[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][master] 2 commits: Pythonize ntpkeygen.

Eric S. Raymond gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Thu Nov 24 17:12:13 UTC 2016

Eric S. Raymond pushed to branch master at NTPsec / ntpsec

66a9bdf0 by Eric S. Raymond at 2016-11-24T11:58:07-05:00
Pythonize ntpkeygen.

- - - - -
475174af by Eric S. Raymond at 2016-11-24T12:11:35-05:00
Create a cxfreeze convenience production.

- - - - -

5 changed files:

- devel/packaging.txt
- + ntpkeygen/ntpkeygen
- − ntpkeygen/ntpkeygen.c
- − ntpkeygen/wscript
- wscript


--- a/devel/packaging.txt
+++ b/devel/packaging.txt
@@ -33,17 +33,15 @@ pip install cx_Freeze
 You may find that you also need to install the package 'patchelf'.
 Change to the root directory of the NTPsec source distribution and
-run the following commands:
+run the following command:
-cxfreeze ntpq/ntpq
-cxfreeze ntpstats/ntpviz
-cxfreeze ntpsweep/ntpsweep
-cxfreeze ntptrace/ntptrace
+waf cxfreeze
-The four executables (pyntpq, ntpviz, ntpsweep, and ntptrace) will now
-be in the directory named dist along with the other files required run.
+Binary executables corresponding to every Python script will now be in
+the directory named dist along with the other files required for them
+to run.
 You can copy the dist directory, and its contents, to a host that does
 not have Python installed and execute the programs there.
@@ -51,3 +49,5 @@ not have Python installed and execute the programs there.
 There appears to be no speed advantage, or disadvantage, to running the
 binaries created by cx_freeze.
+// end

--- /dev/null
+++ b/ntpkeygen/ntpkeygen
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# ntpkeygen - program to generate cryptographic keys for ntp clients and servers
+# All file names are like "ntpkey_<type>_<hostname>.<filestamp>", where
+# <type> is the file type, <hostname> the generating host name and
+# <filestamp> the generation time in NTP seconds. The NTP programs
+# expect generic names such as "ntpkey_<type>_whimsy.udel.edu" with the
+# association maintained by soft links. Following is a list of file
+# types.
+# ntpkey_MD5key_<hostname>.<filestamp>
+# MD5 (128-bit) keys used to compute message digests in symmetric
+# key cryptography
+import os, sys, socket, random, time, getopt, stat
+# Cryptodefines
+MD5KEYS	= 10	# number of keys generated of each type 
+MD5SIZE	= 20	# maximum key size 
+def gen_md5(id, groupname):
+    "Generate semi-random MD5 and SHA1 keys compatible with NTPv3 and NTPv4."
+    with fheader("MD5key", id, groupname) as wp:
+        for i in range(1, MD5KEYS+1):
+            md5key = ""
+            for j in range(MD5SIZE):
+                while True:
+                    r = randomizer.randint(0x21, 0x7e)
+                    if r != ord('#'):
+                        break
+                md5key += chr(r)
+            wp.write("%2d MD5 %s  # MD5 key\n" % (i,  md5key))
+        for i in range(1, MD5KEYS+1):
+            sha1key = ""
+            for j in range(MD5SIZE):
+                sha1key += "%02x" % randomizer.randint(0x00, 0xff)
+            wp.write("%2d SHA1 %s  # SHA1 key\n" % (i + MD5KEYS, sha1key))
+# Generate file header and link
+def fheader(
+	file,	# file name id 
+	ulink,	# linkname 
+	owner	# owner name 
+        ):
+    try:
+	filename = "ntpkey_%s_%s.%u" % (file,  owner, int(time.time())) 
+        orig_umask = os.umask(stat.S_IWGRP | stat.S_IRWXO)
+        wp = open(filename, "w")
+        os.umask(orig_umask)
+        linkname = "ntp.keys"
+        if os.path.exists(linkname):
+            os.remove(linkname)		# The symlink() line below matters 
+	os.symlink(filename, linkname)
+	sys.stderr.write("Generating new %s file and link\n" % ulink)
+	sys.stderr.write("%s->%s\n" % (linkname, filename))
+	wp.write("# %s\n# %s\n" % (filename, time.ctime()))
+	return wp
+    except IOError:
+        sys.stderr.write("Key file creation or link failed.\n")
+        raise SystemExit(1)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    try:
+        (options, arguments) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hM:", ["help"])
+    except getopt.GetoptError as e:
+        print(e)
+        raise SystemExit(1)
+    for (switch, val) in options:
+        if switch == '-M':
+            # dummy MD5 option for backwards compatibility 
+            pass
+        elif switch in ("-h", "--help"):
+            print("usage: ntpkeygen [-M]")
+            raise SystemExit(0)
+    randomizer = random.SystemRandom(time.time() + os.getpid())
+    gen_md5("md5", socket.gethostname())
+    raise SystemExit(0)

