[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][master] ntpviz: use UTF-8 mu to improve legends and formats.

Eric S. Raymond gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Thu Aug 25 16:36:57 UTC 2016

Eric S. Raymond pushed to branch master at NTPsec / ntpsec

cfb90891 by Eric S. Raymond at 2016-08-25T12:36:43-04:00
ntpviz: use UTF-8 mu to improve legends and formats.

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- ntpstats/ntpviz


--- a/ntpstats/ntpviz
+++ b/ntpstats/ntpviz
@@ -85,13 +85,13 @@ set rmargin 12
         sitename = self.sitename
         plot_template = NTPViz.Common + """\
 set title "%(sitename)s: Local Clock Offset"
-set ytics format "@1.2f us" nomirror textcolor rgb '#0060ad'
+set ytics format "@1.2f μs" nomirror textcolor rgb '#0060ad'
 set y2tics format "@2.3f ppm" nomirror textcolor rgb '#dd181f'
 set key bottom right box
 set style line 1 lc rgb '#0060ad' lt 1 lw 1 pt 7 ps 0   # --- blue
 set style line 2 lc rgb '#dd181f' lt 1 lw 1 pt 5 ps 0   # --- red
 plot \
- "-" using 1:($2*1000000) title "clock offset us" with linespoints ls 1, \
+ "-" using 1:($2*1000000) title "clock offset μs" with linespoints ls 1, \
  "-" using 1:3 title "frequency offset ppm" with linespoints ls 2 axis x1y2
 """ % locals()
         return plot_template.replace('@', '%') + self.dump("loopstats") + "e\n" + self.dump("loopstats")
@@ -160,16 +160,16 @@ plot \
         nn_m_o     = ninetynine - one
         plot_template = NTPViz.Common + """\
 set title "%(sitename)s: %(title)s"
-set ytics format "@1.2f us" nomirror
+set ytics format "@1.2f μs" nomirror
 set key top right box
 set style line 1 lc rgb '#0060ad' lt 1 lw 1 pt 7 ps 0   # --- blue
 set style line 2 lc rgb '#dd181f' lt 1 lw 1 pt 5 ps 0   # --- red
-set label 1 gprintf("99@@ = %(ninetynine)s us",99) at graph 0.01,0.95 left front
-set label 2 gprintf("95@@ = %(ninetyfive)s us",95) at graph 0.01,0.9 left front
-set label 3 gprintf(" 5@@ = %(five)s us",5) at graph 0.01,0.85 left front
-set label 4 gprintf(" 1@@ = %(one)s us",1) at graph 0.01,0.8 left front
-set label 5 gprintf("95@@ - 5@@ = %(nf_m_f)s us",90) at graph 0.01,0.75 left front
-set label 6 gprintf("99@@ - 1@@ = %(nn_m_o)s us",98) at graph 0.01,0.7 left front
+set label 1 gprintf("99@@ = %(ninetynine)s μs",99) at graph 0.01,0.95 left front
+set label 2 gprintf("95@@ = %(ninetyfive)s μs",95) at graph 0.01,0.9 left front
+set label 3 gprintf(" 5@@ = %(five)s μs",5) at graph 0.01,0.85 left front
+set label 4 gprintf(" 1@@ = %(one)s μs",1) at graph 0.01,0.8 left front
+set label 5 gprintf("95@@ - 5@@ = %(nf_m_f)s μs",90) at graph 0.01,0.75 left front
+set label 6 gprintf("99@@ - 1@@ = %(nn_m_o)s μs",98) at graph 0.01,0.7 left front
 plot \
  "-" using 1:($%(fld)d*1000000) title "%(legend)s" with linespoints ls 1, \
  %(ninetynine)s title "99th percentile", \
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ plot \
         # remove trailing "e\n"
         plot_data = plot_data[:-2]
-        unit = "us"
+        unit = "μs"
         multiplier = 1000000
         if len(peerlist) == 1:
             # only one peer
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ plot \\%(percentages)s
         plot_template = NTPViz.Common + """\
 set title "%(sitename)s: offset of %(host)s"
 set ylabel ""
-set ytics format "@1.0f us" nomirror
+set ytics format "@1.0f μs" nomirror
 set key top right box
 plot \
 '-' using 1:($4*1000000) title 'offset' with line, \
@@ -321,17 +321,17 @@ set terminal png size 900,600
 set grid
 set xtic rotate by -45 scale 0
 set title "%(sitename)s: Local Clock Time Offset - Histogram"
-set xtics format "@1.1f us" nomirror
-set label 1 gprintf("99@@ = @1.2f us",%(ninetynine)s) at %(ninetynine)s, graph 0.91 left front offset 1,-1
+set xtics format "@1.1f μs" nomirror
+set label 1 gprintf("99@@ = @1.2f μs",%(ninetynine)s) at %(ninetynine)s, graph 0.91 left front offset 1,-1
 set style arrow 1 nohead
 set arrow from %(ninetynine)s,0 to %(ninetynine)s,graph 0.91 as 1
-set label 2 gprintf(" 1@@ = @1.2f us",%(one)s) at %(one)s, graph 0.91 right front offset -1,-1
+set label 2 gprintf(" 1@@ = @1.2f μs",%(one)s) at %(one)s, graph 0.91 right front offset -1,-1
 set style arrow 2 nohead
 set arrow from %(one)s,0 to %(one)s,graph 0.91 as 2
-set label 3 gprintf("25@@ = @1.2f us",%(twentyfive)s) at %(twentyfive)s, graph 0.7 right front offset -1,-1
+set label 3 gprintf("25@@ = @1.2f μs",%(twentyfive)s) at %(twentyfive)s, graph 0.7 right front offset -1,-1
 set style arrow 3 nohead
 set arrow from %(twentyfive)s,0 to %(twentyfive)s,graph 0.7 as 3
-set label 4 gprintf("75@@ = @1.2f us",%(seventyfive)s) at %(seventyfive)s, graph 0.7 left front offset 1,-1
+set label 4 gprintf("75@@ = @1.2f μs",%(seventyfive)s) at %(seventyfive)s, graph 0.7 left front offset 1,-1
 set style arrow 4 nohead
 set arrow from %(seventyfive)s,0 to %(seventyfive)s,graph 0.7 as 4
 set key off
@@ -352,14 +352,14 @@ def local_offset_multiplot(statlist):
     "Plot comparative local offsets for a list of NTPViz objects."
     plot = NTPViz.Common + '''\
 set title "Local Clock Offsets"
-set ytics format "@1.2f us" nomirror textcolor rgb "#0060ad"
+set ytics format "@1.2f μs" nomirror textcolor rgb "#0060ad"
 set key bottom right box
 plot \\
     # FIXME: We probably need to be more flexible about computing the plot label
     sitenames = [os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(d)) for d in statsdirs]
     for (i, stats) in enumerate(statlist):
-        plot += '"-" using 1:($2*1000000) title "%s clock offset us" with linespoints, \\\n' % (sitenames[i])
+        plot += '"-" using 1:($2*1000000) title "%s clock offset μs" with linespoints, \\\n' % (sitenames[i])
     plot = plot[:-4] + "\n"
     for stats in statlist:
         plot += stats.dump("loopstats") + "e\n"

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/commit/cfb9089129e03b383776c5b262bfa16bea1512a7
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