[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][master] 2 commits: CVE-2016-7434: Crash from malformed mrulist request

Daniel Fox Franke gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Tue Nov 22 21:14:17 UTC 2016

Daniel Fox Franke pushed to branch master at NTPsec / ntpsec

bdbc4cb5 by Daniel Fox Franke at 2016-11-22T16:12:57-05:00
CVE-2016-7434: Crash from malformed mrulist request

Patch ported from NTP Classic and mainly due to Juergen Perlinger

- - - - -
1fb1136a by Daniel Fox Franke at 2016-11-22T16:12:57-05:00
CVE-2016-7429: Avoid interface update on possibly-spoofed responses

Adapted from the NTP Classic patch by Juergen Perlinger

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- ntpd/ntp_control.c
- ntpd/ntp_peer.c


--- a/ntpd/ntp_control.c
+++ b/ntpd/ntp_control.c
@@ -3286,15 +3286,17 @@ static void read_mru_list(
 	int restrict_mask
-	const char		nonce_text[] =		"nonce";
-	const char		frags_text[] =		"frags";
-	const char		limit_text[] =		"limit";
-	const char		mincount_text[] =	"mincount";
-	const char		resall_text[] =		"resall";
-	const char		resany_text[] =		"resany";
-	const char		maxlstint_text[] =	"maxlstint";
-	const char		laddr_text[] =		"laddr";
-	const char		resaxx_fmt[] =		"0x%hx";
+	static const char	nulltxt[1] = 		{ '\0' };
+	static const char	nonce_text[] =		"nonce";
+	static const char	frags_text[] =		"frags";
+	static const char	limit_text[] =		"limit";
+	static const char	mincount_text[] =	"mincount";
+	static const char	resall_text[] =		"resall";
+	static const char	resany_text[] =		"resany";
+	static const char	maxlstint_text[] =	"maxlstint";
+	static const char	laddr_text[] =		"laddr";
+	static const char	resaxx_fmt[] =		"0x%hx";
 	u_int			limit;
 	u_short			frags;
 	u_short			resall;
@@ -3302,7 +3304,7 @@ static void read_mru_list(
 	int			mincount;
 	u_int			maxlstint;
 	sockaddr_u		laddr;
-	endpt *			lcladr;
+	endpt *                 lcladr;
 	u_int			count;
 	u_int			ui;
 	u_int			uf;
@@ -3311,7 +3313,7 @@ static void read_mru_list(
 	char			buf[128];
 	struct ctl_var *	in_parms;
 	const struct ctl_var *	v;
-	char *			val;
+	const char *		val;
 	const char *		pch;
 	char *			pnonce;
 	int			nonce_valid;
@@ -3363,47 +3365,68 @@ static void read_mru_list(
-	while (NULL != (v = ctl_getitem(in_parms, &val)) &&
+	/* have to go through '(void*)' to drop 'const' property from pointer.
+	 * ctl_getitem()' needs some cleanup, too.... perlinger at ntp.org
+	 */
+	while (NULL != (v = ctl_getitem(in_parms, (void*)&val)) &&
 	       !(EOV & v->flags)) {
 		int si;
+		if (NULL == val)
+			val = nulltxt;
 		if (!strcmp(nonce_text, v->text)) {
-			if (NULL != pnonce)
-				free(pnonce);
-			pnonce = estrdup(val);
+			free(pnonce);
+			pnonce = (*val) ? estrdup(val) : NULL;
 		} else if (!strcmp(frags_text, v->text)) {
-			sscanf(val, "%hu", &frags);
+			if (1 != sscanf(val, "%hu", &frags))
+				goto blooper;
 		} else if (!strcmp(limit_text, v->text)) {
-			sscanf(val, "%u", &limit);
+			if (1 != sscanf(val, "%u", &limit))
+				goto blooper;
 		} else if (!strcmp(mincount_text, v->text)) {
-			if (1 != sscanf(val, "%d", &mincount) ||
-			    mincount < 0)
+			if (1 != sscanf(val, "%d", &mincount))
+				goto blooper;
+			if (mincount < 0)
 				mincount = 0;
 		} else if (!strcmp(resall_text, v->text)) {
-			sscanf(val, resaxx_fmt, &resall);
+			if (1 != sscanf(val, resaxx_fmt, &resall))
+				goto blooper;
 		} else if (!strcmp(resany_text, v->text)) {
-			sscanf(val, resaxx_fmt, &resany);
+			if (1 != sscanf(val, resaxx_fmt, &resany))
+				goto blooper;
 		} else if (!strcmp(maxlstint_text, v->text)) {
-			/* coverity[unchecked_value] */
-			sscanf(val, "%u", &maxlstint);
+			if (1 != sscanf(val, "%u", &maxlstint))
+				goto blooper;
 		} else if (!strcmp(laddr_text, v->text)) {
-			if (decodenetnum(val, &laddr))
-				lcladr = getinterface(&laddr, 0);
+			if (!decodenetnum(val, &laddr))
+				goto blooper;
+			lcladr = getinterface(&laddr, 0);
 		} else if (1 == sscanf(v->text, last_fmt, &si) &&
 			   (size_t)si < COUNTOF(last)) {
-			if (2 == sscanf(val, "0x%08x.%08x", &ui, &uf)) {
-				last[si].l_ui = ui;
-				last[si].l_uf = uf;
-				if (!SOCK_UNSPEC(&addr[si]) &&
-				    si == priors)
-					priors++;
-			}
+			if (2 != sscanf(val, "0x%08x.%08x", &ui, &uf))
+				goto blooper;
+			last[si].l_ui = ui;
+			last[si].l_uf = uf;
+			if (!SOCK_UNSPEC(&addr[si]) && si == priors)
+				priors++;
 		} else if (1 == sscanf(v->text, addr_fmt, &si) &&
 			   (size_t)si < COUNTOF(addr)) {
-			if (decodenetnum(val, &addr[si])
-			    && last[si].l_ui && last[si].l_uf &&
-			    si == priors)
+			if (!decodenetnum(val, &addr[si]))
+				goto blooper;
+			if (last[si].l_ui && last[si].l_uf && si == priors)
+		} else {
+			DPRINTF(1, ("read_mru_list: invalid key item: '%s' (ignored)\n",
+				    v->text));
+			continue;
+		blooper:
+			DPRINTF(1, ("read_mru_list: invalid param for '%s': '%s' (bailing)\n",
+				    v->text, val));
+			free(pnonce);
+			pnonce = NULL;
+			break;
@@ -3523,7 +3546,6 @@ static void read_mru_list(
  * Send a ifstats entry in response to a "ntpq -c ifstats" request.

