[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][master] Now that ntpsweep has been Pythonized, the Perl utility libraries can go away.

Eric S. Raymond gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Fri Sep 9 12:26:53 UTC 2016

Eric S. Raymond pushed to branch master at NTPsec / ntpsec

dc20b2b5 by Eric S. Raymond at 2016-09-09T08:25:21-04:00
Now that ntpsweep has been Pythonized, the Perl utility libraries can go away.

- - - - -

3 changed files:

- − perllib/NTP/Mode6/Packet.pm
- − perllib/NTP/Util.pm


--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -77,6 +77,10 @@ ntpq/::		Directory containing sources for a utility program to
 ntpstats/::	Statistics visualization and analysis tools built around
 		the Python ntpstats.py module. Includes ntpviz.
+ntpsweep/::	Directory containing source for a utility program that can
+		fetch basic information about timservers, recursing through
+		peers to map the nearby topology of the time-service network.
 ntptime/:: 	Directory containing a utility for reading and modifying
 		kernel parameters related to the local clock.
@@ -89,13 +93,10 @@ ntpwait/::	Directory containing a script that blocks until ntpd is
 		in state 4 (synchronized). Useful at boot time, to delay
 		the boot sequence until after "ntpd -g" has set the time.
-perllib/::	NTP interface package required to query Mode 6 packets
-		from the daemon from Perl scripts.
 ports/::	Subdirectories of this contain code for non-Unix operating
 		systems.  At present there is just one, for Windows.
-pylib/::	Installable Python helper classes.
+pylib/::	Installable Python helper classes for scripts.
 tests/::	Self-test code.

