize;
-	u_short rstatus;
-	if ( numhosts > 0 )
-		res = doquery(VARSET,association,0,0, (char *)0, &rstatus, &dsize, &datap);
-	else
-		return 0;
-	if ( ( res != 0) || ( dsize == 0 ) ) /* no data */
-		return 0;
-	if ( dsize > maxlen) 
-		dsize = maxlen;
-	/* fill result resultbuf */
-	memcpy(resultbuf, datap, dsize);
-	return dsize;
- *
- *  ntpq_openhost
- *
- *  Sets up a connection to the ntpd instance of a specified host. Note:
- *  There is no real "connection" established because NTP solely works
- *  based on UDP.
- *
- ****************************************************************************
- * Parameters:
- *	hostname	char*	Hostname/IP of the host running ntpd
- *	fam		int	Address Family (AF_INET, AF_INET6, or 0)
- *
- * Returns:
- *	int		1 if the host connection could be set up, i.e. 
- *			name resolution was succesful and/or IP address
- *			has been validated
- *  			- OR -
- *			0 (zero) if a failure occured
- ****************************************************************************/
-	char *hostname,
-	int fam
-	)
-	if ( openhost(hostname, fam) )
-	{
-		numhosts = 1;
-	} else {
-		numhosts = 0;
-	}
-	return numhosts;
- *
- *  ntpq_closehost
- *
- *  Cleans up a connection by closing the used socket. Should be called
- *  when no further queries are required for the currently used host.
- *
- ****************************************************************************
- * Parameters:
- *	- none -
- *
- * Returns:
- *	int		0 (zero) if no host has been opened before
- *			- OR -
- *			the resultcode from the close function call
- ****************************************************************************/
-int ntpq_closehost(void)
-	if ( numhosts )
-	 return close(sockfd);
-	return 0;
- *
- *  ntpq_read_associations
- *
- *  This function queries the ntp host for its associations and returns the 
- *  number of associations found.
- *
- *  It takes an u_short array as its first parameter, this array holds the 
- *  IDs of the associations, 
- *  the function will not write more entries than specified with the 
- *  max_entries parameter.
- *
- *  However, if more than max_entries associations were found, the return 
- *  value of this function will reflect the real number, even if not all 
- *  associations have been stored in the array.
- *
- ****************************************************************************
- * Parameters:
- *	resultbuf	u_short*Array that should hold the list of
- *				association IDs
- *	maxentries	int	maximum number of association IDs that can
- *				be stored in resultbuf
- *
- * Returns:
- *	int		number of association IDs stored in resultbuf
- *  			- OR -
- *			0 (zero) if a failure occured or no association has
- *			been returned.
- ****************************************************************************/
-int  ntpq_read_associations ( u_short resultbuf[], int max_entries )
-    int i = 0;
-    if (ntpq_dogetassoc()) {       
-        if((int)numassoc < max_entries)
-          max_entries = numassoc;
-        for (i=0;i<max_entries;i++)
-            resultbuf[i] = assoc_cache[i].assid;
-        return numassoc;
-    }
-    return 0;
- *
- *  ntpq_get_assocs
- *
- *  This function reads the associations of a previously selected (with 
- *  ntpq_openhost) NTP host into its own (global) array and returns the 
- *  number of associations found. 
- *
- *  The obtained association IDs can be read by using the ntpq_get_assoc_id 
- *  function.
- *
- ****************************************************************************
- * Parameters:
- *	- none -
- *
- * Returns:
- *	int		number of association IDs stored in resultbuf
- *  			- OR -
- *			0 (zero) if a failure occured or no association has
- *			been returned.
- ****************************************************************************/
- int  ntpq_get_assocs ( void )
-    return ntpq_read_associations( ntpq_associations, MAXASSOC );
- *  
- *  ntpq_get_assoc_number
- *
- *  This function returns for a given Association ID the association number 
- *  in the internal association array, which is filled by the ntpq_get_assocs 
- *  function.
