[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][master] The ntp package now has an ntp.version module with full version info.

Eric S. Raymond gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Fri Nov 4 19:38:36 UTC 2016

Eric S. Raymond pushed to branch master at NTPsec / ntpsec

4b2a044b by Eric S. Raymond at 2016-11-04T15:36:34-04:00
The ntp package now has an ntp.version module with full version info.

- - - - -

4 changed files:

- .gitignore
- ntpq/pyntpq
- pylib/wscript
- + wafhelpers/autorevision.sh


--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@

--- a/ntpq/pyntpq
+++ b/ntpq/pyntpq
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import socket, select, struct, shlex, time, hashlib
 from ntp.packet import *
 from ntp.util import *
 from ntp.ntpc import *
+import ntp.version
 # This import only works on Unixes.  The intention is to enable
 # Ctrl-P, Ctrl-N, and friends in Cmd.
@@ -25,7 +26,7 @@ try:
 except ImportError:
-version = "ntpq-py v1"
+version = ntp.version.BASENAME + " " + ntp.version.VERSION
 # General notes on Python 2/3 compatibility:

--- a/pylib/wscript
+++ b/pylib/wscript
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ def build(ctx):
     srcnode = ctx.srcnode.make_node('pylib')
     target1 = ctx.srcnode.make_node('pylib/ntp_control.py')
     target2 = ctx.srcnode.make_node('pylib/ntp_magic.py')
+    target3 = ctx.srcnode.make_node('pylib/version.py')
 	before      = ['pyc', 'pyo'],
@@ -27,4 +28,12 @@ def build(ctx):
 	target      = target2,
+    ctx(
+	before      = ['pyc', 'pyo'],
+	cwd         = srcnode,
+	rule        = 'VERSION=`cat ../VERSION` ../wafhelpers/autorevision.sh -t python >${TGT}',
+	source      = "../VERSION",
+	target      = target3,
+	)
     ctx(features='py', source=ctx.path.ant_glob('*.py'), install_from='.', install_path='${PYTHONDIR}/ntp')

--- /dev/null
+++ b/wafhelpers/autorevision.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,1244 @@
+# Note! This version has been locally modified!
+# The "VCS_" prefix on symbols has been removed, and EXTRA has become VERSION
+# Copyright (c) 2012 - 2016 dak180 and contributors. See
+# https://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php or the included
+# COPYING.md for licence terms.
+# autorevision - extracts metadata about the head version from your
+# repository.
+# Usage message.
+arUsage() {
+	cat > "/dev/stderr" << EOF
+usage: autorevision {-t output-type | -s symbol} [-o cache-file [-f] ] [-V]
+	Options include:
+	-t output-type		= specify output type
+	-s symbol		= specify symbol output
+	-o cache-file		= specify cache file location
+	-f			= force the use of cache data
+	-U			= check for untracked files in svn
+	-V			= emit version and exit
+	-?			= help message
+The following are valid output types:
+	clojure			= clojure file
+	c			= C/C++ file
+	h			= Header for use with c/c++
+	hpp			= Alternate C++ header strings with namespace
+	ini			= INI file
+	java			= Java file
+	javaprop		= Java properties file
+	js			= javascript file
+	json			= JSON file
+	lua			= Lua file
+	m4			= m4 file
+	matlab			= matlab file
+	octave			= octave file
+	php			= PHP file
+	pl			= Perl file
+	py			= Python file
+	rpm			= rpm file
+	scheme			= scheme file
+	sh			= Bash sytax
+	swift			= Swift file
+	tex			= (La)TeX file
+	xcode			= Header useful for populating info.plist files
+The following are valid symbols:
+	exit 1
+# Config
+while getopts ":t:o:s:VfU" OPTION; do
+	case "${OPTION}" in
+		t)
+		;;
+		o)
+		;;
+		f)
+		;;
+		s)
+		;;
+		U)
+		;;
+		V)
+			echo "autorevision ${ARVERSION}"
+			exit 0
+		;;
+		?)
+			# If an unknown flag is used (or -?):
+			arUsage
+		;;
+	esac
+if [ ! -z "${VAROUT}" ] && [ ! -z "${AFILETYPE}" ]; then
+	# If both -s and -t are specified:
+	echo "error: Improper argument combination." 1>&2
+	exit 1
+elif [ -z "${VAROUT}" ] && [ -z "${AFILETYPE}" ]; then
+	# If neither -s or -t are specified:
+	arUsage
+elif [ -z "${CACHEFILE}" ] && [ "${CACHEFORCE}" = "1" ]; then
+	# If -f is specified without -o:
+	arUsage
+elif [ ! -f "${CACHEFILE}" ] && [ "${CACHEFORCE}" = "1" ]; then
+	# If we are forced to use the cache but it does not exist.
