[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][master] Nuke libisc/log and libisc/unit/time (and headers)

Hal Murray gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Sat Dec 19 04:19:07 UTC 2015

Hal Murray pushed to branch master at NTPsec / ntpsec

daa3a36a by Hal Murray at 2015-12-18T20:18:09Z
Nuke libisc/log and libisc/unit/time (and headers)

- - - - -

8 changed files:

- − libisc/include/isc/log.h
- − libisc/log.c
- libisc/unix/ifiter_getifaddrs.c
- − libisc/unix/include/isc/time.h
- libisc/unix/interfaceiter.c
- libisc/unix/net.c
- − libisc/unix/time.c
- libisc/wscript


libisc/include/isc/log.h deleted
--- a/libisc/include/isc/log.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,857 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2004-2007, 2009  Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
- * Copyright (C) 1999-2002  Internet Software Consortium.
- * Copyright 2015 by the NTPsec project contributors
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC
- */
-#ifndef GUARD_ISC_LOG_H
-#define GUARD_ISC_LOG_H 1
-/*! \file isc/log.h */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <syslog.h> /* XXXDCL NT */
-#include <isc/formatcheck.h>
-#include <isc/lang.h>
-#include <isc/types.h>
- * \brief Severity levels, patterned after Unix's syslog levels.
- *
- */
-#define ISC_LOG_DEBUG(level)	(level)
- * #ISC_LOG_DYNAMIC can only be used for defining channels with
- * isc_log_createchannel(), not to specify a level in isc_log_write().
- */
-#define ISC_LOG_DYNAMIC	  	  0
-#define ISC_LOG_INFO		(-1)
-#define ISC_LOG_NOTICE		(-2)
-#define ISC_LOG_WARNING 	(-3)
-#define ISC_LOG_ERROR		(-4)
-#define ISC_LOG_CRITICAL	(-5)
- * \brief Destinations.
- */
-#define ISC_LOG_TONULL		1
-#define ISC_LOG_TOFILE		3
- * Channel flags.
- */
-#define ISC_LOG_PRINTTIME	0x0001
-#define ISC_LOG_PRINTLEVEL	0x0002
-#define ISC_LOG_PRINTMODULE	0x0008
-#define ISC_LOG_PRINTTAG	0x0010
-#define ISC_LOG_PRINTALL	0x001F
-#define ISC_LOG_DEBUGONLY	0x1000
-#define ISC_LOG_OPENERR		0x8000		/* internal */
- * \brief Other options.
- *
- * XXXDCL INFINITE doesn't yet work.  Arguably it isn't needed, but
- *   since I am intend to make large number of versions work efficiently,
- *   INFINITE is going to be trivial to add to that.
- */
-#define ISC_LOG_ROLLNEVER	(-2)
- * \brief Used to name the categories used by a library.
- *
- * An array of isc_logcategory
- * structures names each category, and the id value is initialized by calling
- * isc_log_registercategories.
- */
-struct isc_logcategory {
-	const char *name;
-	unsigned int id;
- * Similar to isc_logcategory, but for all the modules a library defines.
- */
-struct isc_logmodule {
-	const char *name;
-	unsigned int id;
- * The isc_logfile structure is initialized as part of an isc_logdestination
- * before calling isc_log_createchannel().
- *
- * When defining an #ISC_LOG_TOFILE
- * channel the name, versions and maximum_size should be set before calling
- * isc_log_createchannel().  To define an #ISC_LOG_TOFILEDESC channel set only
- * the stream before the call.
- *
- * Setting maximum_size to zero implies no maximum.
- */
-typedef struct isc_logfile {
-	FILE *stream;		/*%< Initialized to NULL for #ISC_LOG_TOFILE. */
-	const char *name;	/*%< NULL for #ISC_LOG_TOFILEDESC. */
-	int versions;	/* >= 0, #ISC_LOG_ROLLNEVER, #ISC_LOG_ROLLINFINITE. */
-	/*%
-	 * stdio's ftell is standardized to return a long, which may well not
-	 * be big enough for the largest file supportable by the operating
-	 * system (though it is _probably_ big enough for the largest log
-	 * anyone would want).  st_size returned by fstat should be typedef'd
-	 * to a size large enough for the largest possible file on a system.
-	 */
-	off_t maximum_size;
-	bool maximum_reached; /*%< Private. */
-} isc_logfile_t;
- * Passed to isc_log_createchannel to define the attributes of either
- * a stdio or a syslog log.
- */
-typedef union isc_logdestination {
-	isc_logfile_t file;
-	int facility;		/* XXXDCL NT */
-} isc_logdestination_t;
- * The built-in categories of libisc.
- *
- * Each library registering categories should provide library_LOGCATEGORY_name
- * definitions with indexes into its isc_logcategory structure corresponding to
- * the order of the names.
- */
-/* All that's left of isc/platform.h */
-LIBISC_EXTERNAL_DATA extern isc_logcategory_t isc_categories[];
-LIBISC_EXTERNAL_DATA extern isc_log_t *isc_lctx;
-LIBISC_EXTERNAL_DATA extern isc_logmodule_t isc_modules[];
- * Do not log directly to DEFAULT.  Use another category.  When in doubt,
- * use GENERAL.
- */
-#define ISC_LOGCATEGORY_DEFAULT	(&isc_categories[0])
-#define ISC_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL	(&isc_categories[1])
-#define ISC_LOGMODULE_SOCKET (&isc_modules[0])
-#define ISC_LOGMODULE_TIME (&isc_modules[1])
-#define ISC_LOGMODULE_INTERFACE (&isc_modules[2])
-#define ISC_LOGMODULE_TIMER (&isc_modules[3])
-#define ISC_LOGMODULE_FILE (&isc_modules[4])
-isc_log_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_log_t **lctxp, isc_logconfig_t **lcfgp);
- * Establish a new logging context, with default channels.
- *
- * Notes:
- *\li	isc_log_create() calls isc_logconfig_create(), so see its comment
- *	below for more information.
- *
- * Requires:
- *\li	mctx is a valid memory context.
- *\li	lctxp is not null and *lctxp is null.
- *\li	lcfgp is null or lcfgp is not null and *lcfgp is null.
- *
- * Ensures:
- *\li	*lctxp will point to a valid logging context if all of the necessary
- *	memory was allocated, or NULL otherwise.
- *\li	*lcfgp will point to a valid logging configuration if all of the
- *	necessary memory was allocated, or NULL otherwise.
- *\li	On failure, no additional memory is allocated.
- *
- * Returns:
- *\li	#ISC_R_SUCCESS		Success
- *\li	#ISC_R_NOMEMORY		Resource limit: Out of memory
- */
-isc_logconfig_create(isc_log_t *lctx, isc_logconfig_t **lcfgp);
- * Create the data structure that holds all of the configurable information
- * about where messages are actually supposed to be sent -- the information
- * that could changed based on some configuration file, as opposed to the
- * the category/module specification of isc_log_[v]write[1] that is compiled
- * into a program, or the debug_level which is dynamic state information.
- *
- * Notes:
- *\li	It is necessary to specify the logging context the configuration
- * 	will be used with because the number of categories and modules
- *	needs to be known in order to set the configuration.  However,
- *	the configuration is not used by the logging context until the
- *	isc_logconfig_use function is called.
- *
- *\li	The memory context used for operations that allocate memory for
- *	the configuration is that of the logging context, as specified
- *	in the isc_log_create call.
- *
- *\li	Four default channels are established:
- *\verbatim
- *	    	default_syslog
- *		 - log to syslog's daemon facility #ISC_LOG_INFO or higher
- *		default_stderr
- *		 - log to stderr #ISC_LOG_INFO or higher
- *		default_debug
- *		 - log to stderr #ISC_LOG_DEBUG dynamically
- *		null
- *		 - log nothing
- *\endverbatim
- *
- * Requires:
- *\li 	lctx is a valid logging context.
- *\li	lcftp is not null and *lcfgp is null.
- *
- * Ensures:
- *\li	*lcfgp will point to a valid logging context if all of the necessary
- *	memory was allocated, or NULL otherwise.
- *\li	On failure, no additional memory is allocated.
- *
- * Returns:
- *\li	#ISC_R_SUCCESS		Success
- *\li	#ISC_R_NOMEMORY		Resource limit: Out of memory
- */
-isc_logconfig_t *
-isc_logconfig_get(isc_log_t *lctx);
- * Returns a pointer to the configuration currently in use by the log context.