ntpkeygen/ntpkeygen.c deleted
--- a/ntpkeygen/ntpkeygen.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
- * Program to generate cryptographic keys for ntp clients and servers
- *
- * All file names are like "ntpkey_<type>_<hostname>.<filestamp>", where
- * <type> is the file type, <hostname> the generating host name and
- * <filestamp> the generation time in NTP seconds. The NTP programs
- * expect generic names such as "ntpkey_<type>_whimsy.udel.edu" with the
- * association maintained by soft links. Following is a list of file
- * types.
- *
- * ntpkey_MD5key_<hostname>.<filestamp>
- * 	MD5 (128-bit) keys used to compute message digests in symmetric
- *	key cryptography
- *
- * The OpenSSL library used by this program expects a random seed file.
- * As described in the OpenSSL documentation, the file name defaults to
- * first the RANDFILE environment variable in the user's home directory
- * and then .rnd in the user's home directory.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include "ntp.h"
-#include "ntp_stdlib.h"
-#include "ntp_assert.h"
-#include "ntp_calendar.h"
-#include "openssl/bn.h"
-#include "openssl/evp.h"
-#include "openssl/err.h"
-#include "openssl/rand.h"
-#include "openssl/pem.h"
-#include "openssl/x509v3.h"
-#include <openssl/objects.h>
-#endif	/* HAVE_OPENSSL */
-#include <sodium.h>
- * Cryptodefines
- */
-#define	MD5KEYS		10	/* number of keys generated of each type */
-#define	MD5SIZE		20	/* maximum key size */
- * Prototypes
- */
-FILE	*fheader	(const char *, const char *, const char *);
-bool	gen_md5		(const char *);
- * Program variables
- */
-extern char *optarg;		/* command line argument */
-char	*progname;
-time_t	epoch;			/* Unix epoch (seconds) since 1970 */
-u_int	fstamp;			/* NTP filestamp */
-char	hostbuf[MAXHOSTNAME + 1];
-char	*hostname = NULL;	/* host, used in cert filenames */
-char	*groupname = NULL;	/* group name */
-char	filename[MAXFILENAME + 1]; /* file name */
-#define ALL_OPTIONS "Mh"
-static const struct option longoptions[] = {
-    { "md5key",		    0, 0, 'M' },
-    { "help",		    0, 0, 'h' },
-    { NULL,                 0, 0, '\0'},
- * Main program
- */
-	int	argc,		/* command line options */
-	char	**argv
-	)
-	struct timespec ts;	/* initialization vector */
-	int     op;
-	progname = argv[0];
-	init_lib();
-	ssl_check_version();
-#endif	/* HAVE_OPENSSL */
-	sodium_init();
-	/*
-	 * Process options, initialize host name and timestamp.
-	 * gethostname() won't null-terminate if hostname is exactly the
-	 * length provided for the buffer.
-	 */
-	gethostname(hostbuf, sizeof(hostbuf) - 1);
-	hostbuf[COUNTOF(hostbuf) - 1] = '\0';
-	hostname = hostbuf;
-	groupname = hostbuf;
-	clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts);
-	epoch = ts.tv_sec;
-	fstamp = (u_int)(epoch + JAN_1970);
-	while ((op = ntp_getopt_long(argc, argv,
-				     ALL_OPTIONS, longoptions, NULL)) != -1) {
-	    switch (op) {
-	    case 'M':
-		/* dummy MD5 option for backwards compatibility */
-		break;
-	    case 'h':
-		fprintf(stderr, "usage: ntpkeygen [-M]\n" );
-		exit(0);
-	    default:
-		fprintf(stderr, "usage: ntpkeygen [-M]\n" );
-		exit(1);
-	    }
-	}
-	argc -= optind;
-	argv += optind;
-		fprintf(stderr, "Using OpenSSL version %s\n",
-			SSLeay_version(SSLEAY_VERSION));
-	else
-		fprintf(stderr, "Built against OpenSSL %s, using version %s\n",
-#endif /* HAVE_OPENSSL */
-	gen_md5("md5");
-	exit(0);
- * Generate semi-random MD5 keys compatible with NTPv3 and NTPv4. Also,
- * if OpenSSL is around, generate random SHA1 keys compatible with
- * symmetric key cryptography.
- */
-	const char *id		/* file name id */
-	)
-	uint8_t	md5key[MD5SIZE + 1];	/* MD5 key */
-	FILE	*str;
-	int	i, j;
-	uint8_t	keystr[MD5SIZE];
-	uint8_t	hexstr[2 * MD5SIZE + 1];
-	uint8_t	hex[] = "0123456789abcdef";
-#endif	/* HAVE_OPENSSL */
-	str = fheader("MD5key", id, groupname);
-	for (i = 1; i <= MD5KEYS; i++) {
-		for (j = 0; j < MD5SIZE; j++) {
-			uint8_t temp;
-			while (1) {
-				randombytes_buf(
-				    &temp, sizeof(temp));
-				if (temp == '#')
-					continue;
-				if (temp > 0x20 && temp < 0x7f)
-					break;
-			}
-			md5key[j] = temp;
-		}
-		md5key[j] = '\0';
-		fprintf(str, "%2d MD5 %s  # MD5 key\n", i,
-		    md5key);
-	}
-	for (i = 1; i <= MD5KEYS; i++) {
-		RAND_bytes(keystr, sizeof(keystr));
-		for (j = 0; j < MD5SIZE; j++) {
-			hexstr[2 * j] = hex[keystr[j] >> 4];
-			hexstr[2 * j + 1] = hex[keystr[j] & 0xf];
-		}
-		hexstr[2 * MD5SIZE] = '\0';
-		fprintf(str, "%2d SHA1 %s  # SHA1 key\n", i + MD5KEYS,
-		    hexstr);
-	}
-#endif	/* HAVE_OPENSSL */
-	fclose(str);
-	return true;
- * Generate file header and link
- */
-fheader	(
-	const char *file,	/* file name id */
-	const char *ulink,	/* linkname */
-	const char *owner	/* owner name */
-	)
-	FILE	*str;		/* file handle */
-	char	linkname[MAXFILENAME]; /* link name */
-	int	temp;
-        mode_t  orig_umask;
-	char ascbuf[BUFSIZ];
-	snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "ntpkey_%s_%s.%u", file,
-	    owner, fstamp); 
-        orig_umask = umask( S_IWGRP | S_IRWXO );
-        str = fopen(filename, "w");
-        (void) umask(orig_umask);
-	if (str == NULL) {
-		perror("Write");
-		exit (-1);
-	}
-	strlcpy(linkname,"ntp.keys",sizeof(linkname));
-	(void)remove(linkname);		/* The symlink() line below matters */
-	temp = symlink(filename, linkname);
-	if (temp < 0)
-		perror(file);
-	fprintf(stderr, "Generating new %s file and link\n", ulink);
-	fprintf(stderr, "%s->%s\n", linkname, filename);
-	fprintf(str, "# %s\n# %s\n", filename, ctime_r(&epoch, ascbuf));
-	return (str);