--- a/ntpd/ntp_peer.c
+++ b/ntpd/ntp_peer.c
@@ -288,62 +288,44 @@ findpeer(
 	srcadr = &rbufp->recv_srcadr;
 	hash = NTP_HASH_ADDR(srcadr);
-	for (p = peer_hash[hash]; p != NULL; p = p->adr_link) {
-		if (ADDR_PORT_EQ(srcadr, &p->srcadr)) {
-			/*
-			 * if the association matching rules determine
-			 * that this is not a valid combination, then
-			 * look for the next valid peer association.
-			 */
-			*action = MATCH_ASSOC(p->hmode, pkt_mode);
-			/*
-			 * A response to our manycastclient solicitation
-			 * might be misassociated with an ephemeral peer
-			 * already spun for the server.  If the packet's
-			 * org timestamp doesn't match the peer's, check
-			 * if it matches the ACST prototype peer's.  If
-			 * so it is a redundant solicitation response,
-			 * return AM_ERR to discard it.  [Bug 1762]
-			 */
-			if (MODE_SERVER == pkt_mode &&
-			    AM_PROCPKT == *action) {
-				pkt = &rbufp->recv_pkt;
-				NTOHL_FP(&pkt->org, &pkt_org);
-				if (!L_ISEQU(&p->org, &pkt_org) &&
-				    findmanycastpeer(rbufp))
-					*action = AM_ERR;
-			}
-			/*
-			 * if an error was returned, exit back right
-			 * here.
-			 */
-			if (*action == AM_ERR)
-				return NULL;
-			/*
-			 * if a match is found, we stop our search.
-			 */
-			if (*action != AM_NOMATCH)
-				break;
-		}
-	}
+        for (p = peer_hash[hash]; p != NULL; p = p->adr_link) {
+                /* [Classic Bug 3072] ensure interface of peer matches */
+                if (p->dstadr != rbufp->dstadr) continue;
+                /* ensure peer source address matches */
+                if (!ADDR_PORT_EQ(srcadr, &p->srcadr)) continue;
+                /* If the association matching rules determine that this
+                 * is not a valid combination, then look for the next
+                 * valid peer association.
+                 */
+                *action = MATCH_ASSOC(p->hmode, pkt_mode);
+                /* A response to our manycastclient solicitation might
+                 * be misassociated with an ephemeral peer already spun
+                 * for the server.  If the packet's org timestamp
+                 * doesn't match the peer's, check if it matches the
+                 * ACST prototype peer's.  If so it is a redundant
+                 * solicitation response, return AM_ERR to discard it.
+                 * [Bug 1762]
+                 */
+                if (MODE_SERVER == pkt_mode && AM_PROCPKT == *action) {
+                        pkt = &rbufp->recv_pkt;
+                        NTOHL_FP(&pkt->org, &pkt_org);
+                        if (!L_ISEQU(&p->org, &pkt_org) &&
+                            findmanycastpeer(rbufp))
+                                *action = AM_ERR;
+                }
+                /* If an error was returned, exit back right here. */
+                if (*action == AM_ERR) return NULL;
+                /* If a match is found, we stop our search. */
+                if (*action != AM_NOMATCH) break;
+        }
-	/*
-	 * If no matching association is found
-	 */
-	if (NULL == p) {
-		*action = MATCH_ASSOC(NO_PEER, pkt_mode);
-	} else if (p->dstadr != rbufp->dstadr) {
-		set_peerdstadr(p, rbufp->dstadr);
-		if (p->dstadr == rbufp->dstadr) {
-			DPRINTF(1, ("Changed %s local address to match response\n",
-				    socktoa(&p->srcadr)));
-			return findpeer(rbufp, pkt_mode, action);
-		}
-	}
+	/* If no matching association is found */
+	if (NULL == p) *action = MATCH_ASSOC(NO_PEER, pkt_mode);
 	return p;
@@ -554,7 +536,7 @@ set_peerdstadr(
 	struct peer *	unlinked;
-	if (p->dstadr == dstadr)
+	if (p == NULL || p->dstadr == dstadr)

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/compare/b20dd545da6a0b39506c8f4cd179ee5595a978b2...1fb1136aa8964218719ed561bd608d418150c9a3
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