- *
- * Requires:
- *\li	lctx is a valid context.
- *
- * Ensures:
- *\li	The configuration pointer is non-null.
- *
- * Returns:
- *\li	The configuration pointer.
- */
-isc_logconfig_use(isc_log_t *lctx, isc_logconfig_t *lcfg);
- * Associate a new configuration with a logging context.
- *
- * Notes:
- *\li	This is thread safe.  The logging context will lock a mutex
- *	before attempting to swap in the new configuration, and isc_log_doit
- *	(the internal function used by all of isc_log_[v]write[1]) locks
- *	the same lock for the duration of its use of the configuration.
- *
- * Requires:
- *\li	lctx is a valid logging context.
- *\li	lcfg is a valid logging configuration.
- *\li	lctx is the same configuration given to isc_logconfig_create
- *		when the configuration was created.
- *
- * Ensures:
- *\li	Future calls to isc_log_write will use the new configuration.
- *
- * Returns:
- *\li	#ISC_R_SUCCESS		Success
- *\li	#ISC_R_NOMEMORY		Resource limit: Out of memory
- */
-isc_log_destroy(isc_log_t **lctxp);
- * Deallocate the memory associated with a logging context.
- *
- * Requires:
- *\li	*lctx is a valid logging context.
- *
- * Ensures:
- *\li	All of the memory associated with the logging context is returned
- *	to the free memory pool.
- *
- *\li	Any open files are closed.
- *
- *\li	The logging context is marked as invalid.
- */
-isc_logconfig_destroy(isc_logconfig_t **lcfgp);
- * Destroy a logging configuration.
- *
- * Notes:
- *\li	This function cannot be used directly with the return value of
- *	isc_logconfig_get, because a logging context must always have
- *	a valid configuration associated with it.
- *
- * Requires:
- *\li	lcfgp is not null and *lcfgp is a valid logging configuration.
- *\li	The logging configuration is not in use by an existing logging context.
- *
- * Ensures:
- *\li	All memory allocated for the configuration is freed.
- *
- *\li	The configuration is marked as invalid.
- */
-isc_log_registercategories(isc_log_t *lctx, isc_logcategory_t categories[]);
- * Identify logging categories a library will use.
- *
- * Notes:
- *\li	A category should only be registered once, but no mechanism enforces
- *	this rule.
- *
- *\li	The end of the categories array is identified by a NULL name.
- *
- *\li	Because the name is used by #ISC_LOG_PRINTCATEGORY, it should not
- *	be altered or destroyed after isc_log_registercategories().
- *
- *\li	Because each element of the categories array is used by
- *	isc_log_categorybyname, it should not be altered or destroyed
- *	after registration.
- *
- *\li	The value of the id integer in each structure is overwritten
- *	by this function, and so id need not be initialized to any particular
- *	value prior to the function call.
- *
- *\li	A subsequent call to isc_log_registercategories with the same
- *	logging context (but new categories) will cause the last
- *	element of the categories array from the prior call to have
- *	its "name" member changed from NULL to point to the new
- *	categories array, and its "id" member set to UINT_MAX.
- *
- * Requires:
- *\li	lctx is a valid logging context.
- *\li	categories != NULL.
- *\li	categories[0].name != NULL.
- *
- * Ensures:
- * \li	There are references to each category in the logging context,
- * 	so they can be used with isc_log_usechannel() and isc_log_write().
- */
-isc_log_registermodules(isc_log_t *lctx, isc_logmodule_t modules[]);
- * Identify logging categories a library will use.
- *
- * Notes:
- *\li	A module should only be registered once, but no mechanism enforces
- *	this rule.
- *
- *\li	The end of the modules array is identified by a NULL name.
- *
- *\li	Because the name is used by #ISC_LOG_PRINTMODULE, it should not
- *	be altered or destroyed after isc_log_registermodules().
- *
- *\li	Because each element of the modules array is used by
- *	isc_log_modulebyname, it should not be altered or destroyed
- *	after registration.
- *
- *\li	The value of the id integer in each structure is overwritten
- *	by this function, and so id need not be initialized to any particular
- *	value prior to the function call.
- *
- *\li	A subsequent call to isc_log_registermodules with the same
- *	logging context (but new modules) will cause the last
- *	element of the modules array from the prior call to have
- *	its "name" member changed from NULL to point to the new
- *	modules array, and its "id" member set to UINT_MAX.
- *
- * Requires:
- *\li	lctx is a valid logging context.
- *\li	modules != NULL.
- *\li	modules[0].name != NULL;
- *
- * Ensures:
- *\li	Each module has a reference in the logging context, so they can be
- *	used with isc_log_usechannel() and isc_log_write().
- */
-isc_log_createchannel(isc_logconfig_t *lcfg, const char *name,
-		      unsigned int type, int level,
-		      const isc_logdestination_t *destination,
-		      unsigned int flags);
- * Specify the parameters of a logging channel.
- *
- * Notes:
- *\li	The name argument is copied to memory in the logging context, so
- *	it can be altered or destroyed after isc_log_createchannel().
- *
- *\li	Defining a very large number of channels will have a performance
- *	impact on isc_log_usechannel(), since the names are searched
- *	linearly until a match is made.  This same issue does not affect
- *	isc_log_write, however.
- *
- *\li	Channel names can be redefined; this is primarily useful for programs
- *	that want their own definition of default_syslog, default_debug
- *	and default_stderr.
- *
- *\li	Any channel that is redefined will not affect logging that was
- *	already directed to its original definition, _except_ for the
- *	default_stderr channel.  This case is handled specially so that
- *	the default logging category can be changed by redefining
- *	default_stderr.  (XXXDCL Though now that I think of it, the default
- *	logging category can be changed with only one additional function
- *	call by defining a new channel and then calling isc_log_usechannel()
- *
- *\li	Specifying #ISC_LOG_PRINTTIME or #ISC_LOG_PRINTTAG for syslog is allowed,
- *	but probably not what you wanted to do.
- *
- *	#ISC_LOG_DEBUGONLY will mark the channel as usable only when the
- *	debug level of the logging context (see isc_log_setdebuglevel)
- *	is non-zero.
- *
- * Requires:
- *\li	lcfg is a valid logging configuration.
- *
- *\li	name is not NULL.
- *
- *
- *\li	destination is not NULL unless type is #ISC_LOG_TONULL.
- *
- *\li	level is >= #ISC_LOG_CRITICAL (the most negative logging level).
- *
- *\li	flags does not include any bits aside from the ISC_LOG_PRINT* bits
- *
- * Ensures:
- *		A channel with the given name is usable with
- *		isc_log_usechannel().
- *
- *		No additional memory is being used by the logging context.
- *		Any channel that previously existed with the given name
- *		is not redefined.
- *
- * Returns:
- *\li	#ISC_R_SUCCESS		Success
- *\li	#ISC_R_NOMEMORY		Resource limit: Out of memory
- *\li	#ISC_R_UNEXPECTED	type was out of range and REQUIRE()
- *					was disabled.
- */
-isc_log_usechannel(isc_logconfig_t *lcfg, const char *name,
-		   const isc_logcategory_t *category,
-		   const isc_logmodule_t *module);
- * Associate a named logging channel with a category and module that
- * will use it.
- *
- * Notes:
- *\li	The name is searched for linearly in the set of known channel names
- *	until a match is found.  (Note the performance impact of a very large
- *	number of named channels.)  When multiple channels of the same
- *	name are defined, the most recent definition is found.
- *
- *\li	Specifying a very large number of channels for a category will have
- *	a moderate impact on performance in isc_log_write(), as each
- *	call looks up the category for the start of a linked list, which
- *	it follows all the way to the end to find matching modules.  The
- *	test for matching modules is  integral, though.
- *
- *\li	If category is NULL, then the channel is associated with the indicated
- *	module for all known categories (including the "default" category).
- *
- *\li	If module is NULL, then the channel is associated with every module
- *	that uses that category.
- *
- *\li	Passing both category and module as NULL would make every log message
- *	use the indicated channel.
- *
- * \li	Specifying a channel that is #ISC_LOG_TONULL for a category/module pair
- *	has no effect on any other channels associated with that pair,
- *	regardless of ordering.  Thus you cannot use it to "mask out" one
- *	category/module pair when you have specified some other channel that
- * 	is also used by that category/module pair.
