[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][master] 2 commits: Add scaling to Freq Jitter plots.
Gary E. Miller
gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Sun Sep 4 19:27:38 UTC 2016
Gary E. Miller pushed to branch master at NTPsec / ntpsec
028eae05 by Gary E. Miller at 2016-09-04T12:22:48-07:00
Add scaling to Freq Jitter plots.
Change from uSec to mSec whan it looks better.
- - - - -
23b9f3f5 by Gary E. Miller at 2016-09-04T12:26:12-07:00
Tweak Histogram for whan the clock has a lot of jitter.
The 1% and 5% are higher to be seen in jittery data.
- - - - -
1 changed file:
- ntpstats/ntpviz
--- a/ntpstats/ntpviz
+++ b/ntpstats/ntpviz
@@ -201,6 +201,9 @@ plot \
if not len( self.loopstats):
sys.stderr.write("ntpviz: WARNING: no loopstats to graph\n")
return ''
+ unit = "μs"
+ multiplier = 1000000
sitename = self.sitename
ninetynine = self.percentile(fld, 99, self.loopstats) * 1000000
ninetyfive = self.percentile(fld, 95, self.loopstats) * 1000000
@@ -208,20 +211,33 @@ plot \
one = self.percentile(fld, 1, self.loopstats) * 1000000
nf_m_f = ninetyfive - five
nn_m_o = ninetynine - one
+ if 1000 <= ninetynine:
+ # go to millisec
+ unit = "ms"
+ multiplier = 1000
+ ninetynine /= 1000
+ ninetyfive /= 1000
+ five /= 1000
+ one /= 1000
+ nf_m_f /= 1000
+ nn_m_o /= 1000
plot_template = NTPViz.Common + """\
set title "%(sitename)s: %(title)s"
-set ytics format "@1.2f μs" nomirror
+set ytics format "%%1.2f %(unit)s" nomirror
set key top right box
set style line 1 lc rgb '#0060ad' lt 1 lw 1 pt 7 ps 0 # --- blue
set style line 2 lc rgb '#dd181f' lt 1 lw 1 pt 5 ps 0 # --- red
-set label 1 gprintf("99@@ = %(ninetynine)s μs",99) at graph 0.01,0.95 left front
-set label 2 gprintf("95@@ = %(ninetyfive)s μs",95) at graph 0.01,0.9 left front
-set label 3 gprintf(" 5@@ = %(five)s μs",5) at graph 0.01,0.85 left front
-set label 4 gprintf(" 1@@ = %(one)s μs",1) at graph 0.01,0.8 left front
-set label 5 gprintf("95@@ - 5@@ = %(nf_m_f)s μs",90) at graph 0.01,0.75 left front
-set label 6 gprintf("99@@ - 1@@ = %(nn_m_o)s μs",98) at graph 0.01,0.7 left front
+set label 1 "99%% = %(ninetynine)s %(unit)s" at graph 0.01,0.95 left front
+set label 2 "95%% = %(ninetyfive)s %(unit)s" at graph 0.01,0.9 left front
+set label 3 " 5%% = %(five)s %(unit)s" at graph 0.01,0.85 left front
+set label 4 " 1%% = %(one)s %(unit)s" at graph 0.01,0.8 left front
+set label 5 "95%% - 5%% = %(nf_m_f)s %(unit)s" at graph 0.01,0.75 left front
+set label 6 "99%% - 1%% = %(nn_m_o)s %(unit)s" at graph 0.01,0.7 left front
plot \
- "-" using 1:($%(fld)d*1000000) title "%(legend)s" with linespoints ls 1, \
+ "-" using 1:($%(fld)d*%(multiplier)s) title "%(legend)s" with linespoints ls 1, \
%(ninetynine)s title "99th percentile", \
%(ninetyfive)s title "95th percentile", \
%(five)s title "5th percentile", \
@@ -400,23 +416,23 @@ set arrow from %(m1sigma)s,0 to %(m1sigma)s,graph 0.90 as 1
set style arrow 2 nohead
set arrow from %(p1sigma)s,0 to %(p1sigma)s,graph 0.90 as 2
set style arrow 3 nohead
-set arrow from %(ninetynine)s,0 to %(ninetynine)s,graph 0.15 as 3
+set arrow from %(ninetynine)s,0 to %(ninetynine)s,graph 0.30 as 3
set style arrow 4 nohead
-set arrow from %(ninetyfive)s,0 to %(ninetyfive)s,graph 0.30 as 4
+set arrow from %(ninetyfive)s,0 to %(ninetyfive)s,graph 0.45 as 4
set style arrow 5 nohead
-set arrow from %(five)s,0 to %(five)s,graph 0.30 as 5
+set arrow from %(five)s,0 to %(five)s,graph 0.45 as 5
set style arrow 6 nohead
-set arrow from %(one)s,0 to %(one)s,graph 0.15 as 6
+set arrow from %(one)s,0 to %(one)s,graph 0.30 as 6
set key off
set lmargin 12
set rmargin 12
set style fill solid 0.5
set label 1 "-1σ" at %(m1sigma)s, graph 0.96 left front offset -1,-1
set label 2 "+1σ" at %(p1sigma)s, graph 0.96 left front offset -1,-1
-set label 3 "99%%" at %(ninetynine)s, graph 0.20 left front offset -1,-1
-set label 4 "95%%" at %(ninetyfive)s, graph 0.35 left front offset -1,-1
-set label 5 "1%%" at %(one)s, graph 0.20 left front offset -1,-1
-set label 6 "5%%" at %(five)s, graph 0.35 left front offset -1,-1
+set label 3 "99%%" at %(ninetynine)s, graph 0.35 left front offset -1,-1
+set label 4 "95%%" at %(ninetyfive)s, graph 0.50 left front offset -1,-1
+set label 5 "1%%" at %(one)s, graph 0.35 left front offset -1,-1
+set label 6 "5%%" at %(five)s, graph 0.50 left front offset -1,-1
set label 10 "1σ = %(values_pstd)s μs" at graph 0.99,0.95 right front
set label 11 "99%% = %(ninetynine)s μs" at graph 0.99,0.90 right front
set label 12 "95%% = %(ninetyfive)s μs" at graph 0.99,0.85 right front
View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/compare/69e02b4181943f6c56d81f937b9fc8804863f161...23b9f3f5591d7512b1829ffc0135d4c2f41dca06
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