+	echo "error: Cache forced but no cache found." 1>&2
+	exit 1
+# Make sure that the path we are given is one we can source
+# (dash, we are looking at you).
+if [ ! -z "${CACHEFILE}" ] && ! echo "${CACHEFILE}" | grep -q '^\.*/'; then
+GENERATED_HEADER="Generated by autorevision - do not hand-hack!"
+# Functions to extract data from different repo types.
+# For git repos
+# shellcheck disable=SC2039,SC2164,SC2155
+gitRepo() {
+	local oldPath="${PWD}"
+	cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)"
+	TYPE="git"
+	BASENAME="$(basename "${PWD}")"
+	UUID="$(git rev-list --max-parents=0 --date-order --reverse HEAD 2>/dev/null | sed -n 1p)"
+	if [ -z "${UUID}" ]; then
+		UUID="$(git rev-list --topo-order HEAD | tail -n 1)"
+	fi
+	# Is the working copy clean?
+	test -z "$(git status --untracked-files=normal --porcelain)"
+	WC_MODIFIED="${?}"
+	# Enumeration of changesets
+	NUM="$(git rev-list --count HEAD 2>/dev/null)"
+	if [ -z "${NUM}" ]; then
+		echo "warning: Counting the number of revisions may be slower due to an outdated git version less than If something breaks, please update it." 1>&2
+		NUM="$(git rev-list HEAD | wc -l)"
+	fi
+	# This may be a git-svn remote.  If so, report the Subversion revision.
+	if [ -z "$(git config svn-remote.svn.url 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
+		# The full revision hash
+		FULL_HASH="$(git rev-parse HEAD)"
+		# The short hash
+		SHORT_HASH="$(echo "${FULL_HASH}" | cut -b 1-7)"
+	else
+		# The git-svn revision number
+		FULL_HASH="$(git svn find-rev HEAD)"
+	fi
+	# Current branch
+	BRANCH="$(git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name --verify "$(git name-rev --name-only --no-undefined HEAD 2>/dev/null)" 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's:refs/heads/::' | sed -e 's:refs/::')"
+	# Cache the description
+	local DESCRIPTION="$(git describe --long --tags 2>/dev/null)"
+	# Current or last tag ancestor (empty if no tags)
+	TAG="$(echo "${DESCRIPTION}" | sed -e "s:-g${SHORT_HASH}\$::" -e 's:-[0-9]*$::')"
+	# Distance to last tag or an alias of NUM if there is no tag
+	if [ ! -z "${DESCRIPTION}" ]; then
+		TICK="$(echo "${DESCRIPTION}" | sed -e "s:${TAG}-::" -e "s:-g${SHORT_HASH}::")"
+	else
+		TICK="${NUM}"
+	fi
+	# Date of the current commit
+	DATE="$(TZ=UTC git show -s --date=iso-strict-local --pretty=format:%ad | sed -e 's|+00:00|Z|')"
+	if [ -z "${DATE}" ]; then
+		echo "warning: Action stamps require git version 2.7+." 1>&2
+		DATE="$(git log -1 --pretty=format:%ci | sed -e 's: :T:' -e 's: ::' -e 's|+00:00|Z|')"
+		local ASdis="1"
+	fi
+	# Action Stamp
+	if [ -z "${ASdis}" ]; then
+		ACTION_STAMP="${DATE}!$(git show -s --pretty=format:%cE)"
+	else
+	fi
+	cd "${oldPath}"
+# For hg repos
+# shellcheck disable=SC2039,SC2164
+hgRepo() {
+	local oldPath="${PWD}"
+	cd "$(hg root)"
+	TYPE="hg"
+	BASENAME="$(basename "${PWD}")"
+	UUID="$(hg log -r "0" -l 1 --template '{node}\n')"
+	# Is the working copy clean?