- *
- * Requires:
- *\li	lcfg is a valid logging configuration.
- *
- *\li	category is NULL or has an id that is in the range of known ids.
- *
- *	module is NULL or has an id that is in the range of known ids.
- *
- * Ensures:
- *		The channel will be used by the indicated category/module
- *		arguments.
- *
- *		If assignment for a specific category has been requested,
- *		the channel has not been associated with the indicated
- *		category/module arguments and no additional memory is
- *		used by the logging context.
- *		If assignment for all categories has been requested
- *		then _some_ may have succeeded (starting with category
- *		"default" and progressing through the order of categories
- *		passed to isc_log_registercategories()) and additional memory
- *		is being used by whatever assignments succeeded.
- *
- * Returns:
- *\li	#ISC_R_SUCCESS	Success
- *\li	#ISC_R_NOMEMORY	Resource limit: Out of memory
- */
-/* Attention: next four comments PRECEED code */
- *   \brief
- * Write a message to the log channels.
- *
- * Notes:
- *\li	lctx can be NULL; this is allowed so that programs which use
- *	libraries that use the ISC logging system are not required to
- *	also use it.
- *
- *\li	The format argument is a printf(3) string, with additional arguments
- *	as necessary.
- *
- * Requires:
- *\li	lctx is a valid logging context.
- *
- *\li	The category and module arguments must have ids that are in the
- *	range of known ids, as established by isc_log_registercategories()
- *	and isc_log_registermodules().
- *
- *\li	level != #ISC_LOG_DYNAMIC.  ISC_LOG_DYNAMIC is used only to define
- *	channels, and explicit debugging level must be identified for
- *	isc_log_write() via ISC_LOG_DEBUG(level).
- *
- *\li	format != NULL.
- *
- * Ensures:
- *\li	The log message is written to every channel associated with the
- *	indicated category/module pair.
- *
- * Returns:
- *\li	Nothing.  Failure to log a message is not construed as a
- *	meaningful error.
- */
-isc_log_write(isc_log_t *lctx, isc_logcategory_t *category,
-	       isc_logmodule_t *module, int level,
-	      const char *format, ...)
- * Write a message to the log channels.
- *
- * Notes:
- *\li	lctx can be NULL; this is allowed so that programs which use
- *	libraries that use the ISC logging system are not required to
- *	also use it.
- *
- *\li	The format argument is a printf(3) string, with additional arguments
- *	as necessary.
- *
- * Requires:
- *\li	lctx is a valid logging context.
- *
- *\li	The category and module arguments must have ids that are in the
- *	range of known ids, as established by isc_log_registercategories()
- *	and isc_log_registermodules().
- *
- *\li	level != #ISC_LOG_DYNAMIC.  ISC_LOG_DYNAMIC is used only to define
- *	channels, and explicit debugging level must be identified for
- *	isc_log_write() via ISC_LOG_DEBUG(level).
- *
- *\li	format != NULL.
- *
- * Ensures:
- *\li	The log message is written to every channel associated with the
- *	indicated category/module pair.
- *
- * Returns:
- *\li	Nothing.  Failure to log a message is not construed as a
- *	meaningful error.
- */
-isc_log_vwrite(isc_log_t *lctx, isc_logcategory_t *category,
-	       isc_logmodule_t *module, int level,
-	       const char *format, va_list args)
- * Write a message to the log channels, pruning duplicates that occur within
- * a configurable amount of seconds (see isc_log_[sg]etduplicateinterval).
- * This function is otherwise identical to isc_log_write().
- */
-isc_log_write1(isc_log_t *lctx, isc_logcategory_t *category,
-	       isc_logmodule_t *module, int level, const char *format, ...)
- * Write a message to the log channels, pruning duplicates that occur within
- * a configurable amount of seconds (see isc_log_[sg]etduplicateinterval).
- * This function is otherwise identical to isc_log_vwrite().
- */
-isc_log_vwrite1(isc_log_t *lctx, isc_logcategory_t *category,
-		isc_logmodule_t *module, int level, const char *format,
-		va_list args)
-isc_log_setdebuglevel(isc_log_t *lctx, unsigned int level);
- * Set the debugging level used for logging.
- *
- * Notes:
- *\li	Setting the debugging level to 0 disables debugging log messages.
- *
- * Requires:
- *\li	lctx is a valid logging context.
- *
- * Ensures:
- *\li	The debugging level is set to the requested value.
- */
-unsigned int
-isc_log_getdebuglevel(isc_log_t *lctx);
- * Get the current debugging level.
- *
- * Notes:
- *\li	This is provided so that a program can have a notion of
- *	"increment debugging level" or "decrement debugging level"
- *	without needing to keep track of what the current level is.
- *
- *\li	A return value of 0 indicates that debugging messages are disabled.
- *
- * Requires:
- *\li	lctx is a valid logging context.
- *
- * Ensures:
- *\li	The current logging debugging level is returned.
- */
-isc_log_wouldlog(isc_log_t *lctx, int level);
- * Determine whether logging something to 'lctx' at 'level' would
- * actually cause something to be logged somewhere.
- *
- * If #false is returned, it is guaranteed that nothing would
- * be logged, allowing the caller to omit unnecessary
- * isc_log_write() calls and possible message preformatting.
- */
-isc_log_setduplicateinterval(isc_logconfig_t *lcfg, unsigned int interval);
- * Set the interval over which duplicate log messages will be ignored
- * by isc_log_[v]write1(), in seconds.
- *
- * Notes:
- *\li	Increasing the duplicate interval from X to Y will not necessarily
- *	filter out duplicates of messages logged in Y - X seconds since the
- *	increase.  (Example: Message1 is logged at midnight.  Message2
- *	is logged at 00:01:00, when the interval is only 30 seconds, causing
- *	Message1 to be expired from the log message history.  Then the interval
- *	is increased to 3000 (five minutes) and at 00:04:00 Message1 is logged
- *	again.  It will appear the second time even though less than five
- *	passed since the first occurrence.
- *
- * Requires:
- *\li	lctx is a valid logging context.
- */
-unsigned int
-isc_log_getduplicateinterval(isc_logconfig_t *lcfg);
- * Get the current duplicate filtering interval.
- *
- * Requires:
- *\li	lctx is a valid logging context.
- *
- * Returns:
- *\li	The current duplicate filtering interval.
- */
-isc_log_settag(isc_logconfig_t *lcfg, const char *tag);
- * Set the program name or other identifier for #ISC_LOG_PRINTTAG.
- *
- * Requires:
- *\li	lcfg is a valid logging configuration.
- *
- * Notes:
- *\li	If this function has not set the tag to a non-NULL, non-empty value,
- *	then the #ISC_LOG_PRINTTAG channel flag will not print anything.
- *	Unlike some implementations of syslog on Unix systems, you *must* set
- *	the tag in order to get it logged.  It is not implicitly derived from
- *	the program name (which is pretty impossible to infer portably).
- *
- *\li	Setting the tag to NULL or the empty string will also cause the
- *	#ISC_LOG_PRINTTAG channel flag to not print anything.  If tag equals the
- *	empty string, calls to isc_log_gettag will return NULL.
- *
- * Returns:
- *\li	#ISC_R_SUCCESS	Success
- *\li	#ISC_R_NOMEMORY  Resource Limit: Out of memory
- *
- * XXXDCL when creating a new isc_logconfig_t, it might be nice if the tag
- * of the currently active isc_logconfig_t was inherited.  this does not
- * currently happen.
- */
-char *
-isc_log_gettag(isc_logconfig_t *lcfg);
- * Get the current identifier printed with #ISC_LOG_PRINTTAG.
- *
- * Requires:
- *\li	lcfg is a valid logging configuration.
- *
- * Notes:
- *\li	Since isc_log_settag() will not associate a zero-length string
- *	with the logging configuration, attempts to do so will cause
- *	this function to return NULL.  However, a determined programmer
- *	will observe that (currently) a tag of length greater than zero
- *	could be set, and then modified to be zero length.
- *
- * Returns:
- *\li	A pointer to the current identifier, or NULL if none has been set.
- */
-isc_log_opensyslog(const char *tag, int options, int facility);
- * Initialize syslog logging.
- *
- * Notes:
- *\li	XXXDCL NT
- *	This is currently equivalent to openlog(), but is not going to remain
- *	that way.  In the meantime, the arguments are all identical to
- *	those used by openlog(3), as follows:
- *
- * \code
- *		tag: The string to use in the position of the program
- *			name in syslog messages.  Most (all?) syslogs
- *			will use basename(argv[0]) if tag is NULL.