ntpkeygen/wscript deleted
--- a/ntpkeygen/wscript
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-from waflib import Utils
-def build(ctx):
-	srcnode = ctx.srcnode.abspath()
-	bldnode = ctx.bldnode.abspath()
-	ntp_keygen_source = [
-		"ntpkeygen.c",
-	]
-	ctx(
-		target		= "ntpkeygen",
-		features	= "c cprogram bld_include src_include libisc_include",
-		source		= ntp_keygen_source,
-		includes	= [
-			"%s/ntpkeygen/" % bldnode,
-			"%s/libsodium/include/" % srcnode
-		],
-		# clock_gettime needs -lrt for glibc versions before 2.17
-		use		= "ntp isc sodium RT M CRYPTO",
-		install_path= "${PREFIX}/bin/"
-	)
-	ctx.manpage(8, "ntpkeygen-man.txt")

--- a/wscript
+++ b/wscript
@@ -148,6 +148,15 @@ def linkmaker(ctx):
     if ctx.cmd in ('install', 'build'):
         os.system("ln -sf %s/libntp/ntpc.so %s/pylib/ntpc.so " % (bldnode, bldnode))
+python_scripts = [
+        "ntpq/ntpq",
+        "ntpstats/ntpviz",
+        "ntptrace/ntptrace",
+        "ntpwait/ntpwait",
+        "ntpsweep/ntpsweep",
+        "ntpkeygen/ntpkeygen",
 def build(ctx):
 	ctx.load('waf', tooldir='wafhelpers/')
@@ -182,20 +191,12 @@ def build(ctx):
-	ctx.recurse("ntpkeygen")
-	scripts = [
-		"ntpleapfetch/ntpleapfetch",
-		"ntpq/ntpq",
-		"ntpstats/ntpviz",
-		"ntptrace/ntptrace",
-		"ntpwait/ntpwait",
-		"ntpsweep/ntpsweep",
-	]
+        scripts = ["ntpleapfetch/ntpleapfetch"] + python_scripts
 		features    = "subst",
@@ -212,6 +213,7 @@ def build(ctx):
 	ctx.manpage(1, "ntpstats/ntpviz-man.txt")
 	ctx.manpage(8, "ntpwait/ntpwait-man.txt")
 	ctx.manpage(1, "ntpsweep/ntpsweep-man.txt")
+        ctx.manpage(8, "ntpkeygen/ntpkeygen-man.txt")
 	# Skip running unit tests on a cross compile build
 	if not ctx.env.ENABLE_CROSS:
@@ -251,6 +253,10 @@ def loccount(ctx):
     "Report the SLOC count of the source tree."
     ctx.exec_command("loccount -x=build .")
+def cxfreeze(ctx):
+    "Create standalone binaries from Python scripts."
+    ctx.exec_command("for prog in " + " ".join(python_scripts) + "; do cxfreeze $prog; done")
 # The following sets edit modes for GNU EMACS
 # Local Variables:
 # mode:python

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/compare/aa8918ed3d0b4553869aadf29087d5d6879e0127...475174afa9aff98b10606e18fd8d9f6651bd22e7
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