+	test -z "$(hg status -duram)"
+	WC_MODIFIED="${?}"
+	# Enumeration of changesets
+	NUM="$(hg id -n | tr -d '+')"
+	# The full revision hash
+	FULL_HASH="$(hg log -r "${NUM}" -l 1 --template '{node}\n')"
+	# The short hash
+	SHORT_HASH="$(hg id -i | tr -d '+')"
+	# Current bookmark (bookmarks are roughly equivalent to git's branches)
+	# or branch if no bookmark
+	BRANCH="$(hg id -B | cut -d ' ' -f 1)"
+	# Fall back to the branch if there are no bookmarks
+	if [ -z "${BRANCH}" ]; then
+		BRANCH="$(hg id -b)"
+	fi
+	# Current or last tag ancestor (excluding auto tags, empty if no tags)
+	TAG="$(hg log -r "${NUM}" -l 1 --template '{latesttag}\n' 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's:qtip::' -e 's:tip::' -e 's:qbase::' -e 's:qparent::' -e "s:$(hg --config 'extensions.color=' --config 'extensions.mq=' --color never qtop 2>/dev/null)::" | cut -d ' ' -f 1)"
+	# Distance to last tag or an alias of NUM if there is no tag
+	if [ ! -z "${TAG}" ]; then
+		TICK="$(hg log -r "${NUM}" -l 1 --template '{latesttagdistance}\n' 2>/dev/null)"
+	else
+		TICK="${NUM}"
+	fi
+	# Date of the current commit
+	DATE="$(hg log -r "${NUM}" -l 1 --template '{date|isodatesec}\n' 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's: :T:' -e 's: ::' -e 's|+00:00|Z|')"
+	# Action Stamp
+	ACTION_STAMP="$(TZ=UTC hg log -r "${NUM}" -l 1 --template '{date|localdate|rfc3339date}\n' 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's|+00:00|Z|')!$(hg log -r "${NUM}" -l 1 --template '{author|email}\n' 2>/dev/null)"
+	cd "${oldPath}"
+# For bzr repos
+# shellcheck disable=SC2039,SC2164
+bzrRepo() {
+	local oldPath="${PWD}"
+	cd "$(bzr root)"
+	TYPE="bzr"
+	BASENAME="$(basename "${PWD}")"
+	# Currently unimplemented because more investigation is needed.
+	UUID=""
+	# Is the working copy clean?
+	bzr version-info --custom --template='{clean}\n' | grep -q '1'
+	WC_MODIFIED="${?}"
+	# Enumeration of changesets
+	NUM="$(bzr revno)"
+	# The full revision hash
+	FULL_HASH="$(bzr version-info --custom --template='{revision_id}\n')"
+	# The short hash
+	# Nick of the current branch
+	BRANCH="$(bzr nick)"
+	# Current or last tag ancestor (excluding auto tags, empty if no tags)
+	TAG="$(bzr tags --sort=time | sed '/?$/d' | tail -n1 | cut -d ' ' -f1)"
+	# Distance to last tag or an alias of NUM if there is no tag
+	if [ ! -z "${TAG}" ]; then
+		TICK="$(bzr log --line -r "tag:${TAG}.." | tail -n +2 | wc -l | sed -e 's:^ *::')"
+	else
+		TICK="${NUM}"
+	fi
+	# Date of the current commit
+	DATE="$(bzr version-info --custom --template='{date}\n' | sed -e 's: :T:' -e 's: ::')"
+	# Action Stamp
+	# Currently unimplemented because more investigation is needed.
+	cd "${oldPath}"
+# For svn repos
+# shellcheck disable=SC2039,SC2164,SC2155
+svnRepo() {
+	local oldPath="${PWD}"
+	TYPE="svn"
+	case "${PWD}" in
+	/*trunk*|/*branches*|/*tags*)
+		local fn="${PWD}"
+		while [ "$(basename "${fn}")" != 'trunk' ] && [ "$(basename "${fn}")" != 'branches' ] && [ "$(basename "${fn}")" != 'tags' ] && [ "$(basename "${fn}")" != '/' ]; do
+			local fn="$(dirname "${fn}")"
+		done
+		local fn="$(dirname "${fn}")"
+		if [ "${fn}" = '/' ]; then
+			BASENAME="$(basename "${PWD}")"
+		else
+			BASENAME="$(basename "${fn}")"
+		fi
+		;;
+	*) BASENAME="$(basename "${PWD}")" ;;
+	esac
+	UUID="$(svn info --xml | sed -n -e 's:<uuid>::' -e 's:</uuid>::p')"
+	# Cache svnversion output
+	local SVNVERSION="$(svnversion)"
+	# Is the working copy clean?
+	echo "${SVNVERSION}" | grep -q "M"
+	case "${?}" in
+		0)
+		;;
+		1)
+			if [ ! -z "${UNTRACKEDFILES}" ]; then
+			# `svnversion` does not detect untracked files and `svn status` is really slow, so only run it if we really have to.