- *
- *		options: LOG_CONS, LOG_PID, LOG_NDELAY ... whatever your
- *			syslog supports.
- *
- *		facility: The default syslog facility.  This is irrelevant
- *			since isc_log_write will ALWAYS use the channel's
- *			declared facility.
- * \endcode
- *
- *\li	Zero effort has been made (yet) to accommodate systems with openlog()
- *	that only takes two arguments, or to identify valid syslog
- *	facilities or options for any given architecture.
- *
- *\li	It is necessary to call isc_log_opensyslog() to initialize
- *	syslogging on machines which do not support network connections to
- *	syslogd because they require a Unix domain socket to be used.  Since
- *	this is a chore to determine at run-time, it is suggested that it
- *	always be called by programs using the ISC logging system.
- *
- * Requires:
- *\li	Nothing.
- *
- * Ensures:
- *\li	openlog() is called to initialize the syslog system.
- */
-isc_log_closefilelogs(isc_log_t *lctx);
- * Close all open files used by #ISC_LOG_TOFILE channels.
- *
- * Notes:
- *\li	This function is provided for programs that want to use their own
- *	log rolling mechanism rather than the one provided internally.
- *	For example, a program that wanted to keep daily logs would define
- *	a channel which used #ISC_LOG_ROLLNEVER, then once a day would
- *	rename the log file and call isc_log_closefilelogs().
- *
- *\li	#ISC_LOG_TOFILEDESC channels are unaffected.
- *
- * Requires:
- *\li	lctx is a valid context.
- *
- * Ensures:
- *\li	The open files are closed and will be reopened when they are
- *	next needed.
- */
-isc_logcategory_t *
-isc_log_categorybyname(isc_log_t *lctx, const char *name);
- * Find a category by its name.
- *
- * Notes:
- *\li	The string name of a category is not required to be unique.
- *
- * Requires:
- *\li	lctx is a valid context.
- *\li	name is not NULL.
- *
- * Returns:
- *\li	A pointer to the _first_ isc_logcategory_t structure used by "name".
- *
- *\li	NULL if no category exists by that name.
- */
-isc_logmodule_t *
-isc_log_modulebyname(isc_log_t *lctx, const char *name);
- * Find a module by its name.
- *
- * Notes:
- *\li	The string name of a module is not required to be unique.
- *
- * Requires:
- *\li	lctx is a valid context.
- *\li	name is not NULL.
- *
- * Returns:
- *\li	A pointer to the _first_ isc_logmodule_t structure used by "name".
- *
- *\li	NULL if no module exists by that name.
- */
-isc_log_setcontext(isc_log_t *lctx);
- * Sets the context used by the libisc for logging.
- *
- * Requires:
- *\li	lctx be a valid context.
- */
-#endif /* GUARD_ISC_LOG_H */

libisc/log.c deleted
--- a/libisc/log.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1693 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2004-2007, 2009, 2011, 2012  Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
- * Copyright (C) 1999-2003  Internet Software Consortium.
- * Copyright 2015 by the NTPsec project contributors
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC
- */
-/*! \file
- * \author  Principal Authors: DCL */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <dirent.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>	/* dev_t FreeBSD 2.1 */
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <isc/log.h>
-#include <isc/magic.h>
-#include <isc/mem.h>
-#include <isc/time.h>
-#include <isc/util.h>
-#include "ntp_stdlib.h"		/* NTP change for strlcpy, strlcat */
-#define LCTX_MAGIC		ISC_MAGIC('L', 'c', 't', 'x')
-#define LCFG_MAGIC		ISC_MAGIC('L', 'c', 'f', 'g')
-#include "unix/errno2result.h"
-#define ISC_TF(x) ((x) ? true : false)
- * XXXDCL make dynamic?
- */
-#define LOG_BUFFER_SIZE	(8 * 1024)
-#ifndef PATH_MAX
-#define PATH_MAX 1024	/* AIX and others don't define this. */
- * This is the structure that holds each named channel.  A simple linked
- * list chains all of the channels together, so an individual channel is
- * found by doing strcmp()s with the names down the list.  Their should
- * be no performance penalty from this as it is expected that the number
- * of named channels will be no more than a dozen or so, and name lookups
- * from the head of the list are only done when isc_log_usechannel() is
- * called, which should also be very infrequent.
- */
-typedef struct isc_logchannel isc_logchannel_t;
-struct isc_logchannel {
-	char *				name;
-	unsigned int			type;
-	int 				level;
-	unsigned int			flags;
-	isc_logdestination_t 		destination;
-	ISC_LINK(isc_logchannel_t)	link;
- * The logchannellist structure associates categories and modules with
- * channels.  First the appropriate channellist is found based on the
- * category, and then each structure in the linked list is checked for
- * a matching module.  It is expected that the number of channels
- * associated with any given category will be very short, no more than
- * three or four in the more unusual cases.
- */
-typedef struct isc_logchannellist isc_logchannellist_t;
-struct isc_logchannellist {
-	const isc_logmodule_t *		module;
-	isc_logchannel_t *		channel;
-	ISC_LINK(isc_logchannellist_t)	link;
- * This structure is used to remember messages for pruning via
- * isc_log_[v]write1().
- */
-typedef struct isc_logmessage isc_logmessage_t;
-struct isc_logmessage {
-	char *				text;
-	isc_time_t			time;
-	ISC_LINK(isc_logmessage_t)	link;
- * The isc_logconfig structure is used to store the configurable information
- * about where messages are actually supposed to be sent -- the information
- * that could changed based on some configuration file, as opposed to the
- * the category/module specification of isc_log_[v]write[1] that is compiled
- * into a program, or the debug_level which is dynamic state information.
- */
-struct isc_logconfig {
-	unsigned int			magic;
-	isc_log_t *			lctx;
-	ISC_LIST(isc_logchannel_t)	channels;
-	ISC_LIST(isc_logchannellist_t) *channellists;
-	unsigned int			channellist_count;
-	unsigned int			duplicate_interval;
-	int				highest_level;
-	char *				tag;
-	bool			dynamic;
- * This isc_log structure provides the context for the isc_log functions.
- * The log context locks itself in isc_log_doit, the internal backend to
- * isc_log_write.  The locking is necessary both to provide exclusive access
- * to the buffer into which the message is formatted and to guard against
- * competing threads trying to write to the same syslog resource.  (On
- * some systems, such as BSD/OS, stdio is thread safe but syslog is not.)
- * Unfortunately, the lock cannot guard against a _different_ logging
- * context in the same program competing for syslog's attention.  Thus
- * There Can Be Only One, but this is not enforced.
- * XXXDCL enforce it?
- *
- * Note that the category and module information is not locked.
- * This is because in the usual case, only one isc_log_t is ever created
- * in a program, and the category/module registration happens only once.
- * XXXDCL it might be wise to add more locking overall.
- */
-struct isc_log {
-	/* Not locked. */
-	unsigned int			magic;
-	isc_mem_t *			mctx;
-	isc_logcategory_t *		categories;
-	unsigned int			category_count;
-	isc_logmodule_t *		modules;
-	unsigned int			module_count;
-	int				debug_level;
-	pthread_mutex_t			lock;
-	/* Locked by isc_log lock. */
-	isc_logconfig_t * 		logconfig;
-	char 				buffer[LOG_BUFFER_SIZE];
-	ISC_LIST(isc_logmessage_t)	messages;
- * Used when ISC_LOG_PRINTLEVEL is enabled for a channel.
- */
-static const char *log_level_strings[] = {
-	"debug",
-	"info",
-	"notice",
-	"warning",
-	"error",
-	"critical"
- * Used to convert ISC_LOG_* priorities into syslog priorities.
- * XXXDCL This will need modification for NT.
- */
-static const int syslog_map[] = {
- * When adding new categories, a corresponding ISC_LOGCATEGORY_foo
- * definition needs to be added to <isc/log.h>.
- *
- * The default category is provided so that the internal default can
- * be overridden.  Since the default is always looked up as the first
- * channellist in the log context, it must come first in isc_categories[].
- */
-LIBISC_EXTERNAL_DATA isc_logcategory_t isc_categories[] = {
-	{ "default", 0 },	/* "default" must come first. */
-	{ "general", 0 },
-	{ NULL, 0 }
- * See above comment for categories on LIBISC_EXTERNAL_DATA, and apply it to modules.
