[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][master] Fix Histogram units, us/ns for RMS Jitter
Gary E. Miller
gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Thu Sep 8 02:41:22 UTC 2016
Gary E. Miller pushed to branch master at NTPsec / ntpsec
f5d78501 by Gary E. Miller at 2016-09-07T19:40:29-07:00
Fix Histogram units, us/ns for RMS Jitter
- - - - -
1 changed file:
- ntpstats/ntpviz
--- a/ntpstats/ntpviz
+++ b/ntpstats/ntpviz
@@ -222,7 +222,8 @@ plot \
sys.stderr.write("ntpviz: WARNING: no loopstats to graph\n")
return ''
unit = "μs"
- multiplier = 1000000
+ multiplier = 1e6
+ rnd = 3
sitename = self.sitename
# grab and sort the values, no need for the timestamp, etc.
@@ -231,25 +232,27 @@ plot \
ninetynine, ninetyfive, five, one = \
self.percentiles( (99,95, 5, 1), values)
- ninetynine = round( ninetynine * multiplier, 3)
- ninetyfive = round( ninetyfive * multiplier, 3)
- five = round( five * multiplier, 3)
- one = round( one * multiplier, 3)
- nf_m_f = ninetyfive - five
- nn_m_o = ninetynine - one
- if 1000 <= ninetynine:
+ if 1e3 <= ninetynine and -1e3 >= one:
# go to millisec
unit = "ms"
- multiplier = 1000
- ninetynine /= 1000
- ninetyfive /= 1000
- five /= 1000
- one /= 1000
- nf_m_f /= 1000
- nn_m_o /= 1000
+ multiplier = 1e3
+ else:
+ if 1e6 > ninetynine and -1e6 < one:
+ # go to nanosec
+ unit = "ns"
+ multiplier = 1e9
+ rnd = 0
+ sys.stderr.write( " 99 = %(ninetynine)s, 1 = %(one)s \n" % locals() )
+ ninetynine = round( ninetynine * multiplier, rnd)
+ ninetyfive = round( ninetyfive * multiplier, rnd)
+ five = round( five * multiplier, rnd)
+ one = round( one * multiplier, rnd)
+ nf_m_f = ninetyfive - five
+ nn_m_o = ninetynine - one
plot_template = NTPViz.Common + """\
set title "%(sitename)s: %(title)s"
@@ -411,7 +414,9 @@ plot \
values = [float(line.split()[1]) for line in self.loopstats]
- multiplier = 1000000
+ unit = "μs"
+ multiplier = 1e6
+ rnd = 7
mu = mean( values )
values_mean = mu * multiplier
values_mean_str = str( round( values_mean, 3 ) )
@@ -429,11 +434,17 @@ plot \
five = round( five * multiplier, 2)
one = round( one * multiplier, 2)
+ if 1 > ninetynine and -1 < one:
+ # go to nanosec
+ unit = "ns"
+ multiplier = 1e9
+ rnd = 9
cnt = collections.Counter()
for value in values:
# put into 100 nSec buckets
# for a +/- 50 microSec range that is 1,000 buckets to plot
- cnt[ round( float(value), 7)] += 1
+ cnt[ round( float(value), rnd)] += 1
# skip the mean
#set label 3 "mean = %(values_mean_str)s μs" at graph 0.01,0.3 left front
@@ -443,7 +454,7 @@ set terminal png size 900,600
set grid
set xtic rotate by -45 scale 0
set title "%(sitename)s: Local Clock Time Offset - Histogram"
-set xtics format "%%1.1f μs" nomirror
+set xtics format "%%1.1f %(unit)s" nomirror
set style arrow 1 nohead
set arrow from %(m1sigma)s,0 to %(m1sigma)s,graph 0.90 as 1
set style arrow 2 nohead
@@ -466,13 +477,13 @@ set label 3 "99%%" at %(ninetynine)s, graph 0.35 left front offset -1,-1
set label 4 "95%%" at %(ninetyfive)s, graph 0.50 left front offset -1,-1
set label 5 "1%%" at %(one)s, graph 0.35 left front offset -1,-1
set label 6 "5%%" at %(five)s, graph 0.50 left front offset -1,-1
-set label 10 "1σ = %(values_pstd)s μs" at graph 0.99,0.95 right front
-set label 11 "99%% = %(ninetynine)s μs" at graph 0.99,0.90 right front
-set label 12 "95%% = %(ninetyfive)s μs" at graph 0.99,0.85 right front
-set label 13 "5%% = %(five)s μs" at graph 0.99,0.80 right front
-set label 14 "1%% = %(one)s μs" at graph 0.99,0.75 right front
+set label 10 "1σ = %(values_pstd)s %(unit)s" at graph 0.99,0.95 right front
+set label 11 "99%% = %(ninetynine)s %(unit)s" at graph 0.99,0.90 right front
+set label 12 "95%% = %(ninetyfive)s %(unit)s" at graph 0.99,0.85 right front
+set label 13 "5%% = %(five)s %(unit)s" at graph 0.99,0.80 right front
+set label 14 "1%% = %(one)s %(unit)s" at graph 0.99,0.75 right front
plot \
- "-" using ($1 * 1000000):2 title "histogram" with boxes
+ "-" using ($1 * %(multiplier)s):2 title "histogram" with boxes
''' % locals()
vals = list(cnt.keys())
View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/commit/f5d78501dfb42c6f4fe06e932901fbbbe756e1e4
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