+				if [ -z "$(svn status)" ]; then
+					WC_MODIFIED="0"
+				else
+					WC_MODIFIED="1"
+				fi
+			else
+				WC_MODIFIED="0"
+			fi
+		;;
+	esac
+	# Enumeration of changesets
+	NUM="$(echo "${SVNVERSION}" | cut -d : -f 1 | sed -e 's:M::' -e 's:S::' -e 's:P::')"
+	# The full revision hash
+	# The short hash
+	# Current branch
+	case "${PWD}" in
+	/*trunk*|/*branches*|/*tags*)
+		local lastbase=""
+		local fn="${PWD}"
+		while :
+		do
+			base="$(basename "${fn}")"
+			if [ "${base}" = 'trunk' ]; then
+				BRANCH='trunk'
+				break
+			elif [ "${base}" = 'branches' ] || [ "${base}" = 'tags' ]; then
+				BRANCH="${lastbase}"
+				break
+			elif [ "${base}" = '/' ]; then
+				BRANCH=""
+				break
+			fi
+			local lastbase="${base}"
+			local fn="$(dirname "${fn}")"
+		done
+		;;
+	*) BRANCH="" ;;
+	esac
+	# Current or last tag ancestor (empty if no tags). But "current
+	# tag" can't be extracted reliably because Subversion doesn't
+	# have tags the way other VCSes do.
+	TAG=""
+	TICK=""
+	# Date of the current commit
+	DATE="$(svn info --xml | sed -n -e 's:<date>::' -e 's:</date>::p')"
+	# Action Stamp
+	ACTION_STAMP="${DATE}!$(svn log --xml -l 1 -r "${SHORT_HASH}" | sed -n -e 's:<author>::' -e 's:</author>::p')"
+	cd "${oldPath}"
+# Functions to output data in different formats.
+# For bash output
+shOutput() {
+	cat > "${TARGETFILE}" << EOF
+# end
+# For source C output
+cOutput() {
+	cat > "${TARGETFILE}" << EOF
+const char *TYPE         = "${TYPE}";
+const char *BASENAME     = "${BASENAME}";
+const char *UUID         = "${UUID}";
+const int NUM            = ${NUM};
+const char *DATE         = "${DATE}";
+const char *BRANCH       = "${BRANCH}";
+const char *TAG          = "${TAG}";
+const int TICK           = ${TICK};
+const char *VERSION        = "${VERSION}";
+const char *ACTION_STAMP = "${ACTION_STAMP}";
+const char *FULL_HASH    = "${FULL_HASH}";
+const char *SHORT_HASH   = "${SHORT_HASH}";
+const int WC_MODIFIED     = ${WC_MODIFIED};
+/* end */
+# For header output
+hOutput() {
+	cat > "${TARGETFILE}" << EOF
+#define TYPE		"${TYPE}"
+#define UUID		"${UUID}"
+#define NUM			${NUM}
+#define DATE		"${DATE}"
+#define BRANCH		"${BRANCH}"
+#define TAG			"${TAG}"
+#define TICK		${TICK}
+#define VERSION		"${VERSION}"
+#define FULL_HASH		"${FULL_HASH}"
+#define SHORT_HASH		"${SHORT_HASH}"
+/* end */
+# A header output for use with xcode to populate info.plist strings
+xcodeOutput() {
+	cat > "${TARGETFILE}" << EOF
+#define TYPE		${TYPE}
+#define UUID		${UUID}
+#define NUM			${NUM}
+#define DATE		${DATE}
+#define BRANCH		${BRANCH}
+#define TAG			${TAG}
+#define TICK		${TICK}
+#define VERSION		${VERSION}
+#define FULL_HASH		${FULL_HASH}
+/* end */
+# For Swift output
+swiftOutput() {
+	case "${WC_MODIFIED}" in
+		0) WC_MODIFIED="false" ;;
+		1) WC_MODIFIED="true" ;;
+	esac
+	# For values that may not exist depending on the type of repo we
+	# have read from, set them to `nil` when they are empty.
