[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][master] In pyntpq, ifstats listing now works.

Eric S. Raymond gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Thu Nov 3 18:03:38 UTC 2016

Eric S. Raymond pushed to branch master at NTPsec / ntpsec

f3a163fd by Eric S. Raymond at 2016-11-03T13:01:44-04:00
In pyntpq, ifstats listing now works.

- - - - -

3 changed files:

- ntpq/pyntpq
- pylib/packet.py
- pylib/util.py


--- a/ntpq/pyntpq
+++ b/ntpq/pyntpq
@@ -1227,12 +1227,15 @@ usage: mrulist [ tag=value ] [ tag=value ] [ tag=value ] [ tag=value ]
         "show statistics for each local address ntpd is using"
-            entries = self.session.ifstat()
-            formatter = IfstatSummary()
-            self.say(IfstatSummary.header)
-            self.say(("=" * IfstatSummary.width) + "\n")
-            for entry in entries:
-                self.say(formatter.summary(entry) + "\n")
+            entries = self.session.ifstats()
+            if self.rawmode:
+                print(self.session.response)
+            else:
+                formatter = IfstatsSummary()
+                self.say(IfstatsSummary.header)
+                self.say(("=" * IfstatsSummary.width) + "\n")
+                for (i, entry) in enumerate(entries):
+                    self.say(formatter.summary(i, entry))
         except Mode6Exception as e:
             self.warn(e.message + "\n")
@@ -1249,11 +1252,14 @@ usage: ifstats
             entries = self.session.reslist()
-            formatter = ReslistSummary()
-            self.say(ReslistSummary.header)
-            self.say(("=" * ReslistSummary.width) + "\n")
-            for entry in entries:
-                self.say(formatter.summary(entry))
+            if self.rawmode:
+                print(self.session.response)
+            else:
+                formatter = ReslistSummary()
+                self.say(ReslistSummary.header)
+                self.say(("=" * ReslistSummary.width) + "\n")
+                for entry in entries:
+                    self.say(formatter.summary(entry))
         except Mode6Exception as e:
             self.warn(e.message + "\n")

--- a/pylib/packet.py
+++ b/pylib/packet.py
@@ -975,6 +975,6 @@ class Mode6Session:
     def ifstats(self):
         "Retrieve ifstats data."
-        print(self.__ordlist("ifstats"))
+        return self.__ordlist("ifstats")
 # end

--- a/pylib/util.py
+++ b/pylib/util.py
@@ -339,7 +339,37 @@ class ReslistSummary:
         # want to make ntpd stop generating garbage
         for c in s:
             if not c.isalnum() and not c in "/.: \n":
-                print("Failed on %s" % repr(c))
+                return ''
+        return s
+class IfstatsSummary:
+    "Reusable class for ifstats entry summary generation."
+    header = """\
+    interface name                                        send
+ #  address/broadcast     drop flag ttl mc received sent failed peers   uptime
+ """
+    width = 72
+    def summary(self, i, variables):
+        try:
+            s = "%3u %-24.24s %c %4x %3d %2d %6d %6d %6d %5d %8d\n    %s\n" % \
+               (i, variables['name'],
+	       '.' if variables['en'] else 'D',
+		variables.get('flags', '?'),
+                variables.get('tl', '?'),
+                variables.get('mc', '?'),
+		variables.get('rx', '?'),
+                variables.get('tx', '?'),
+                variables.get('txerr', '?'),
+		variables.get('pc', '?'),
+                variables.get('up', '?'),
+                variables.get('addr', '?'))
+            if variables.get("bcast"):
+                s += "    %s\n" % variables['bcast']
+        except TypeError:
+            # Can happen when ntpd ships a corrupted response
+            return ''
+        for c in s:
+            if not c.isalnum() and not c in "/.:[] \n":
                 return ''
         return s

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/commit/f3a163fdfb50e98f8ab34c721e4749701bfea1f6
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