[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][proto-refactor] Call record_raw_stats()

Daniel Fox Franke gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Fri Jul 8 20:43:55 UTC 2016

Daniel Fox Franke pushed to branch proto-refactor at NTPsec / ntpsec

851ada79 by Daniel Fox Franke at 2016-07-08T16:43:23-04:00
Call record_raw_stats()

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- ntpd/ntp_proto.c


--- a/ntpd/ntp_proto.c
+++ b/ntpd/ntp_proto.c
@@ -658,7 +658,25 @@ handle_procpkt(
 	uint64_to_lfp(&peer->xmt, pkt->xmt);
 	peer->dst = rbufp->recv_time;
-	/* FIXME: call record_raw_stats() here */
+	record_raw_stats(&peer->srcadr,
+			 peer->dstadr ? &peer->dstadr->sin : NULL,
+			 /* What we want to be reporting is values in the packet,
+			    not the values in the peer structure, but when we
+			    reach here they're the same thing. Passing the values
+			    in the peer structure is a convenience, because
+			    they're already in the l_fp format that
+			    record_raw_stats() expects. */
+			 &peer->org, &peer->rec, &peer->xmt, &peer->dst,
+			 PKT_LEAP(pkt->li_vn_mode),
+			 PKT_VERSION(pkt->li_vn_mode),
+			 PKT_MODE(pkt->li_vn_mode),
+			 PKT_TO_STRATUM(pkt->stratum),
+			 pkt->ppoll, pkt->precision,
+			 pkt->rootdelay, pkt->rootdisp,
+			 /* FIXME: this cast is disgusting */
+			 *(uint32_t*)pkt->refid,
+			 /* This will always be 0 by the time we get here */
+			 peer->outcount);
 	/* If either burst mode is armed, enable the burst.
 	 * Compute the headway for the next packet and delay if

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/commit/851ada796cdc02f4f56863b77e08d5462485ec59
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