+	if [ -z "${UUID}" ]; then
+		UUID="nil"
+	else
+		UUID="\"${UUID}\""
+	fi
+	if [ -z "${TAG}" ]; then
+		TAG="nil"
+	else
+		TAG="\"${TAG}\""
+	fi
+	: "${TICK:="nil"}"
+	if [ -z "${VERSION}" ]; then
+		VERSION="nil"
+	else
+	fi
+	if [ -z "${ACTION_STAMP}" ]; then
+	else
+	fi
+	cat > "${TARGETFILE}" << EOF
+let TYPE			= "${TYPE}"
+let UUID:	String?	= ${UUID}
+let NUM:	Int		= ${NUM}
+let DATE			= "${DATE}"
+let BRANCH:	String	= "${BRANCH}"
+let TAG:	String?	= ${TAG}
+let TICK:	Int?	= ${TICK}
+let VERSION:	String?	= ${VERSION}
+let FULL_HASH:		String	= "${FULL_HASH}"
+let SHORT_HASH:		String	= "${SHORT_HASH}"
+/* end */
+# For Python output
+pyOutput() {
+	case "${WC_MODIFIED}" in
+		0) WC_MODIFIED="False" ;;
+		1) WC_MODIFIED="True" ;;
+	esac
+	cat > "${TARGETFILE}" << EOF
+TYPE = "${TYPE}"
+UUID = "${UUID}"
+NUM = ${NUM}
+DATE = "${DATE}"
+TAG = "${TAG}"
+# end
+# For Perl output
+plOutput() {
+	cat << EOF
+\$TYPE = '${TYPE}';
+\$UUID = '${UUID}';
+\$NUM = ${NUM};
+\$DATE = '${DATE}';
+\$BRANCH = '${BRANCH}';
+\$TAG = '${TAG}';
+\$TICK = ${TICK};
+# end
+# For lua output
+luaOutput() {
+	case "${WC_MODIFIED}" in
+		0) WC_MODIFIED="false" ;;
+		1) WC_MODIFIED="true" ;;
+	esac
+	cat > "${TARGETFILE}" << EOF
+TYPE = "${TYPE}"
+UUID = "${UUID}"
+NUM = ${NUM}
+DATE = "${DATE}"
+TAG = "${TAG}"
+-- end
+# For php output
+phpOutput() {
+	case "${WC_MODIFIED}" in
+		0) WC_MODIFIED="false" ;;
+		1) WC_MODIFIED="true" ;;
+	esac
+	cat > "${TARGETFILE}" << EOF
+return array(
+	"TYPE" => "${TYPE}",
+	"UUID" => "${UUID}",
+	"NUM" => ${NUM},
+	"DATE" => "${DATE}",
+	"BRANCH" => "${BRANCH}",
+	"TAG" => "${TAG}",
+	"TICK" => ${TICK},
+	"VERSION" => "${VERSION}",
+	"FULL_HASH" => "${FULL_HASH}",
+# end
+# For ini output
+iniOutput() {
+	case "${WC_MODIFIED}" in
+		0) WC_MODIFIED="false" ;;
+		1) WC_MODIFIED="true" ;;
+	esac
+	cat > "${TARGETFILE}" << EOF
+TYPE = "${TYPE}"
+UUID = "${UUID}"
+NUM = ${NUM}
+DATE = "${DATE}"
+TAG = "${TAG}"
+; end
+# For javascript output
+jsOutput() {
+	case "${WC_MODIFIED}" in
+		1) WC_MODIFIED="true" ;;
+		0) WC_MODIFIED="false" ;;
+	esac
+	cat > "${TARGETFILE}" << EOF
+var autorevision = {
+	TYPE: "${TYPE}",
+	UUID: "${UUID}",
+	NUM: ${NUM},
+	DATE: "${DATE}",
+	TAG: "${TAG}",
+	TICK: ${TICK},
+/** Node.js compatibility */
+if (typeof module !== 'undefined') {
+	module.exports = autorevision;
+/** end */
+# For JSON output
+jsonOutput() {
+	case "${WC_MODIFIED}" in
+		1) WC_MODIFIED="true" ;;
+		0) WC_MODIFIED="false" ;;
+	esac
+	cat > "${TARGETFILE}" << EOF
+	"_comment": "${GENERATED_HEADER}",
+	"TYPE": "${TYPE}",
+	"UUID": "${UUID}",
+	"NUM": ${NUM},
+	"DATE": "${DATE}",
+	"TAG": "${TAG}",
+	"TICK": ${TICK},
+# For Java output
+javaOutput() {
+	case "${WC_MODIFIED}" in
+		1) WC_MODIFIED="true" ;;
+		0) WC_MODIFIED="false" ;;
+	esac
+	cat > "${TARGETFILE}" << EOF
+public class autorevision {
+    public static final String TYPE = "${TYPE}";
+    public static final String BASENAME = "${BASENAME}";
+    public static final String UUID = "${UUID}";
+    public static final long NUM = ${NUM};
+    public static final String DATE = "${DATE}";
+    public static final String BRANCH = "${BRANCH}";
+    public static final String TAG = "${TAG}";
+    public static final long TICK = ${TICK};
+    public static final String VERSION = "${VERSION}";
+    public static final String ACTION_STAMP = "${ACTION_STAMP}";
+    public static final String FULL_HASH = "${FULL_HASH}";
+    public static final String SHORT_HASH = "${SHORT_HASH}";
+    public static final boolean WC_MODIFIED = ${WC_MODIFIED};