- */
-LIBISC_EXTERNAL_DATA isc_logmodule_t isc_modules[] = {
-	{ "socket", 0 },
-	{ "time", 0 },
-	{ "interface", 0 },
-	{ "timer", 0 },
-	{ "file", 0 },
-	{ NULL, 0 }
- * This essentially constant structure must be filled in at run time,
- * because its channel member is pointed to a channel that is created
- * dynamically with isc_log_createchannel.
- */
-static isc_logchannellist_t default_channel;
- * libisc logs to this context.
- */
-LIBISC_EXTERNAL_DATA isc_log_t *isc_lctx = NULL;
- * Forward declarations.
- */
-static isc_result_t
-assignchannel(isc_logconfig_t *lcfg, unsigned int category_id,
-	      const isc_logmodule_t *module, isc_logchannel_t *channel);
-static isc_result_t
-sync_channellist(isc_logconfig_t *lcfg);
-static isc_result_t
-greatest_version(isc_logchannel_t *channel, int *greatest);
-static isc_result_t
-roll_log(isc_logchannel_t *channel);
-static void
-isc_log_doit(isc_log_t *lctx, isc_logcategory_t *category,
-	     isc_logmodule_t *module, int level, bool write_once,
-	     int msgset, int msg,
-	     const char *format, va_list args)
-     ISC_FORMAT_PRINTF(8, 0);
- * Convenience macros.
- */
-#define FACILITY(channel)	 (channel->destination.facility)
-#define FILE_NAME(channel)	 (channel->destination.file.name)
-#define FILE_STREAM(channel)	 (channel->destination.file.stream)
-#define FILE_VERSIONS(channel)	 (channel->destination.file.versions)
-#define FILE_MAXSIZE(channel)	 (channel->destination.file.maximum_size)
-#define FILE_MAXREACHED(channel) (channel->destination.file.maximum_reached)
- **** Public interfaces.
- ****/
- * Establish a new logging context, with default channels.
- */
-isc_log_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_log_t **lctxp, isc_logconfig_t **lcfgp) {
-	isc_log_t *lctx;
-	isc_logconfig_t *lcfg = NULL;
-	int result;
-	REQUIRE(mctx != NULL);
-	REQUIRE(lctxp != NULL && *lctxp == NULL);
-	REQUIRE(lcfgp == NULL || *lcfgp == NULL);
-	lctx = isc_mem_get(mctx, sizeof(*lctx));
-	if (lctx != NULL) {
-		lctx->mctx = mctx;
-		lctx->categories = NULL;
-		lctx->category_count = 0;
-		lctx->modules = NULL;
-		lctx->module_count = 0;
-		lctx->debug_level = 0;
-		ISC_LIST_INIT(lctx->messages);
-		result = pthread_mutex_init(&lctx->lock, NULL);
-		if (result != 0) {
-			isc_mem_put(mctx, lctx, sizeof(*lctx));
-			return (result);
-		}
-		/*
-		 * Normally setting the magic number is the last step done
-		 * in a creation function, but a valid log context is needed
-		 * by isc_log_registercategories and isc_logconfig_create.
-		 * If either fails, the lctx is destroyed and not returned
-		 * to the caller.
-		 */
-		lctx->magic = LCTX_MAGIC;
-		isc_log_registercategories(lctx, isc_categories);
-		isc_log_registermodules(lctx, isc_modules);
-		result = isc_logconfig_create(lctx, &lcfg);
-	} else
-		result = ISC_R_NOMEMORY;
-	if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS)
-		result = sync_channellist(lcfg);
-	if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
-		lctx->logconfig = lcfg;
-		*lctxp = lctx;
-		if (lcfgp != NULL)
-			*lcfgp = lcfg;
-	} else {
-		if (lcfg != NULL)
-			isc_logconfig_destroy(&lcfg);
-		if (lctx != NULL)
-			isc_log_destroy(&lctx);
-	}
-	return (result);
-isc_logconfig_create(isc_log_t *lctx, isc_logconfig_t **lcfgp) {
-	isc_logconfig_t *lcfg;
-	isc_logdestination_t destination;
-	isc_result_t result = ISC_R_SUCCESS;
-	int level = ISC_LOG_INFO;
-	REQUIRE(lcfgp != NULL && *lcfgp == NULL);
-	lcfg = isc_mem_get(lctx->mctx, sizeof(*lcfg));
-	if (lcfg != NULL) {
-		lcfg->lctx = lctx;
-		lcfg->channellists = NULL;
-		lcfg->channellist_count = 0;
-		lcfg->duplicate_interval = 0;
-		lcfg->highest_level = level;
-		lcfg->tag = NULL;
-		lcfg->dynamic = false;
-		ISC_LIST_INIT(lcfg->channels);
-		/*
-		 * Normally the magic number is the last thing set in the
-		 * structure, but isc_log_createchannel() needs a valid
-		 * config.  If the channel creation fails, the lcfg is not
-		 * returned to the caller.
-		 */
-		lcfg->magic = LCFG_MAGIC;
-	} else
-		result = ISC_R_NOMEMORY;
-	/*
-	 * Create the default channels:
-	 *   	default_syslog, default_stderr, default_debug and null.
-	 */
-	if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
-		destination.facility = LOG_DAEMON;
-		result = isc_log_createchannel(lcfg, "default_syslog",
-					       ISC_LOG_TOSYSLOG, level,
-					       &destination, 0);
-	}
-	if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
-		destination.file.stream = stderr;
-		destination.file.name = NULL;
-		destination.file.versions = ISC_LOG_ROLLNEVER;
-		destination.file.maximum_size = 0;
-		result = isc_log_createchannel(lcfg, "default_stderr",
-					       ISC_LOG_TOFILEDESC,
-					       level,
-					       &destination,
-					       ISC_LOG_PRINTTIME);
-	}
-	if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
-		/*
-		 * Set the default category's channel to default_stderr,
-		 * which is at the head of the channels list because it was
-		 * just created.
-		 */
-		default_channel.channel = ISC_LIST_HEAD(lcfg->channels);
-		destination.file.stream = stderr;
-		destination.file.name = NULL;
-		destination.file.versions = ISC_LOG_ROLLNEVER;
-		destination.file.maximum_size = 0;
-		result = isc_log_createchannel(lcfg, "default_debug",
-					       ISC_LOG_TOFILEDESC,
-					       ISC_LOG_DYNAMIC,
-					       &destination,
-					       ISC_LOG_PRINTTIME);
-	}
-	if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS)
-		result = isc_log_createchannel(lcfg, "null",
-					       ISC_LOG_TONULL,
-					       ISC_LOG_DYNAMIC,
-					       NULL, 0);
-	if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS)
-		*lcfgp = lcfg;
-	else
-		if (lcfg != NULL)
-			isc_logconfig_destroy(&lcfg);
-	return (result);
-isc_logconfig_t *
-isc_logconfig_get(isc_log_t *lctx) {
-	ENSURE(lctx->logconfig != NULL);
-	return (lctx->logconfig);
-isc_logconfig_use(isc_log_t *lctx, isc_logconfig_t *lcfg) {
-	isc_logconfig_t *old_cfg;
-	isc_result_t result;
-	REQUIRE(lcfg->lctx == lctx);
-	/*
-	 * Ensure that lcfg->channellist_count == lctx->category_count.
-	 * They won't be equal if isc_log_usechannel has not been called
-	 * since any call to isc_log_registercategories.
