[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][master] 2 commits: ntpviz: fix --help option. % strikes again...
Gary E. Miller
gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Wed Oct 19 20:18:44 UTC 2016
Gary E. Miller pushed to branch master at NTPsec / ntpsec
2c10d356 by Gary E. Miller at 2016-10-19T13:18:21-07:00
ntpviz: fix --help option. % strikes again...
- - - - -
8800be5d by Gary E. Miller at 2016-10-19T13:18:21-07:00
ntpviz: fix --local-error, remove stry \n's.
- - - - -
1 changed file:
- ntpstats/ntpviz
--- a/ntpstats/ntpviz
+++ b/ntpstats/ntpviz
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ set rmargin 12
# Python slice is too dumb to do this the easy way
# fields: time, time offset, and freq offset
plot_data += row[0] + ' ' + row[1] + ' ' + row[2] + '\n'
- plot_data += "\ne\n"
+ plot_data += "e\n"
# compute clock offset
values = [float(line[1]) for line in self.loopstats]
@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ file.</p>
# Python slice is too dumb to do this the easy way
# fields: time, temp
plot_data += row[0] + ' ' + row[2] + '\n'
- plot_data += "\ne\n"
+ plot_data += "e\n"
plot_template = NTPViz.Common + """\
set title "%(sitename)s: Local Temparatures"
@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ component of frequency drift.</p>
# Python slice is too dumb to do this the easy way
# fields: time, tdop, nSats
plot_data += row[0] + ' ' + row[2] + ' ' + row[3] + '\n'
- plot_data += "\ne\n"
+ plot_data += "e\n"
plot_template = NTPViz.Common + """\
set title "%(sitename)s: Local GPS
@@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ gpsd log file is created by the gps-log.py program.</p>
# grab and sort the values, no need for the timestamp, etc.
# compute freqency offset
- values = [float(line.split()[2]) for line in self.loopstats]
+ values = [float(line[2]) for line in self.loopstats]
stats = VizStats( values, "Local Clock Frequency Offset", freq=1, )
# build the output dictionary, because Python can not format
@@ -489,6 +489,14 @@ gpsd log file is created by the gps-log.py program.</p>
out = stats.percs
out["sitename"] = self.sitename
+ # speed up by only sending gnuplot the data it will actually use
+ plot_data = ''
+ for row in self.loopstats:
+ # Python slice is too dumb to do this the easy way
+ # fields: time, freq error
+ plot_data += row[0] + ' ' + row[2] + '\n'
+ plot_data += "e\n"
plot_template = NTPViz.Common + """\
set title "%(sitename)s: Local Clock Frequency Offset%(clipped)s"
set ytics format "%%1.1f %(unit)s" nomirror
@@ -497,7 +505,7 @@ set key bottom right box
set style line 1 lc rgb '#0060ad' lt 1 lw 1 pt 7 ps 0 # --- blue
set style line 2 lc rgb '#dd181f' lt 1 lw 1 pt 5 ps 0 # --- red
plot \
- "-" using 1:($3 * %(multiplier)s) title "local clock error" with linespoints ls 2, \
+ "-" using 1:($2 * %(multiplier)s) title "local clock error" with linespoints ls 2, \
%(p99)s title "99th percentile", \
%(p95)s title "95th percentile", \
%(p5)s title "5th percentile", \
@@ -518,7 +526,7 @@ line at 0ppm. Expected values of 99%-1% percentiles: 0.4ppm</p>
ret = {'html' : stats.stats_html + exp, 'stats' : [stats] }
ret['title'] = "Local Clock Frequency Offset"
- ret['plot'] = plot_template + self.dump("loopstats") + "e\n"
+ ret['plot'] = plot_template + plot_data
return ret
def loopstats_gnuplot(self, fld, title, legend, freq):
@@ -533,7 +541,7 @@ line at 0ppm. Expected values of 99%-1% percentiles: 0.4ppm</p>
# Python slice is too dumb to do this the easy way
# fields: time, fld, and rtt
plot_data += row[0] + ' ' + row[fld - 1] + '\n'
- plot_data += "\ne\n"
+ plot_data += "e\n"
# grab and process the values
values = [float(line[fld - 1]) for line in self.loopstats]
@@ -633,7 +641,7 @@ plot \
# Python slice is too dumb to do this the easy way
# fields: time, fld, and rtt
plot_data += row[0] + ' ' + row[fld - 1] + ' ' + row[4] + '\n'
- plot_data += "\ne\n"
+ plot_data += "e\n"
sys.stderr.write("ntpviz: ERROR: No such peer as %s" % key)
raise SystemExit(1)
@@ -1004,7 +1012,7 @@ Python by ESR, concept and GNUPLOT code by Dan Drown.
default = None,
- help="Clip plots at 1% and 99%")
+ help="Clip plots at 1%% and 99%%")
parser.add_argument('-d', '--datadir',
default = "/var/log/ntpstats",
@@ -1064,7 +1072,7 @@ Python by ESR, concept and GNUPLOT code by Dan Drown.
- help="Plot clock time and clock frequency offsets")
+ help="Plot local clock frequency offsets")
group.add_argument( '--local-gps',
default = False,
@@ -1439,7 +1447,7 @@ ntpviz</a>, part of the <a href="https://www.ntpsec.org/">NTPsec project</a>
peerlist = list(stats.peersplit().keys())
# sort for output order stability
- peerlist = sorted( peerlist )
+ peerlist.sort()
for key in peerlist:
imagepairs.append(("peer-offset-" + key,
View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/compare/2fc89f710e57f90cdee164686b3fbfaecb0223bf...8800be5db75093a08f3882e1b3026615a2b5e66f
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