+# For Java properties output
+javapropOutput() {
+	case "${WC_MODIFIED}" in
+		1) WC_MODIFIED="true" ;;
+		0) WC_MODIFIED="false" ;;
+	esac
+	cat > "${TARGETFILE}" << EOF
+# For m4 output
+m4Output() {
+	cat > "${TARGETFILE}" << EOF
+define(\`TYPE', \`${TYPE}')dnl
+define(\`BASENAME', \`${BASENAME}')dnl
+define(\`UUID', \`${UUID}')dnl
+define(\`NUM', \`${NUM}')dnl
+define(\`DATE', \`${DATE}')dnl
+define(\`BRANCH', \`${BRANCH}')dnl
+define(\`TAG', \`${TAG}')dnl
+define(\`TICK', \`${TICK}')dnl
+define(\`VERSION', \`${VERSION}')dnl
+define(\`ACTIONSTAMP', \`${ACTION_STAMP}')dnl
+define(\`FULLHASH', \`${FULL_HASH}')dnl
+define(\`SHORTHASH', \`${SHORT_HASH}')dnl
+define(\`WC_MODIFIED', \`${WC_MODIFIED}')dnl
+# For (La)TeX output
+texOutput() {
+	case "${WC_MODIFIED}" in
+		0) WC_MODIFIED="false" ;;
+		1) WC_MODIFIED="true" ;;
+	esac
+	cat > "${TARGETFILE}" << EOF
+\def \vcsType {${TYPE}}
+\def \vcsBasename {${BASENAME}}
+\def \vcsUUID {${UUID}}
+\def \vcsNum {${NUM}}
+\def \vcsDate {${DATE}}
+\def \vcsBranch {${BRANCH}}
+\def \vcsTag {${TAG}}
+\def \vcsTick {${TICK}}
+\def \vcsExtra {${VERSION}}
+\def \vcsFullHash {${FULL_HASH}}
+\def \vcsShortHash {${SHORT_HASH}}
+\def \vcsWCModified {${WC_MODIFIED}}
+# For scheme output
+schemeOutput() {
+	case "${WC_MODIFIED}" in
+		0) WC_MODIFIED="#f" ;;
+		1) WC_MODIFIED="#t" ;;
+	esac
+	cat > "${TARGETFILE}" << EOF
+(define TYPE        "${TYPE}")
+(define BASENAME    "${BASENAME}")
+(define UUID        "${UUID}")
+(define NUM         ${NUM})
+(define DATE        "${DATE}")
+(define BRANCH      "${BRANCH}")
+(define TAG         "${TAG}")
+(define TICK        ${TICK})
+(define VERSION       "${VERSION}")
+(define FULL_HASH   "${FULL_HASH}")
+(define SHORT_HASH  "${SHORT_HASH}")
+;; end
+# For clojure output
+clojureOutput() {
+	case "${WC_MODIFIED}" in
+		0) WC_MODIFIED="false" ;;
+		1) WC_MODIFIED="true" ;;
+	esac
+	cat > "${TARGETFILE}" << EOF
+(def TYPE        "${TYPE}")
+(def BASENAME    "${BASENAME}")
+(def UUID        "${UUID}")
+(def NUM         ${NUM})
+(def DATE        "${DATE}")
+(def BRANCH      "${BRANCH}")
+(def TAG         "${TAG}")
+(def TICK        ${TICK})
+(def VERSION       "${VERSION}")
+(def FULL_HASH      "${FULL_HASH}")
+(def SHORT_HASH     "${SHORT_HASH}")
+;; end
+# For rpm spec file output
+rpmOutput() {
+	cat > "${TARGETFILE}" << EOF
+$([ "${TYPE}" ] && echo "%define vcs_type		${TYPE}")
+$([ "${BASENAME}" ] && echo "%define vcs_basename		${BASENAME}")
+$([ "${UUID}" ] && echo "%define vcs_uuid		${UUID}")
+$([ "${NUM}" ] && echo "%define vcs_num			${NUM}")
+$([ "${DATE}" ] && echo "%define vcs_date		${DATE}")
+$([ "${BRANCH}" ] && echo "%define vcs_branch		${BRANCH}")
+$([ "${TAG}" ] && echo "%define vcs_tag			${TAG}")
+$([ "${TICK}" ] && echo "%define vcs_tick		${TICK}")
+$([ "${VERSION}" ] && echo "%define vcs_extra		${VERSION}")
+$([ "${ACTION_STAMP}" ] && echo "%define vcs_action_stamp		${ACTION_STAMP}")
+$([ "${FULL_HASH}" ] && echo "%define vcs_full_hash		${FULL_HASH}")
+$([ "${SHORT_HASH}" ] && echo "%define vcs_short_hash		${SHORT_HASH}")
+$([ "${WC_MODIFIED}" ] && echo "%define vcs_wc_modified		${WC_MODIFIED}")
+# end
+# shellcheck disable=SC2155,SC2039
+hppOutput() {
+	local NAMESPACE="$(echo "${BASENAME}" | sed -e 's:_::g' | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')"
+	cat > "${TARGETFILE}" << EOF
+#include <string>
+namespace $(echo "${NAMESPACE}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
+	const std::string TYPE		= "${TYPE}";
+	const std::string BASENAME	= "${BASENAME}";