-	 */
-	result = sync_channellist(lcfg);
-	if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
-		return (result);
-	LOCK(&lctx->lock);
-	old_cfg = lctx->logconfig;
-	lctx->logconfig = lcfg;
-	UNLOCK(&lctx->lock);
-	isc_logconfig_destroy(&old_cfg);
-	return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
-isc_log_destroy(isc_log_t **lctxp) {
-	isc_log_t *lctx;
-	isc_logconfig_t *lcfg;
-	isc_mem_t *mctx;
-	isc_logmessage_t *message;
-	REQUIRE(lctxp != NULL && VALID_CONTEXT(*lctxp));
-	lctx = *lctxp;
-	mctx = lctx->mctx;
-	if (lctx->logconfig != NULL) {
-		lcfg = lctx->logconfig;
-		lctx->logconfig = NULL;
-		isc_logconfig_destroy(&lcfg);
-	}
-	DESTROYLOCK(&lctx->lock);
-	while ((message = ISC_LIST_HEAD(lctx->messages)) != NULL) {
-		ISC_LIST_UNLINK(lctx->messages, message, link);
-		isc_mem_put(mctx, message,
-			    sizeof(*message) + strlen(message->text) + 1);
-	}
-	lctx->buffer[0] = '\0';
-	lctx->debug_level = 0;
-	lctx->categories = NULL;
-	lctx->category_count = 0;
-	lctx->modules = NULL;
-	lctx->module_count = 0;
-	lctx->mctx = NULL;
-	lctx->magic = 0;
-	isc_mem_put(mctx, lctx, sizeof(*lctx));
-	*lctxp = NULL;
-isc_logconfig_destroy(isc_logconfig_t **lcfgp) {
-	isc_logconfig_t *lcfg;
-	isc_mem_t *mctx;
-	isc_logchannel_t *channel;
-	isc_logchannellist_t *item;
-	char *filename;
-	unsigned int i;
-	REQUIRE(lcfgp != NULL && VALID_CONFIG(*lcfgp));
-	lcfg = *lcfgp;
-	/*
-	 * This function cannot be called with a logconfig that is in
-	 * use by a log context.
-	 */
-	REQUIRE(lcfg->lctx != NULL && lcfg->lctx->logconfig != lcfg);
-	mctx = lcfg->lctx->mctx;
-	while ((channel = ISC_LIST_HEAD(lcfg->channels)) != NULL) {
-		ISC_LIST_UNLINK(lcfg->channels, channel, link);
-		if (channel->type == ISC_LOG_TOFILE) {
-			/*
-			 * The filename for the channel may have ultimately
-			 * started its life in user-land as a const string,
-			 * but in isc_log_createchannel it gets copied
-			 * into writable memory and is not longer truly const.
-			 */
-			DE_CONST(FILE_NAME(channel), filename);
-			isc_mem_free(mctx, filename);
-			if (FILE_STREAM(channel) != NULL)
-				(void)fclose(FILE_STREAM(channel));
-		}
-		isc_mem_free(mctx, channel->name);
-		isc_mem_put(mctx, channel, sizeof(*channel));
-	}
-	for (i = 0; i < lcfg->channellist_count; i++)
-		while ((item = ISC_LIST_HEAD(lcfg->channellists[i])) != NULL) {
-			ISC_LIST_UNLINK(lcfg->channellists[i], item, link);
-			isc_mem_put(mctx, item, sizeof(*item));
-		}
-	if (lcfg->channellist_count > 0)
-		isc_mem_put(mctx, lcfg->channellists,
-			    lcfg->channellist_count *
-			    sizeof(ISC_LIST(isc_logchannellist_t)));
-	lcfg->dynamic = false;
-	if (lcfg->tag != NULL)
-		isc_mem_free(lcfg->lctx->mctx, lcfg->tag);
-	lcfg->tag = NULL;
-	lcfg->highest_level = 0;
-	lcfg->duplicate_interval = 0;
-	lcfg->magic = 0;
-	isc_mem_put(mctx, lcfg, sizeof(*lcfg));
-	*lcfgp = NULL;
-isc_log_registercategories(isc_log_t *lctx, isc_logcategory_t categories[]) {
-	isc_logcategory_t *catp;
-	REQUIRE(categories != NULL && categories[0].name != NULL);
-	/*
-	 * XXXDCL This somewhat sleazy situation of using the last pointer
-	 * in one category array to point to the next array exists because
-	 * this registration function returns void and I didn't want to have
-	 * change everything that used it by making it return an isc_result_t.
-	 * It would need to do that if it had to allocate memory to store
-	 * pointers to each array passed in.
-	 */
-	if (lctx->categories == NULL)
-		lctx->categories = categories;
-	else {
-		/*
-		 * Adjust the last (NULL) pointer of the already registered
-		 * categories to point to the incoming array.
-		 */
-		for (catp = lctx->categories; catp->name != NULL; )
-			if (catp->id == UINT_MAX)
-				/*
-				 * The name pointer points to the next array.
-				 * Ick.
-				 */
-				DE_CONST(catp->name, catp);
-			else
-				catp++;
-		catp->name = (void *)categories;
-		catp->id = UINT_MAX;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Update the id number of the category with its new global id.
-	 */
-	for (catp = categories; catp->name != NULL; catp++)
-		catp->id = lctx->category_count++;
-isc_logcategory_t *
-isc_log_categorybyname(isc_log_t *lctx, const char *name) {
-	isc_logcategory_t *catp;
-	REQUIRE(name != NULL);
-	for (catp = lctx->categories; catp->name != NULL; )
-		if (catp->id == UINT_MAX)
-			/*
-			 * catp is neither modified nor returned to the
-			 * caller, so removing its const qualifier is ok.
-			 */
-			DE_CONST(catp->name, catp);
-		else {
-			if (strcmp(catp->name, name) == 0)
-				return (catp);
-			catp++;
-		}
-	return (NULL);
-isc_log_registermodules(isc_log_t *lctx, isc_logmodule_t modules[]) {
-	isc_logmodule_t *modp;
-	REQUIRE(modules != NULL && modules[0].name != NULL);
-	/*
-	 * XXXDCL This somewhat sleazy situation of using the last pointer
-	 * in one category array to point to the next array exists because
-	 * this registration function returns void and I didn't want to have
-	 * change everything that used it by making it return an isc_result_t.
-	 * It would need to do that if it had to allocate memory to store
-	 * pointers to each array passed in.
-	 */
-	if (lctx->modules == NULL)
-		lctx->modules = modules;
-	else {
-		/*
-		 * Adjust the last (NULL) pointer of the already registered
-		 * modules to point to the incoming array.
-		 */
-		for (modp = lctx->modules; modp->name != NULL; )
-			if (modp->id == UINT_MAX)
-				/*
-				 * The name pointer points to the next array.
-				 * Ick.
-				 */
-				DE_CONST(modp->name, modp);
-			else
-				modp++;
-		modp->name = (void *)modules;
-		modp->id = UINT_MAX;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Update the id number of the module with its new global id.
-	 */
-	for (modp = modules; modp->name != NULL; modp++)
-		modp->id = lctx->module_count++;
-isc_logmodule_t *
-isc_log_modulebyname(isc_log_t *lctx, const char *name) {
-	isc_logmodule_t *modp;
-	REQUIRE(name != NULL);
-	for (modp = lctx->modules; modp->name != NULL; )
-		if (modp->id == UINT_MAX)
-			/*
-			 * modp is neither modified nor returned to the
-			 * caller, so removing its const qualifier is ok.
-			 */
-			DE_CONST(modp->name, modp);
-		else {
-			if (strcmp(modp->name, name) == 0)
-				return (modp);
-			modp++;
-		}
-	return (NULL);
-isc_log_createchannel(isc_logconfig_t *lcfg, const char *name,
-		      unsigned int type, int level,
-		      const isc_logdestination_t *destination,
-		      unsigned int flags)
-	isc_logchannel_t *channel;
-	isc_mem_t *mctx;
-	REQUIRE(name != NULL);
-		type == ISC_LOG_TOFILEDESC || type == ISC_LOG_TONULL);
-	REQUIRE(destination != NULL || type == ISC_LOG_TONULL);
-	REQUIRE((flags &
-		 (unsigned int)~(ISC_LOG_PRINTALL | ISC_LOG_DEBUGONLY)) == 0);
-	/* XXXDCL find duplicate names? */
-	mctx = lcfg->lctx->mctx;
-	channel = isc_mem_get(mctx, sizeof(*channel));
-	if (channel == NULL)
-		return (ISC_R_NOMEMORY);
-	channel->name = isc_mem_strdup(mctx, name);
-	if (channel->name == NULL) {
-		isc_mem_put(mctx, channel, sizeof(*channel));
-		return (ISC_R_NOMEMORY);
-	}
-	channel->type = type;
-	channel->level = level;
-	channel->flags = flags;
-	ISC_LINK_INIT(channel, link);
-	switch (type) {
-		FACILITY(channel) = destination->facility;
-		break;
-		/*
-		 * The file name is copied because greatest_version wants
-		 * to scribble on it, so it needs to be definitely in
-		 * writable memory.