- * 
- ****************************************************************************
- * Parameters:
- *	associd		int	requested associaton ID 
- *
- * Returns:
- *	int		the number of the association array element that is
- *			representing the given association ID
- *  			- OR -
- *			-1 if a failure occured or no matching association 
- * 			ID has been found
- ****************************************************************************/
-int ntpq_get_assoc_number ( associd_t associd )
-	u_int i;
-	for (i=0;i<numassoc;i++) {
-		if (assoc_cache[i].assid == associd)
-			return i;
-	}
-	return -1;
- *  
- *  ntpq_read_assoc_peervars
- *
- *  This function reads the peervars variable-set of a specified association 
- *  from a NTP host and writes it to the result buffer specified, honoring 
- *  the maxsize limit.
- *
- *  It returns the number of bytes written or 0 when the variable-set is 
- *  empty or failed to read.
- *  
- ****************************************************************************
- * Parameters:
- *	associd		int	requested associaton ID 
- *	resultbuf	char*	character buffer where the variable set
- *				should be stored
- *	maxsize		int	the maximum number of bytes that can be
- *				written to resultbuf
- *
- * Returns:
- *	int		number of chars that have been copied to 
- *			resultbuf
- *			- OR - 
- *			0 (zero) if an error occured
- ****************************************************************************/
-	associd_t	associd,
-	char *		resultbuf,
-	int		maxsize
-	)
-	const char *	datap;
-	int		res;
-	int		dsize;
-	u_short		rstatus;
-	res = doquery(CTL_OP_READVAR, associd, 0, 0, NULL, &rstatus,
-		      &dsize, &datap);
-	if (res != 0)
-		return 0;
-	if (dsize <= 0) {
-		if (numhosts > 1)
-			fprintf(stderr, "server=%s ", currenthost);
-		fprintf(stderr,
-			"***No information returned for association %d\n",
-			associd);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if (dsize > maxsize) 
-		dsize = maxsize;
-	memcpy(resultbuf, datap, dsize);
-	return dsize;
- *  
- *  ntpq_read_sysvars
- *
- *  This function reads the sysvars variable-set from a NTP host and writes it
- *  to the result buffer specified, honoring the maxsize limit.
- *
- *  It returns the number of bytes written or 0 when the variable-set is empty
- *  or could not be read.
- *  
- ****************************************************************************
- * Parameters:
- *	resultbuf	char*	character buffer where the variable set
- *				should be stored
- *	maxsize		int	the maximum number of bytes that can be
- *				written to resultbuf
- *
- * Returns:
- *	int		number of chars that have been copied to 
- *			resultbuf
- *			- OR - 
- *			0 (zero) if an error occured
- ****************************************************************************/
-	char *	resultbuf,
-	size_t	maxsize
-	)
-	const char *	datap;
-	int		res;
-	int		i_dsize;
-	size_t		dsize;
-	u_short		rstatus;
-	res = doquery(CTL_OP_READVAR, 0, 0, 0, NULL, &rstatus,
-		      &i_dsize, &datap);
-	if (res != 0)
-		return 0;
-	if (i_dsize == 0) {
-		if (numhosts > 1)
-			fprintf(stderr, "server=%s ", currenthost);
-		fprintf(stderr, "***No sysvar information returned\n");
-		return 0;
-	} else {
-		dsize = max(0, i_dsize);
-		dsize = min(dsize, maxsize);
-		memcpy(resultbuf, datap, dsize);
-	}
-	return dsize;
- *  ntpq_get_assoc_allvars
- *
- *  With this function all association variables for the specified association
- *  ID can be requested from a NTP host. They are stored internally and can be
- *  read by using the ntpq_get_peervar or ntpq_get_clockvar functions.
- *
- *  Basically this is only a combination of the ntpq_get_assoc_peervars and 
- *  ntpq_get_assoc_clockvars functions.