+	const std::string UUID		= "${UUID}";
+	const int NUM				= ${NUM};
+	const std::string DATE		= "${DATE}";
+	const std::string BRANCH	= "${BRANCH}";
+	const std::string TAG		= "${TAG}";
+	const int TICK				= ${TICK};
+	const std::string VERSION		= "${VERSION}";
+	const std::string ACTION_STAMP	= "${ACTION_STAMP}";
+	const std::string FULL_HASH		= "${FULL_HASH}";
+	const std::string SHORT_HASH	= "${SHORT_HASH}";
+	const int WC_MODIFIED			= ${WC_MODIFIED};
+/* end */
+matlabOutput() {
+	case "${WC_MODIFIED}" in
+	esac
+	cat > "${TARGETFILE}" << EOF
+TYPE = '${TYPE}';
+UUID = '${UUID}';
+NUM = ${NUM};
+DATE = '${DATE}';
+TAG = '${TAG}';
+TICK = ${TICK};
+% end
+octaveOutput() {
+	cat > "${TARGETFILE}" << EOF
+TYPE = '${TYPE}';
+UUID = '${UUID}';
+NUM = ${NUM};
+DATE = '${DATE}';
+TAG = '${TAG}';
+TICK = ${TICK};
+% end
+# Helper functions
+# Count path segments
+# shellcheck disable=SC2039
+pathSegment() {
+	local pathz="${1}"
+	local depth="0"
+	if [ ! -z "${pathz}" ]; then
+		# Continue until we are at / or there are no path separators left.
+		while [ ! "${pathz}" = "/" ] && [ ! "${pathz}" = "$(echo "${pathz}" | sed -e 's:/::')" ]; do
+			pathz="$(dirname "${pathz}")"
+			depth="$((depth+1))"
+		done
+	fi
+	echo "${depth}"
+# Largest of four numbers
+# shellcheck disable=SC2039
+multiCompare() {
+	local larger="${1}"
+	local numA="${2}"
+	local numB="${3}"
+	local numC="${4}"
+	[ "${numA}" -gt "${larger}" ] && larger="${numA}"
+	[ "${numB}" -gt "${larger}" ] && larger="${numB}"
+	[ "${numC}" -gt "${larger}" ] && larger="${numC}"
+	echo "${larger}"
+# Test for repositories
+# shellcheck disable=SC2155,SC2039
+repoTest() {
+	if [ ! -z "$(git rev-parse HEAD 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
+		local gitPath="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)"
+		local gitDepth="$(pathSegment "${gitPath}")"
+	else
+		local gitDepth="0"
+	fi
+	if [ ! -z "$(hg root 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
+		local hgPath="$(hg root 2>/dev/null)"
+		local hgDepth="$(pathSegment "${hgPath}")"
+	else
+		local hgDepth="0"
+	fi
+	if [ ! -z "$(bzr root 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
+		local bzrPath="$(bzr root 2>/dev/null)"
+		local bzrDepth="$(pathSegment "${bzrPath}")"
+	else
+		local bzrDepth="0"
+	fi
+	if [ ! -z "$(svn info 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
+		local stringz="<wcroot-abspath>"
+		local stringx="</wcroot-abspath>"
+		local svnPath="$(svn info --xml | sed -n -e "s:${stringz}::" -e "s:${stringx}::p")"
+		# An old enough svn will not be able give us a path; default
+		# to 1 for that case.
+		if [ -z  "${svnPath}" ]; then
+			local svnDepth="1"
+		else
+			local svnDepth="$(pathSegment "${svnPath}")"
+		fi
+	else
+		local svnDepth="0"
+	fi
+	# Do not do more work then we have to.
+	if [ "${REPONUM}" = "0" ]; then
+		return
+	fi
+	# Figure out which repo is the deepest and use it.
+	local wonRepo="$(multiCompare "${gitDepth}" "${hgDepth}" "${bzrDepth}" "${svnDepth}")"
+	if [ "${wonRepo}" = "${gitDepth}" ]; then
+		gitRepo
+	elif [ "${wonRepo}" = "${hgDepth}" ]; then
+		hgRepo
+	elif [ "${wonRepo}" = "${bzrDepth}" ]; then
+		bzrRepo
+	elif [ "${wonRepo}" = "${svnDepth}" ]; then
+		svnRepo
+	fi
+# Detect which repos we are in and gather data.
+# shellcheck source=/dev/null
+if [ -f "${CACHEFILE}" ] && [ "${CACHEFORCE}" = "1" ]; then
+	# When requested only read from the cache to populate our symbols.
+	. "${CACHEFILE}"
+	# If a value is not set through the environment set VERSION to nothing.
