[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][master] fix dryrun bugs in devel/release

Mark Atwood gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Wed Dec 28 07:43:59 UTC 2016

Mark Atwood pushed to branch master at NTPsec / ntpsec

93830c8c by Mark Atwood at 2016-12-28T07:43:50+00:00
fix dryrun bugs in devel/release

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- devel/release


--- a/devel/release
+++ b/devel/release
@@ -22,7 +22,12 @@ K=477C7528	# Release manager's GPG key ID
 $do git tag -u ${K} -m "version ${V}" NTPsec_${UV}
 # Commit those modifications to the repository.
-$do git commit -Ssecurity at ntpsec.org -s -m "version ${V}"
+if [ -z $do ]; then
+    git commit -Ssecurity at ntpsec.org -s -m "version ${V}"
+    echo git commit -Ssecurity at ntpsec.org -s -m \"version ${V}\"
 # Push the repository upstream.
 $do git push  
@@ -32,13 +37,21 @@ $do git push --tags
 $do gpg -u ${K} -a --output ntpsec-${V}.tar.gz.sum.asc --sign ntpsec-${V}.tar.gz.sum
 # Generate sha256sum file for the release tarball.
-$do shasum -a 256 -p ntpsec-${V}.tar.gz >ntpsec-${V}.tar.gz.sum
+if [ -z $do ]; then
+    shasum -a 256 -p ntpsec-${V}.tar.gz >ntpsec-${V}.tar.gz.sum
+    echo shasum -a 256 -p ntpsec-${V}.tar.gz \>ntpsec-${V}.tar.gz.sum
 # GPG sign that sha256sum file.
 $do gpg -u ${K} -a --output ntpsec-${V}.tar.gz.sum.asc ntpsec-${V}.tar.gz.sum
 # Copy the release tarball, GPG detached signature of the release
 # tarball, and the signed sha256sum file to the ftp artifact server.
-$do scp ntpsec-${V}.tar* markatwood at service1.ntpsec.org:/usr/local/jail/ftp.ntpsec.org/data/ftp/pub/releases/
+if [ -z $do ]; then
+    scp ntpsec-${V}.tar* markatwood at service1.ntpsec.org:/usr/local/jail/ftp.ntpsec.org/data/ftp/pub/releases/
+    echo scp ntpsec-${V}.tar\* markatwood at service1.ntpsec.org:/usr/local/jail/ftp.ntpsec.org/data/ftp/pub/releases/
 # end

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/commit/93830c8ca49dfef84df99c2a1de7b87e933d2914
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