perllib/NTP/Mode6/Packet.pm deleted
--- a/perllib/NTP/Mode6/Packet.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-package NTP::Mode6::Packet;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Carp;
-use Exporter qw(import);
-our %EXPORT_TAGS = (const => \@EXPORT_OK);
-use constant { 
-    OP_UNSPEC         => 0,  # unspeciffied
-    OP_READSTAT       => 1,  # read status
-    OP_READVAR        => 2,  # read variables
-    OP_WRITEVAR       => 3,  # write variables
-    OP_READCLOCK      => 4,  # read clock variables
-    OP_WRITECLOCK     => 5,  # write clock variables
-    OP_SETTRAP        => 6,  # set trap address (obsolete, unused)
-    OP_ASYNCMSG       => 7,  # asynchronous message
-    OP_CONFIGURE      => 8,  # runtime configuration
-    OP_READ_MRU       => 10, # retrieve MRU (mrulist)
-    OP_READ_ORDLIST_A => 11, # ordered list req. auth.
-    OP_REQ_NONCE      => 12, # request a client nonce
-    OP_UNSETTRAP      => 31, # unset trap (obsolete, unused)
-use constant {
-    SST_TS_UNSPEC    => 0, # unspec
-    SST_TS_ATOM      => 1, # pps
-    SST_TS_LF        => 2, # lf radio
-    SST_TS_HF        => 3, # hf radio
-    SST_TS_UHF       => 4, # uhf radio
-    SST_TS_LOCAL     => 5, # local
-    SST_TS_NTP       => 6, # ntp
-    SST_TS_UDPTIME   => 7, # other
-    SST_TS_WRSTWTCH  => 8, # wristwatch
-    SST_TS_TELEPHONE => 9, # telephone
-use constant CTL_HEADER_LENGTH => 12;
-sub new {
-    my ($class, %opts) = @_;
-    my $self = {
-        version      => defined $opts{version}     ? $opts{version}     : 2,
-        leap         => defined $opts{leap}        ? $opts{leap}        : 0,
-        sequence     => defined $opts{sequence}    ? $opts{sequence}    : 0,
-        status       => defined $opts{status}      ? $opts{status}      : 0,
-        assoc_id     => defined $opts{assoc_id}    ? $opts{assoc_id}    : 0,
-        offset       => defined $opts{offset}      ? $opts{offset}      : 0,
-        error_bit    => defined $opts{is_error}    ? $opts{is_error}    : 0,
-        response_bit => defined $opts{is_response} ? $opts{is_response} : 0,
-        more_bit     => defined $opts{more}        ? $opts{more}        : 0,
-        opcode       => defined $opts{opcode}      ? $opts{opcode}      : 0,
-    };
-    my $ret = bless $self, $class;
-    if (defined $opts{data}) {
-        $self->data($opts{data});
-    }
-    else {
-        $self->data('');
-    }
-    return $ret;
-sub version {
-    my ($self, $version) = @_;
-    $self->{version} = $version if defined $version;
-    return $self->{version};
-sub leap {
-    my ($self, $leap) = @_;
-    $self->{leap} = 1 if $leap;
-    return $self->{leap};
-sub assoc_id {
-    my ($self, $assoc_id) = @_;
-    $self->{assoc_id} = $assoc_id if defined $assoc_id;
-    return $self->{assoc_id};
-sub is_response {
-    my ($self, $is_response) = @_;
-    $self->{response_bit} = 1 if defined $is_response;
-    return $self->{response_bit};
-sub is_command {
-    my ($self, $is_command) = @_;
-    $self->{response_bit} = 0 if $is_command;
-    return !$self->{response_bit};
-sub is_error {
-    my ($self, $is_error) = @_;
-    $self->{error_bit} = $is_error if defined $is_error;
-    return $self->{error_bit};
-sub more {
-    my ($self, $is_more) = @_;
-    $self->{more_bit} = $is_more if defined $is_more;
-    return $self->{more_bit};
-sub opcode {
-    my ($self, $opcode) = @_;
-    $self->{opcode} = $opcode if defined $opcode;
-    return $self->{opcode};
-sub sequence {
-    my ($self, $sequence) = @_;
-    $self->{sequence} = $sequence if defined $sequence;
-    return $self->{sequence};
-sub status {
-    my ($self, $status) = @_;
-    $self->{status} = $status if defined $status;
-    return $self->{status};
-sub offset {
-    my ($self, $offset) = @_;
-    $self->{offset} = $offset if defined $offset;
-    return $self->{offset};
-sub data_length {
-    my $self = shift;
-    return $self->{count};
-sub data {
-    my ($self, $data) = @_;
-    if (defined $data) {
-        # TODO: prevent passing unicode?
-        $self->{count} = length $data;
-        $self->{data} = $data;
-    }
-    return $self->{data};
-sub encode {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $li_vn_mode = 0;
-    $li_vn_mode = ($self->leap() & 7) << 3;
-    $li_vn_mode |= ($self->version() & 7) << 3;
-    $li_vn_mode |= 6;
-    my $r_m_e_op = 0;
-    $r_m_e_op |= 0x80 if $self->is_response;
-    $r_m_e_op |= 0x40 if $self->is_error;
-    $r_m_e_op |= 0x20 if $self->more;
-    $r_m_e_op |= $self->opcode;
-    # Align to 32-bit boundary
-    my $padding = 0;
-    while (($self->data_length()+CTL_HEADER_LENGTH+$padding) & 3) {
-        $padding++;
-    }
-    my $msg = pack "CCnnnnnA*C$padding", $li_vn_mode, $r_m_e_op,
-        $self->sequence, $self->status, $self->assoc_id, $self->offset,
-        $self->data_length, $self->data, 0 x $padding;
-    return $msg;
-sub decode {
-    my ($self, $msg) = @_;
-    my @res = unpack 'CCnnnnnA*', $msg;
-    my $li_vn_mode = shift @res;
-    my $mode = 3;
-    $mode = $li_vn_mode & 0x7;
-    croak 'Not an NTP Mode 6 packet' if $mode != 6;
-    $self->version(($li_vn_mode >> 3) & 0x7);
-    $self->leap(($li_vn_mode >> 6) & 0x3);
-    my $r_m_e_op = shift @res;
-    $r_m_e_op & 0x80 ? 
-        $self->is_response(1) :
-        $self->is_command(1);
-    $self->is_error(1) if $r_m_e_op & 0x40;
-    $self->more(1)     if $r_m_e_op & 0x20;
-    $self->opcode($r_m_e_op & 0x1f);
-    $self->sequence(shift @res);
-    $self->status(shift @res);
-    $self->assoc_id(shift @res);
-    $self->offset(shift @res);
-    my $count = shift @res;
-    $self->data(shift @res);
-    croak "count($count) != recieved data length(".$self->data_length.")"
-        if $self->data_length != $count;
-sub eq {
-    my ($self, $ex) = @_;
-    croak 'Not a NTP::Mode6::Packet object' 
-        if ref $ex ne 'NTP::Mode6::Packet';
-    #TODO: move diag out of this method
-    my @diag;
-    for (grep { $_ !~ /^(data|count)$/ } keys %$self) {
-        push @diag, "$_: $self->{$_} | $ex->{$_}" 
-            if $self->{ $_ } != $ex->{ $_ };
-    }
-    push @diag, "data: $self->{data} | $ex->{data}" 
-        if $self->{data} ne $ex->{data};
-    return join "\n", @diag;