+	: "${VERSION:=""}"
+	repoTest
+	if [ -f "${CACHEFILE}" ] && [ "${REPONUM}" = "0" ]; then
+		# We are not in a repo; try to use a previously generated cache to populate our symbols.
+		. "${CACHEFILE}"
+		# Do not overwrite the cache if we know we are not going to write anything new.
+	elif [ "${REPONUM}" = "0" ]; then
+		echo "error: No repo or cache detected." 1>&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+# -s output is handled here.
+if [ ! -z "${VAROUT}" ]; then
+	if [ "${VAROUT}" = "TYPE" ]; then
+		echo "${TYPE}"
+	elif [ "${VAROUT}" = "BASENAME" ]; then
+		echo "${BASENAME}"
+	elif [ "${VAROUT}" = "NUM" ]; then
+		echo "${NUM}"
+	elif [ "${VAROUT}" = "DATE" ]; then
+		echo "${DATE}"
+	elif [ "${VAROUT}" = "BRANCH" ]; then
+		echo "${BRANCH}"
+	elif [ "${VAROUT}" = "TAG" ]; then
+		echo "${TAG}"
+	elif [ "${VAROUT}" = "TICK" ]; then
+		echo "${TICK}"
+	elif [ "${VAROUT}" = "FULL_HASH" ]; then
+		echo "${FULL_HASH}"
+	elif [ "${VAROUT}" = "SHORT_HASH" ]; then
+		echo "${SHORT_HASH}"
+	elif [ "${VAROUT}" = "WC_MODIFIED" ]; then
+		echo "${WC_MODIFIED}"
+	elif [ "${VAROUT}" = "ACTION_STAMP" ]; then
+		echo "${ACTION_STAMP}"
+	else
+		echo "error: Not a valid output symbol." 1>&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+# Detect requested output type and use it.
+if [ ! -z "${AFILETYPE}" ]; then
+	if [ "${AFILETYPE}" = "c" ]; then
+		cOutput
+	elif [ "${AFILETYPE}" = "h" ]; then
+		hOutput
+	elif [ "${AFILETYPE}" = "xcode" ]; then
+		xcodeOutput
+	elif [ "${AFILETYPE}" = "swift" ]; then
+		swiftOutput
+	elif [ "${AFILETYPE}" = "sh" ]; then
+		shOutput
+	elif [ "${AFILETYPE}" = "py" ] || [ "${AFILETYPE}" = "python" ]; then
+		pyOutput
+	elif [ "${AFILETYPE}" = "pl" ] || [ "${AFILETYPE}" = "perl" ]; then
+		plOutput
+	elif [ "${AFILETYPE}" = "lua" ]; then
+		luaOutput
+	elif [ "${AFILETYPE}" = "php" ]; then
+		phpOutput
+	elif [ "${AFILETYPE}" = "ini" ]; then
+		iniOutput
+	elif [ "${AFILETYPE}" = "js" ]; then
+		jsOutput
+	elif [ "${AFILETYPE}" = "json" ]; then
+		jsonOutput
+	elif [ "${AFILETYPE}" = "java" ]; then
+		javaOutput
+	elif [ "${AFILETYPE}" = "javaprop" ]; then
+		javapropOutput
+	elif [ "${AFILETYPE}" = "tex" ]; then
+		texOutput
+	elif [ "${AFILETYPE}" = "m4" ]; then
+		m4Output
+	elif [ "${AFILETYPE}" = "scheme" ]; then
+		schemeOutput
+	elif [ "${AFILETYPE}" = "clojure" ]; then
+		clojureOutput
+	elif [ "${AFILETYPE}" = "rpm" ]; then
+		rpmOutput
+	elif [ "${AFILETYPE}" = "hpp" ]; then
+		hppOutput
+	elif [ "${AFILETYPE}" = "matlab" ]; then
+		matlabOutput
+	elif [ "${AFILETYPE}" = "octave" ]; then
+		octaveOutput
+	else
+		echo "error: Not a valid output type." 1>&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+# If requested, make a cache file.
+if [ ! -z "${CACHEFILE}" ] && [ ! "${CACHEFORCE}" = "1" ]; then
+	shOutput
+	# Check to see if there have been any actual changes.
+	if [ ! -f "${CACHEFILE}" ]; then
+		mv -f "${CACHEFILE}.tmp" "${CACHEFILE}"
+	elif cmp -s "${CACHEFILE}.tmp" "${CACHEFILE}"; then
+		rm -f "${CACHEFILE}.tmp"
+	else
+		mv -f "${CACHEFILE}.tmp" "${CACHEFILE}"
+	fi

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/commit/4b2a044bcd49df69919d8ab2efa6d2dd7355bf47
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