[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][master] 2 commits: Contain some macro ugliness to its only call site.

Eric S. Raymond gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Tue Dec 27 21:54:59 UTC 2016

Eric S. Raymond pushed to branch master at NTPsec / ntpsec

26c307e4 by Eric S. Raymond at 2016-12-27T16:54:34-05:00
Contain some macro ugliness to its only call site.

- - - - -
5c18650e by Eric S. Raymond at 2016-12-27T16:54:34-05:00
Add a build-test step to make-tarball.

- - - - -

3 changed files:

- devel/make-tarball
- include/ntp_fp.h
- libntp/dolfptoa.c


--- a/devel/make-tarball
+++ b/devel/make-tarball
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
 # Make a release tarball from current head.  If you give an argument, it
 # will override the version normally taken from ../VERSION.  Produces
-# a file named ntpsec-$V.tar.gz.
+# a file named ntpsec-$V.tar.gz.  The name of this tarball is echoed to
+# standard output as part of the success message.
 # The tricky part is that it has to include the autorevision cache file,
 # which can't be checked into the repo or there'd be an infinite loop.
@@ -17,10 +18,8 @@ then
     exit 1
-if [ -r ../wafhelpers/.autorevision-cache ]
+if [ ! -r ../wafhelpers/.autorevision-cache ]
-    echo "Autorevision cache file exists, OK"
     echo "Autorevision cache file does not exist, waf build and try again"
     exit 1
@@ -34,11 +33,26 @@ else
     V=`cat ../VERSION`
+# Build the tarball
 rm -fr .tmp
 (cd ..; git ls-files; echo "wafhelpers/.autorevision-cache") >MANIFEST
 (cd ..; tar --transform="s:^:ntpsec-${V}/:" -T devel/MANIFEST -czf ntpsec-${V}.tar.gz)
 mv ../ntpsec-${V}.tar.gz .
+# Test-build from it, bailing out if we fail
+set -e
+mkdir .tmp
+cd .tmp
+tar -xzf ../ntpsec-${V}.tar.gz
+cd ntpsec-${V}
+./waf configure --refclock=all --enable-crypto --enable-doc
+./waf build
+cd ../..
+rm -fr .tmp
+echo ""
+echo "Success: " ntpsec-${V}.tar.gz
 # end

--- a/include/ntp_fp.h
+++ b/include/ntp_fp.h
@@ -146,19 +146,6 @@ typedef uint32_t u_fp;
 		(v_i) = ~(v_i) + ((v_f) == 0); \
 	} while (false)
-#define M_ADD(r_i, r_f, a_i, a_f)	/* r += a */ \
-	do { \
-		uint32_t add_t = (r_f); \
-		(r_f) += (a_f); \
-		(r_i) += (a_i) + ((uint32_t)(r_f) < add_t); \
-	} while (false)
-#define	M_LSHIFT(v_i, v_f)		/* v <<= 1 */ \
-	do { \
-		(v_i) = ((uint32_t)(v_i) << 1) | ((uint32_t)(v_f) >> 31);	\
-		(v_f) = ((uint32_t)(v_f) << 1); \
-	} while (false)
 #define	M_ISNEG(v_i)			/* v < 0 */ \
 	(((v_i) & 0x80000000) != 0)

--- a/libntp/dolfptoa.c
+++ b/libntp/dolfptoa.c
@@ -75,7 +75,21 @@ dolfptoa(
 	for (/*NOP*/;  dec > 0 && fpv != 0;  dec--)  {
 		uint32_t digit, tmph, tmpl;
+		/* FIXME - get rid of this ugly kludge! */
+#define M_ADD(r_i, r_f, a_i, a_f)	/* r += a */ \
+		do { \
+			uint32_t add_t = (r_f); \
+			(r_f) += (a_f); \
+			(r_i) += (a_i) + ((uint32_t)(r_f) < add_t); \
+		} while (false)
+#define	M_LSHIFT(v_i, v_f)		/* v <<= 1 */ \
+		do { \
+			(v_i) = ((uint32_t)(v_i) << 1) | ((uint32_t)(v_f) >> 31);	\
+			(v_f) = ((uint32_t)(v_f) << 1); \
+		} while (false)
 		 * The scheme here is to multiply the fraction
 		 * (0.1234...) by ten.  This moves a junk of BCD into
@@ -89,6 +103,8 @@ dolfptoa(
 		M_LSHIFT(digit, fpv);
 		M_LSHIFT(digit, fpv);
 		M_ADD(digit, fpv, tmph, tmpl);
+#undef M_ADD
+#undef M_SHIFT
 		*cpend++ = (uint8_t)digit;

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/compare/2dbf27fb1008e1d3ae77fa5e8eb61d6ed7908566...5c18650ea39879cab6c426c843557a6d47de466f
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