perllib/NTP/Util.pm deleted
--- a/perllib/NTP/Util.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-package NTP::Util;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Exporter 'import';
-use Carp;
-use version 0.77;
-our @EXPORT_OK = qw(ntp_read_vars do_dns ntp_peers ntp_ntpdig_line);
-my $ntpq_path = 'ntpq';
-my $ntpdig_path = 'ntpdig';
-    require Socket;
-    if (version->parse($Socket::VERSION) >= version->parse(1.94)) {
-        Socket->import(qw(getaddrinfo getnameinfo SOCK_RAW AF_INET));
-        $IP_AGNOSTIC = 1;
-    }
-    else {
-        Socket->import(qw(inet_aton SOCK_RAW AF_INET));
-    }
-my %obsolete_vars = (
-    phase          => 'offset',
-    rootdispersion => 'rootdisp',
-sub ntp_read_vars {
-    my ($peer, $vars, $host) = @_;
-    my $do_all   = !@$vars;
-    my %out_vars = map {; $_ => undef } @$vars;
-    $out_vars{status_line} = {} if $do_all;
-    my $cmd = "$ntpq_path -n -c 'rv $peer ".(join ',', @$vars)."'";
-    $cmd .= " $host" if defined $host;
-    $cmd .= " |";
-    open my $fh, $cmd or croak "Could not start ntpq: $!";
-    while (<$fh>) {
-        return undef if /Connection refused/;
-        if (/^asso?c?id=0 status=(\S{4}) (\S+), (\S+),/gi) {
-            $out_vars{status_line}{status} = $1;
-            $out_vars{status_line}{leap}   = $2;
-            $out_vars{status_line}{sync}   = $3;
-        }
-        while (/(\w+)=([^,]+),?\s/g) {
-            my ($var, $val) = ($1, $2);
-            $val =~ s/^"([^"]+)"$/$1/;
-            $var = $obsolete_vars{$var} if exists $obsolete_vars{$var};
-            if ($do_all) {
-                $out_vars{$var} = $val
-            }
-            else {
-                $out_vars{$var} = $val if exists $out_vars{$var};
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    close $fh or croak "running ntpq failed: $! (exit status $?)";
-    return \%out_vars;
-sub do_dns {
-    my ($host) = @_;
-    if ($IP_AGNOSTIC) {
-        my ($err, $res);
-        ($err, $res) = getaddrinfo($host, '', {socktype => SOCK_RAW});
-        die "getaddrinfo failed: $err\n" if $err;
-        ($err, $res) = getnameinfo($res->{addr}, 0);
-        die "getnameinfo failed: $err\n" if $err;
-        return $res;
-    }
-    # Too old perl, do only ipv4
-    elsif ($host =~ /^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})$/) {
-        return gethostbyaddr inet_aton($host), AF_INET;
-    }
-    else {
-        return;
-    }
-sub ntp_peers {
-    my ($host) = @_;
-    $host ||= '';
-    my $cmd = "$ntpq_path -npw $host |";
-    open my $fh, $cmd or croak "Could not start ntpq: $!";
-    <$fh> for 1 .. 2;
-    my @columns = qw(tally host refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter);
-    my @peers;
-    while (<$fh>) {
-        if (/^([ x+#*o-])((?:[\w.*:-]+\s+){10}|([\w.*:-]+\s+))$/) {
-            my $col = 0;
-	    my @line = ($1, split /\s+/, $2);
-	    if( @line == 2 ) {
-		defined ($_ = <$fh>) or last;
-		s/^\s+//;
-		push @line, split /\s+/;
-	    }
-	    my $r = { map {; $columns[ $col++ ] => $_ } @line };
-	    $r->{remote} = $r->{tally} . $r->{host};
-            push @peers, $r;
-        }
-        else {
-            #TODO return error (but not needed anywhere now)
-            warn "ERROR: $_";
-        }
-    }
-    close $fh or croak "running ntpq failed: $! (exit status $?)";
-    return \@peers;
-# TODO: we don't need this but it would be nice to have all the line parsed
-sub ntp_ntpdig_line {
-    my ($host) = @_;
-    my $cmd = "$ntpdig_path $host |";
-    open my $fh, $cmd or croak "Could not start ntpdig: $!";
-    my ($offset, $stratum);
-    while (<$fh>) {
-        next if !/^\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d/;
-        chomp;
-        my @output = split / /;
-        $offset = $output[3];
-        ($stratum = $output[7]) =~ s/s(\d{1,2})/$1/;
-    }
-    close $fh or croak "running ntpdig failed: $! (exit status $?)";
-    return ($offset, $stratum);

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/commit/dc20b2b58585cb9210bbeb6635b8a3dcad713d93
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