[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][master] Address GitLab issue #205: ntpmon should support -V argument

Eric S. Raymond gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Thu Dec 15 02:27:15 UTC 2016

Eric S. Raymond pushed to branch master at NTPsec / ntpsec

3200e1d0 by Eric S. Raymond at 2016-12-14T21:26:34-05:00
Address GitLab issue #205: ntpmon should support -V argument

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- docs/includes/ntpmon-body.txt
- ntpclients/ntpmon


--- a/docs/includes/ntpmon-body.txt
+++ b/docs/includes/ntpmon-body.txt
@@ -49,6 +49,10 @@ x:: Cleanly terminate the program.
 ?:: List these commands.
+== Options ==
+-V:: Display version and exit.
 == Known Bugs ==
 +ntpmon+ will appear to hang when monitoring hosts with extremely long

--- a/ntpclients/ntpmon
+++ b/ntpclients/ntpmon
@@ -84,13 +84,28 @@ class OutputContext:
 usage = '''
-USAGE: ntpmon [host]
+USAGE: ntpmon [-V] [host]
 if __name__ == '__main__':
+    try:
+        (options, arguments) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],
+                                             "V", ["version"])
+    except getopt.GetoptError as e:
+        sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % e)
+        sys.stderr.write(usage)
+        raise SystemExit(1)
+    progname = sys.argv[0]
     showhostnames = True
     wideremote = False
     showall = False
+    for (switch, val) in options:
+        if switch in ("-V", "--version"):
+            print("ntpmon %s" % ntp.util.stdversion())
+            raise SystemExit(0)
     poll_interval = 1
     helpmode = False
     peer_report = ntp.util.PeerSummary(displaymode="peers",
@@ -102,7 +117,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     mru_report = ntp.util.MRUSummary(showhostnames)
         session = ntp.packet.ControlSession()
-        session.openhost(sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else "localhost")
+        session.openhost(arguments[0] if arguments else "localhost")
         sysvars = session.readvar()
         with OutputContext() as ctx:
             while True:

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/commit/3200e1d0a62d19d1474707d560b8629cc3945ab4
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