[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][master] Cooked-variable display in ntpmon.

Eric S. Raymond gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Sat Dec 17 22:00:40 UTC 2016

Eric S. Raymond pushed to branch master at NTPsec / ntpsec

9d7fc335 by Eric S. Raymond at 2016-12-17T16:59:35-05:00
Cooked-variable display in ntpmon.

- - - - -

3 changed files:

- ntpclients/ntpmon
- ntpclients/ntpq
- pylib/util.py


--- a/ntpclients/ntpmon
+++ b/ntpclients/ntpmon
@@ -183,11 +183,12 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
                         stdscr.addstr(sl + "\n", curses.A_REVERSE|curses.A_DIM)
                         if detailmode:
                             sw = ntp.util.PeerStatusWord(peers[i].status)
-                            stdscr.addstr("associd: %d %s\n" % (peers[i].associd, sw))
+                            stdscr.addstr("assoc=%d, %s,\n" \
+                                          % (peers[i].associd, sw))
                             vars = session.readvar(peers[i].associd,
-                            stdscr.addstr(str(vars))
+                            stdscr.addstr(ntp.util.cook(vars))
                         elif span.entries:
                             stdscr.addstr(ntp.util.MRUSummary.header + "\n",

--- a/ntpclients/ntpq
+++ b/ntpclients/ntpq
@@ -399,63 +399,7 @@ usage: help [ command ]
                 self.say("status=%04x %s,\n" % \
                           ntp.ntpc.statustoa(dtype, self.session.rstatus)))
-            text = ""
-            for (name, value) in variables.items():
-                item = "%s=" % name
-                if name in ("reftime", "clock", "org", "rec", "xmt"):
-                    item += ntp.ntpc.prettydate(value)
-                elif name in ("srcadr", "peeradr", "dstadr", "refid"):
-                    # C ntpq cooked these in obscure ways.  Since they
-                    # came up from the daemon as human-readable
-                    # strings this was probably a bad idea, but we'll
-                    # leave this case separated in case somebody thinks
-                    # re-cooking them is a good idea.
-                    item += value
-                elif name == "leap":
-                    item += ("00", "01", "10", "11")[value]
-                elif name == "reach":
-                    item += "%03lo" % value
-                elif name in("filtdelay", "filtoffset", "filtdisp", "filterror"):
-                    item += "\t".join(value.split())
-                elif name == "flash":
-                    item += "%02x" % value
-                    if value == 0:
-                        item += " ok"
-                    else:
-                        # flasher bits
-                        tstflagnames = (
-                            "pkt_dup",		# BOGON1
-                            "pkt_bogus",	# BOGON2
-                            "pkt_unsync",	# BOGON3
-                            "pkt_denied",	# BOGON4
-                            "pkt_auth",		# BOGON5
-                            "pkt_stratum",	# BOGON6
-                            "pkt_header",	# BOGON7
-                            "pkt_autokey",	# BOGON8
-                            "pkt_crypto",	# BOGON9
-                            "peer_stratum",	# BOGON10
-                            "peer_dist",	# BOGON11
-                            "peer_loop",	# BOGON12
-                            "peer_unreach"	# BOGON13
-                        )
-                        for (i, n) in enumerate(tstflagnames):
-                            if (1 << i) & value:
-                                item += tstflagnames[i] + " "
-                        item = item[:-1]
-                else:
-                    item += repr(value)
-                item += ", "
-                lastcount = 0
-                for c in text:
-                    if c == '\n':
-                        lastcount = 0
-                    else:
-                        lastcount += 1
-                if lastcount + len(item) > ntp.util.termsize().width - 2:
-                    text = text[:-1] + "\n"
-                text += item
-            text = text[:-2] + "\n"
+            text = ntp.util.cook(variables)
         text = text.replace("'", '"')

--- a/pylib/util.py
+++ b/pylib/util.py
@@ -164,7 +164,68 @@ class PeerStatusWord:
         self.last_event = event_dict.get(ntp.magic.PEER_EVENT|self.event, "")
     def __str__(self):
-        return "conf=%(conf)s, reach=%(reach)s, auth=%(auth)s, cond=%(condition)s, last=%(last_event)s" % self.__dict__
+        return "conf=%(conf)s, reach=%(reach)s, auth=%(auth)s, cond=%(condition)s, event=%(last_event)s ec=%(event_count)s" % self.__dict__
+def cook(variables):
+    "Cooked-mode variable display."
+    width = ntp.util.termsize().width - 2
+    text = ""
+    for (name, value) in variables.items():
+        item = "%s=" % name
+        if name in ("reftime", "clock", "org", "rec", "xmt"):
+            item += ntp.ntpc.prettydate(value)
+        elif name in ("srcadr", "peeradr", "dstadr", "refid"):
+            # C ntpq cooked these in obscure ways.  Since they
+            # came up from the daemon as human-readable
+            # strings this was probably a bad idea, but we'll
+            # leave this case separated in case somebody thinks
+            # re-cooking them is a good idea.
+            item += value
+        elif name == "leap":
+            item += ("00", "01", "10", "11")[value]
+        elif name == "reach":
+            item += "%03lo" % value
+        elif name in("filtdelay", "filtoffset", "filtdisp", "filterror"):
+            item += "\t".join(value.split())
+        elif name == "flash":
+            item += "%02x" % value
+            if value == 0:
+                item += " ok"
+            else:
+                # flasher bits
+                tstflagnames = (
+                    "pkt_dup",		# BOGON1
+                    "pkt_bogus",	# BOGON2
+                    "pkt_unsync",	# BOGON3
+                    "pkt_denied",	# BOGON4
+                    "pkt_auth",		# BOGON5
+                    "pkt_stratum",	# BOGON6
+                    "pkt_header",	# BOGON7
+                    "pkt_autokey",	# BOGON8
+                    "pkt_crypto",	# BOGON9
+                    "peer_stratum",	# BOGON10
+                    "peer_dist",	# BOGON11
+                    "peer_loop",	# BOGON12
+                    "peer_unreach"	# BOGON13
+                )
+                for (i, n) in enumerate(tstflagnames):
+                    if (1 << i) & value:
+                        item += tstflagnames[i] + " "
+                item = item[:-1]
+        else:
+            item += repr(value)
+        item += ", "
+        lastcount = 0
+        for c in text:
+            if c == '\n':
+                lastcount = 0
+            else:
+                lastcount += 1
+        if lastcount + len(item) > width:
+            text = text[:-1] + "\n"
+        text += item
+    text = text[:-2] + "\n"
+    return text
 class PeerSummary:
     "Reusable report generator for peer statistics"

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/commit/9d7fc335d798b41fba04e0538dd46efd90dbe312
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