- *
- *  It returns 1 if both variable-sets (peervars and clockvars) were 
- *  received successfully. If one variable-set or both of them weren't 
- *  received,
- *
- ****************************************************************************
- * Parameters:
- *	associd		int	requested associaton ID 
- *
- * Returns:
- *	int		nonzero if at least one variable set could be read
- * 			- OR - 
- *			0 (zero) if an error occured and both variable sets
- *			could not be read
- ****************************************************************************/
- int  ntpq_get_assoc_allvars( associd_t associd  )
-	return ntpq_get_assoc_peervars ( associd ) &
-	       ntpq_get_assoc_clockvars( associd );
- *
- *  ntpq_get_sysvars
- *
- *  The system variables of a NTP host can be requested by using this function
- *  and afterwards using ntpq_get_sysvar to read the single variable values.
- *
- ****************************************************************************
- * Parameters:
- *	- none -
- *
- * Returns:
- *	bool		true if the variable set could be read
- * 			- OR - 
- *			false (zero) if an error occured and the sysvars
- *			could not be read
- ****************************************************************************/
-	sysvarlen = ntpq_read_sysvars(sysvars, sizeof(sysvars));
-	if (sysvarlen <= 0)
-		return false;
-	else
-		return true;
- *  
- *  ntp_get_peervar
- *
- *  This function uses the variable-set which was read by using 
- *  ntp_get_peervars and searches for a variable specified with varname. If 
- *  such a variable exists, it writes its value into
- *  varvalue (maxlen specifies the size of this target buffer).
- *  
- ****************************************************************************
- * Parameters:
- *	varname		char*	requested variable name
- *	varvalue	char*	the buffer where the value should go into
- *	maxlen		int	maximum number of bytes that can be copied to
- *				varvalue
- *
- * Returns:
- *	int		number of bytes copied to varvalue
- * 			- OR - 
- *			0 (zero) if an error occured or the variable could 
- *			not be found
- ****************************************************************************/
-int ntpq_get_peervar( const char *varname, char *varvalue, int maxlen)
-    return ( ntpq_getvar(peervars,peervarlen,varname,varvalue,maxlen) );
- *  
- *  ntpq_get_assoc_peervars
- *
- *  This function requests the peer variables of the specified association 
- *  from a NTP host. In order to access the variable values, the function 
- *  ntpq_get_peervar must be used.
- *
- ****************************************************************************
- * Parameters:
- *	associd		int	requested associaton ID 
- *
- * Returns:
- *	bool		true if the peervars have been read
- * 			- OR - 
- *			false if an error occured and the variable set
- *			could not be read
- ****************************************************************************/
-	associd_t associd
-	)
-	peervarlen = ntpq_read_assoc_peervars(associd, peervars, 
-					      sizeof(peervars));
-	if (peervarlen <= 0) {
-		peervar_assoc = 0;
-		return false;
-	}
-	peervar_assoc = associd;
-	return true;
- *  
- *  ntp_read_assoc_clockvars
- *
- *  This function reads the clockvars variable-set of a specified association
- *  from a NTP host and writes it to the result buffer specified, honoring 
- *  the maxsize limit.
- *
- *  It returns the number of bytes written or 0 when the variable-set is 
- *  empty or failed to read.