-		 */
-		FILE_NAME(channel) =
-			isc_mem_strdup(mctx, destination->file.name);
-		FILE_STREAM(channel) = NULL;
-		FILE_VERSIONS(channel) = destination->file.versions;
-		FILE_MAXSIZE(channel) = destination->file.maximum_size;
-		FILE_MAXREACHED(channel) = false;
-		break;
-		FILE_NAME(channel) = NULL;
-		FILE_STREAM(channel) = destination->file.stream;
-		FILE_MAXSIZE(channel) = 0;
-		break;
-		/* Nothing. */
-		break;
-	default:
-		isc_mem_put(mctx, channel->name, strlen(channel->name) + 1);
-		isc_mem_put(mctx, channel, sizeof(*channel));
-		return (ISC_R_UNEXPECTED);
-	}
-	ISC_LIST_PREPEND(lcfg->channels, channel, link);
-	/*
-	 * If default_stderr was redefined, make the default category
-	 * point to the new default_stderr.
-	 */
-	if (strcmp(name, "default_stderr") == 0)
-		default_channel.channel = channel;
-	return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
-isc_log_usechannel(isc_logconfig_t *lcfg, const char *name,
-		   const isc_logcategory_t *category,
-		   const isc_logmodule_t *module)
-	isc_log_t *lctx;
-	isc_logchannel_t *channel;
-	isc_result_t result = ISC_R_SUCCESS;
-	unsigned int i;
-	REQUIRE(name != NULL);
-	lctx = lcfg->lctx;
-	REQUIRE(category == NULL || category->id < lctx->category_count);
-	REQUIRE(module == NULL || module->id < lctx->module_count);
-	for (channel = ISC_LIST_HEAD(lcfg->channels); channel != NULL;
-	     channel = ISC_LIST_NEXT(channel, link))
-		if (strcmp(name, channel->name) == 0)
-			break;
-	if (channel == NULL)
-		return (ISC_R_NOTFOUND);
-	if (category != NULL)
-		result = assignchannel(lcfg, category->id, module, channel);
-	else
-		/*
-		 * Assign to all categories.  Note that this includes
-		 * the default channel.
-		 */
-		for (i = 0; i < lctx->category_count; i++) {
-			result = assignchannel(lcfg, i, module, channel);
-			if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
-				break;
-		}
-	return (result);
-isc_log_write(isc_log_t *lctx, isc_logcategory_t *category,
-	      isc_logmodule_t *module, int level, const char *format, ...)
-	va_list args;
-	/*
-	 * Contract checking is done in isc_log_doit().
-	 */
-	va_start(args, format);
-	isc_log_doit(lctx, category, module, level, false,
-		     0, 0, format, args);
-	va_end(args);
-isc_log_vwrite(isc_log_t *lctx, isc_logcategory_t *category,
-	       isc_logmodule_t *module, int level,
-	       const char *format, va_list args)
-	/*
-	 * Contract checking is done in isc_log_doit().
-	 */
-	isc_log_doit(lctx, category, module, level, false,
-		     0, 0, format, args);
-isc_log_write1(isc_log_t *lctx, isc_logcategory_t *category,
-	       isc_logmodule_t *module, int level, const char *format, ...)
-	va_list args;
-	/*
-	 * Contract checking is done in isc_log_doit().
-	 */
-	va_start(args, format);
-	isc_log_doit(lctx, category, module, level, true,
-		     0, 0, format, args);
-	va_end(args);
-isc_log_vwrite1(isc_log_t *lctx, isc_logcategory_t *category,
-		isc_logmodule_t *module, int level,
-		const char *format, va_list args)
-	/*
-	 * Contract checking is done in isc_log_doit().
-	 */
-	isc_log_doit(lctx, category, module, level, true,
-		     0, 0, format, args);
-isc_log_setcontext(isc_log_t *lctx) {
-	isc_lctx = lctx;
-isc_log_setdebuglevel(isc_log_t *lctx, unsigned int level) {
-	isc_logchannel_t *channel;
-	LOCK(&lctx->lock);
-	lctx->debug_level = level;
-	/*
-	 * Close ISC_LOG_DEBUGONLY channels if level is zero.
-	 */
-	if (lctx->debug_level == 0)
-		for (channel = ISC_LIST_HEAD(lctx->logconfig->channels);
-		     channel != NULL;
-		     channel = ISC_LIST_NEXT(channel, link))
-			if (channel->type == ISC_LOG_TOFILE &&
-			    (channel->flags & ISC_LOG_DEBUGONLY) != 0 &&
-			    FILE_STREAM(channel) != NULL) {
-				(void)fclose(FILE_STREAM(channel));
-				FILE_STREAM(channel) = NULL;
-			}
-	UNLOCK(&lctx->lock);
-unsigned int
-isc_log_getdebuglevel(isc_log_t *lctx) {
-	return (lctx->debug_level);
-isc_log_setduplicateinterval(isc_logconfig_t *lcfg, unsigned int interval) {
-	lcfg->duplicate_interval = interval;
-unsigned int
-isc_log_getduplicateinterval(isc_logconfig_t *lcfg) {
-	return (lcfg->duplicate_interval);
-isc_log_settag(isc_logconfig_t *lcfg, const char *tag) {
-	if (tag != NULL && *tag != '\0') {
-		if (lcfg->tag != NULL)
-			isc_mem_free(lcfg->lctx->mctx, lcfg->tag);
-		lcfg->tag = isc_mem_strdup(lcfg->lctx->mctx, tag);
-		if (lcfg->tag == NULL)
-			return (ISC_R_NOMEMORY);
-	} else {
-		if (lcfg->tag != NULL)
-			isc_mem_free(lcfg->lctx->mctx, lcfg->tag);
-		lcfg->tag = NULL;
-	}
-	return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
-char *
-isc_log_gettag(isc_logconfig_t *lcfg) {
-	return (lcfg->tag);
-/* XXXDCL NT  -- This interface will assuredly be changing. */
-isc_log_opensyslog(const char *tag, int options, int facility) {
-	(void)openlog(tag, options, facility);
-isc_log_closefilelogs(isc_log_t *lctx) {
-	isc_logchannel_t *channel;
-	LOCK(&lctx->lock);
-	for (channel = ISC_LIST_HEAD(lctx->logconfig->channels);
-	     channel != NULL;
-	     channel = ISC_LIST_NEXT(channel, link))
-		if (channel->type == ISC_LOG_TOFILE &&
-		    FILE_STREAM(channel) != NULL) {
-			(void)fclose(FILE_STREAM(channel));
-			FILE_STREAM(channel) = NULL;
-		}
-	UNLOCK(&lctx->lock);
- **** Internal functions
- ****/
-static isc_result_t
-assignchannel(isc_logconfig_t *lcfg, unsigned int category_id,
-	      const isc_logmodule_t *module, isc_logchannel_t *channel)
-	isc_logchannellist_t *new_item;
-	isc_log_t *lctx;
-	isc_result_t result;
-	lctx = lcfg->lctx;
-	REQUIRE(category_id < lctx->category_count);
-	REQUIRE(module == NULL || module->id < lctx->module_count);
-	REQUIRE(channel != NULL);
-	/*
-	 * Ensure lcfg->channellist_count == lctx->category_count.
-	 */
-	result = sync_channellist(lcfg);
-	if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
-		return (result);
-	new_item = isc_mem_get(lctx->mctx, sizeof(*new_item));
-	if (new_item == NULL)
-		return (ISC_R_NOMEMORY);
-	new_item->channel = channel;
-	new_item->module = module;
-	ISC_LIST_INITANDPREPEND(lcfg->channellists[category_id],
-			       new_item, link);
-	/*
-	 * Remember the highest logging level set by any channel in the
-	 * logging config, so isc_log_doit() can quickly return if the
-	 * message is too high to be logged by any channel.
-	 */
-	if (channel->type != ISC_LOG_TONULL) {
-		if (lcfg->highest_level < channel->level)
-			lcfg->highest_level = channel->level;
-		if (channel->level == ISC_LOG_DYNAMIC)
-			lcfg->dynamic = true;
-	}
-	return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
- * This would ideally be part of isc_log_registercategories(), except then
- * that function would have to return isc_result_t instead of void.
