[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][master] 2 commits: Write test logs to $out/test.log

Amar Takhar gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Mon Nov 30 15:01:45 UTC 2015

Amar Takhar pushed to branch master at NTPsec / ntpsec

d0936a39 by Amar Takhar at 2015-11-30T09:56:51Z
Write test logs to $out/test.log

This fixes #23

- - - - -
38cb66c7 by Amar Takhar at 2015-11-30T10:01:12Z
Move test code to pylib/test.py

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- + pylib/test.py
- wscript


--- /dev/null
+++ b/pylib/test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+from waflib.Logs import pprint
+def test_write_log(ctx):
+	file_out = "%s/test.log" % ctx.bldnode.abspath()
+	log = lst = getattr(ctx, 'utest_results', [])
+	if not log:
+		return
+	with open(file_out, "w") as fp:
+		for binary, retval, lines, error in ctx.utest_results:
+			fp.write("BINARY      : %s\n" % binary)
+			fp.write("RETURN VALUE: %s\n" % retval)
+			fp.write("\n*** stdout ***\n")
+			fp.write(lines)
+			fp.write("\n*** stderr ***\n")
+			fp.write(error)
+			fp.write("\n\n\n")
+	pprint("BLUE", "Wrote test log to: ", file_out)
+def test_print_log(ctx):
+	for binary, retval, lines, error in ctx.utest_results:
+		pprint("YELLOW", "BINARY      :", binary)
+		pprint("YELLOW", "RETURN VALUE:", retval)
+		print("")
+		if retval or error:
+			pprint("RED", "****** ERROR ******\n")
+			print error or lines
+		if (not retval) and (not error):
+			pprint("GREEN", "****** LOG ******\n", lines)
+		print

--- a/wscript
+++ b/wscript
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ out="build"
 from pylib.configure import cmd_configure
 from waflib.Tools import waf_unit_test
+from pylib.test import test_write_log, test_print_log
 OPT_STORE = {} # Storage for options to pass into configure
@@ -97,27 +98,8 @@ class check(BuildContext):
 	cmd = 'check'
-def test_print_log(ctx):
-	from waflib.Logs import pprint
-	for binary, retval, lines, error in ctx.utest_results:
-		pprint("YELLOW", "BINARY      :", binary)
-		pprint("YELLOW", "RETURN VALUE:", retval)
-		print("")
-		if retval or error:
-			pprint("RED", "****** ERROR ******\n")
-			print error or lines
-		if (not retval) and (not error):
-			pprint("GREEN", "****** LOG ******\n", lines)
-		print
 def build(ctx):
 	ctx.load('waf', tooldir='pylib/')
 	ctx.load('asciidoc', tooldir='pylib/')
@@ -169,6 +151,9 @@ def build(ctx):
 		if ctx.options.verbose:
+	# Write test log to a file
+	ctx.add_post_fun(test_write_log)
 	# Print a summary at the end

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/compare/d96344411cc91969dcc1e742f64f8aba7802804d...38cb66c7edcdbe6ef8024a4b971f957cd91646a7
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