- *  
- ****************************************************************************
- * Parameters:
- *	associd		int	requested associaton ID 
- *	resultbuf	char*	character buffer where the variable set
- *				should be stored
- *	maxsize		int	the maximum number of bytes that can be
- *				written to resultbuf
- *
- * Returns:
- *	int		number of chars that have been copied to 
- *			resultbuf
- *			- OR - 
- *			0 (zero) if an error occured
- ****************************************************************************/
-	associd_t	associd,
-	char *		resultbuf,
-	int		maxsize
-	)
-	const char *datap;
-	int res;
-	int dsize;
-	u_short rstatus;
-	res = ntpq_doquerylist(ntpq_varlist, CTL_OP_READCLOCK, associd,
-			       0, &rstatus, &dsize, &datap);
-	if (res != 0)
-		return 0;
-	if (dsize == 0) {
-		if (numhosts > 1) /* no information returned from server */
-			return 0;
-	} else {
-		if (dsize > maxsize) 
-			dsize = maxsize;
-		memcpy(resultbuf, datap, dsize);
-	}
-	return dsize;
- *  
- *  ntpq_get_assoc_clocktype
- *
- *  This function returns a clocktype value for a given association number 
- *  (not ID!):
- *
- *  NTP_CLOCKTYPE_UNKNOWN   Unknown clock type
- *  NTP_CLOCKTYPE_BROADCAST Broadcast server
- *  NTP_CLOCKTYPE_LOCAL     Local clock
- *  NTP_CLOCKTYPE_UNICAST   Unicast server
- *  NTP_CLOCKTYPE_MULTICAST Multicast server
- * 
- ****************************************************************************/
-	int assoc_index
-	)
-	associd_t	associd;
-	int		i;
-	int		rc;
-	sockaddr_u	dum_store;
-	char		dstadr[NI_MAXHOST];
-	char		resultbuf[NTPQ_BUFLEN];
-	if (assoc_index < 0 || assoc_index >= (int)numassoc)
-		return -1;
-	associd = assoc_cache[assoc_index].assid;
-	if (associd == peervar_assoc) {
-		rc = ntpq_get_peervar("dstadr", dstadr, sizeof(dstadr));
-	} else {
-		i = ntpq_read_assoc_peervars(associd, resultbuf,
-					     sizeof(resultbuf));
-		if (i <= 0)
-			return -1;
-		rc = ntpq_getvar(resultbuf, i, "dstadr", dstadr,
-				 sizeof(dstadr));
-	}
-	if (0 != rc && decodenetnum(dstadr, &dum_store))
-		return ntpq_decodeaddrtype(&dum_store);
-	return -1;
- *  
- *  ntpq_get_assoc_clockvars
- *
- *  With this function the clock variables of the specified association are 
- *  requested from a NTP host. This makes only sense for associations with 
- *  the type 'l' (Local Clock) and you should check this with 
- *  ntpq_get_assoc_clocktype for each association, before you use this function
- *  on it.
- *
- ****************************************************************************
- * Parameters:
- *	associd		int	requested associaton ID 
- *
- * Returns:
- *	bool		true if the clockvars have been read
- * 			- OR - 
- *			false if an error occured and the variable set
- *			could not be read
- ****************************************************************************/
-bool ntpq_get_assoc_clockvars( associd_t associd )
-	if (NTP_CLOCKTYPE_LOCAL != ntpq_get_assoc_clocktype(
-	    ntpq_get_assoc_number(associd)))
-		return false;
-	clockvarlen = ntpq_read_assoc_clockvars( associd, clockvars,
-						 sizeof(clockvars) );
-	if ( clockvarlen <= 0 ) {
-		clockvar_assoc = 0;
-		return false;
-	} else {
-		clockvar_assoc = associd;
-		return true;
-	}

--- a/ntpq/libntpq.h
+++ b/ntpq/libntpq.h
@@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ struct ntpq_varlist {
 /* global variables used for holding snapshots of data */
-#ifndef LIBNTPQ_C
 extern char peervars[];
 extern int peervarlen;
 extern int peervar_assoc;
@@ -67,9 +66,6 @@ extern char sysvars[];
 extern int sysvarlen;
 extern char *ntpq_resultbuffer[];
 extern struct ntpq_varlist ntpq_varlist[MAXLIST];
  * Prototypes of exported libary functions

ntpq/libntpq_subs.c deleted
--- a/ntpq/libntpq_subs.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
- *
- *  libntpq_subs.c
- *
- *  This is the second part of the wrapper library for ntpq, the NTP query utility. 
- *  This library reuses the sourcecode from ntpq and exports a number
- *  of useful functions in a library that can be linked against applications
- *  that need to query the status of a running ntpd. The whole 
- *  communcation is based on mode 6 packets.
- *
- *  This source file exports the (private) functions from ntpq-subs.c 
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
-#include "ntpq-subs.c"
-#include "libntpq.h"
-int ntpq_dogetassoc(void)
-	if (dogetassoc(NULL))
-		return numassoc;
-	else
-		return 0;	
-/* the following functions are required internally by a number of libntpq functions 
- * and since they are defined as static in ntpq-subs.c, they need to be exported here
- */
-char ntpq_decodeaddrtype(sockaddr_u *sock)
-	return decodeaddrtype(sock);
-	struct ntpq_varlist *vlist,
-	int op,
-	associd_t associd,
-	int auth,
-	u_short *rstatus,
-	int *dsize,
-	const char **datap
-	)
-	return doquerylist((struct varlist *)vlist, op, associd, auth,
-			   rstatus, dsize, datap);

--- a/ntpq/ntpq.c
+++ b/ntpq/ntpq.c
@@ -148,13 +148,11 @@ static	int	sendpkt		(void *, size_t);
 static	int	getresponse	(int, int, u_short *, int *, const char **, int);
 static	int	sendrequest	(int, associd_t, int, int, const char *);
 static	char *	tstflags	(u_long);
-#ifndef BUILD_AS_LIB
 static	void	getcmds		(void);
 static	void abortcmd	(int);
 static	void	docmd		(const char *);
 static	void	tokenize	(const char *, char **, int *);
 static	bool	getarg		(const char *, int, arg_v *);
-#endif	/* BUILD_AS_LIB */
 static	int	findcmd		(const char *, struct xcmd *,
 				 struct xcmd *, struct xcmd **);
 static	bool	decodearr	(char *, int *, l_fp *);
@@ -379,7 +377,6 @@ extern struct xcmd opcmds[];
 char *progname;
-#ifndef BUILD_AS_LIB
 void clear_globals(void)
@@ -393,7 +390,6 @@ void clear_globals(void)
 	numcmds = 0;
 	numhosts = 0;
-#endif /* !BUILD_AS_LIB */
 #endif /* NO_MAIN_ALLOWED */
 #define ALL_OPTIONS "46c:dhD:inOpVw"
@@ -435,7 +431,6 @@ main(
-#ifndef BUILD_AS_LIB
 static void ntpq_usage(void)
 #define P(x)	fputs(x, stderr)
@@ -649,7 +644,6 @@ ntpqmain(
 	return 0;
-#endif /* !BUILD_AS_LIB */
  * openhost - open a socket to a host
@@ -1460,7 +1454,6 @@ doqueryex(
-#ifndef BUILD_AS_LIB
  * getcmds - read commands from the standard input and execute them
@@ -1482,10 +1475,7 @@ getcmds(void)
-#endif /* !BUILD_AS_LIB */
-#if !defined(BUILD_AS_LIB)
  * abortcmd - catch interrupts and abort the current command
@@ -1502,10 +1492,7 @@ abortcmd(
 	(void) fflush(stderr);
 	if (jump) longjmp(interrupt_buf, 1);
-#endif	/* !BUILD_AS_LIB */
-#ifndef	BUILD_AS_LIB
  * docmd - decode the command line and execute a command
@@ -1765,8 +1752,6 @@ getarg(
 	return true;
-#endif	/* !BUILD_AS_LIB */
  * findcmd - find a command in a command description table

--- a/ntpq/wscript
+++ b/ntpq/wscript
@@ -2,17 +2,6 @@ def build(ctx):
 	srcnode = ctx.srcnode.abspath()
 	bldnode = ctx.bldnode.abspath()
-	libntpq_source = [
-		"libntpq.c",		#XXX why
-		"libntpq_subs.c",	#XXX why
-	]
-	ctx(
-		target		= "libntpq",
-		features	= "c bld_include src_include libisc_include",
-		source		= libntpq_source,
-	)
 	ntpq_source = [

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