- */
-static isc_result_t
-sync_channellist(isc_logconfig_t *lcfg) {
-	unsigned int bytes;
-	isc_log_t *lctx;
-	void *lists;
-	lctx = lcfg->lctx;
-	REQUIRE(lctx->category_count != 0);
-	if (lctx->category_count == lcfg->channellist_count)
-		return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
-	bytes = lctx->category_count * sizeof(ISC_LIST(isc_logchannellist_t));
-	lists = isc_mem_get(lctx->mctx, bytes);
-	if (lists == NULL)
-		return (ISC_R_NOMEMORY);
-	memset(lists, 0, bytes);
-	if (lcfg->channellist_count != 0) {
-		bytes = lcfg->channellist_count *
-			sizeof(ISC_LIST(isc_logchannellist_t));
-		memcpy(lists, lcfg->channellists, bytes);
-		isc_mem_put(lctx->mctx, lcfg->channellists, bytes);
-	}
-	lcfg->channellists = lists;
-	lcfg->channellist_count = lctx->category_count;
-	return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
-static isc_result_t
-greatest_version(isc_logchannel_t *channel, int *greatestp) {
-	char *basenam, *digit_end;
-	const char *dirname;
-	int version, greatest = -1;
-	unsigned int basenamelen;
-	DIR *dir;
-	struct dirent *entry;
-	char sep = '/';
-#ifdef _WIN32
-	char *basename2;
-	REQUIRE(channel->type == ISC_LOG_TOFILE);
-	/*
-	 * It is safe to DE_CONST the file.name because it was copied
-	 * with isc_mem_strdup in isc_log_createchannel.
-	 */
-	basenam = strrchr(FILE_NAME(channel), sep);
-#ifdef _WIN32
-	basename2 = strrchr(FILE_NAME(channel), '\\');
-	if ((basenam != NULL && basename2 != NULL && basename2 > basenam) ||
-	    (basenam == NULL && basename2 != NULL)) {
-		basenam = basename2;
-		sep = '\\';
-	}
-	if (basenam != NULL) {
-		*basenam++ = '\0';
-		dirname = FILE_NAME(channel);
-	} else {
-		DE_CONST(FILE_NAME(channel), basenam);
-		dirname = ".";
-	}
-	basenamelen = strlen(basenam);
-	dir = opendir(dirname);
-	/*
-	 * Replace the file separator if it was taken out.
-	 */
-	if (basenam != FILE_NAME(channel))
-		*(basenam - 1) = sep;
-	/*
-	 * Return if the directory open failed.
-	 */
-	if (dir == NULL) {
-		return ISC_R_FAILURE;
-	}
-	while ((entry = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
-		if (strlen(entry->d_name) > basenamelen &&
-		    strncmp(entry->d_name, basenam, basenamelen) == 0 &&
-		    entry->d_name[basenamelen] == '.') {
-			version = strtol(&entry->d_name[basenamelen + 1],
-					 &digit_end, 10);
-			if (*digit_end == '\0' && version > greatest)
-				greatest = version;
-		}
-	}
-	closedir(dir);
-	*greatestp = ++greatest;
-	return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
-static isc_result_t
-roll_log(isc_logchannel_t *channel) {
-	int i, n, greatest;
-	char current[PATH_MAX + 1];
-	char new[PATH_MAX + 1];
-	const char *path;
-	isc_result_t result;
-	/*
-	 * Do nothing (not even excess version trimming) if ISC_LOG_ROLLNEVER
-	 * is specified.  Apparently complete external control over the log
-	 * files is desired.
-	 */
-		return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
-	path = FILE_NAME(channel);
-	/*
-	 * Set greatest_version to the greatest existing version
-	 * (not the maximum requested version).  This is 1 based even
-	 * though the file names are 0 based, so an oldest log of log.1
-	 * is a greatest_version of 2.
-	 */
-	result = greatest_version(channel, &greatest);
-	if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
-		return (result);
-	/*
-	 * Now greatest should be set to the highest version number desired.
-	 * Since the highest number is one less than FILE_VERSIONS(channel)
-	 * when not doing infinite log rolling, greatest will need to be
-	 * decremented when it is equal to -- or greater than --
-	 * FILE_VERSIONS(channel).  When greatest is less than
-	 * FILE_VERSIONS(channel), it is already suitable for use as
-	 * the maximum version number.
-	 */
-	    FILE_VERSIONS(channel) > greatest)
-		;		/* Do nothing. */
-	else
-		/*
-		 * When greatest is >= FILE_VERSIONS(channel), it needs to
-		 * be reduced until it is FILE_VERSIONS(channel) - 1.
-		 * Remove any excess logs on the way to that value.
-		 */
-		while (--greatest >= FILE_VERSIONS(channel)) {
-			n = snprintf(current, sizeof(current), "%s.%d",
-				     path, greatest);
-			if (n >= (int)sizeof(current) || n < 0)
-				result = ISC_R_NOSPACE;
-			else
-				result = isc__errno2result(remove(current));
-			if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS &&
-			    result != ISC_R_FILENOTFOUND)
-				syslog(LOG_ERR,
-				       "unable to remove log file '%s.%d': %s",
-				       path, greatest,
-				       isc_result_totext(result));
-		}
-	for (i = greatest; i > 0; i--) {
-		result = ISC_R_SUCCESS;
-		n = snprintf(current, sizeof(current), "%s.%d", path, i - 1);
-		if (n >= (int)sizeof(current) || n < 0)
-			result = ISC_R_NOSPACE;
-		if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
-			n = snprintf(new, sizeof(new), "%s.%d", path, i);
-			if (n >= (int)sizeof(new) || n < 0)
-				result = ISC_R_NOSPACE;
-		}
-		if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS)
-		    result = isc__errno2result(rename(current, new));
-		if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS &&
-		    result != ISC_R_FILENOTFOUND)
-			syslog(LOG_ERR,
-			       "unable to rename log file '%s.%d' to "
-			       "'%s.%d': %s", path, i - 1, path, i,
-			       isc_result_totext(result));
-	}
-	if (FILE_VERSIONS(channel) != 0) {
-		n = snprintf(new, sizeof(new), "%s.0", path);
-		if (n >= (int)sizeof(new) || n < 0)
-			result = ISC_R_NOSPACE;
-		else
-			result = isc__errno2result(rename(path, new));
-		if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS &&
-		    result != ISC_R_FILENOTFOUND)
-			syslog(LOG_ERR,
-			       "unable to rename log file '%s' to '%s.0': %s",
-			       path, path, isc_result_totext(result));
-	} else {
-	    result = isc__errno2result(remove(path));
-		if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS &&
-		    result != ISC_R_FILENOTFOUND)
-			syslog(LOG_ERR, "unable to remove log file '%s': %s",
-			       path, isc_result_totext(result));
-	}
-	return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
-static isc_result_t
-isc_log_open(isc_logchannel_t *channel) {
-	struct stat statbuf;
-	bool regular_file;
-	bool roll = false;
-	isc_result_t result = ISC_R_SUCCESS;
-	const char *path;
-	REQUIRE(channel->type == ISC_LOG_TOFILE);
-	path = FILE_NAME(channel);
-	REQUIRE(path != NULL && *path != '\0');
-	/*
-	 * Determine type of file; only regular files will be
-	 * version renamed, and only if the base file exists
-	 * and either has no size limit or has reached its size limit.
-	 */
-	/* coverity[fs_check_call] */
-	if (stat(path, &statbuf) == 0) {
-		regular_file = S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode) ? true : false;
-		/* XXXDCL if not regular_file complain? */
-		if ((FILE_MAXSIZE(channel) == 0 &&
-		     FILE_VERSIONS(channel) != ISC_LOG_ROLLNEVER) ||
-		    (FILE_MAXSIZE(channel) > 0 &&
-		     statbuf.st_size >= FILE_MAXSIZE(channel)))
-			roll = regular_file;
-	} else if (errno == ENOENT) {
-		regular_file = true;
-		POST(regular_file);
-	} else
-		result = ISC_R_INVALIDFILE;
-	/*
-	 * Version control.
-	 */
-	if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS && roll) {
-			return (ISC_R_MAXSIZE);
-		result = roll_log(channel);
-		if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
-			if ((channel->flags & ISC_LOG_OPENERR) == 0) {
-				syslog(LOG_ERR,
-				       "isc_log_open: roll_log '%s' "
-				       "failed: %s",
-				       FILE_NAME(channel),
-				       isc_result_totext(result));
-				channel->flags |= ISC_LOG_OPENERR;
-			}
-			return (result);
-		}
-	}
-	/* assumes we have POSIX underneath */
-	FILE_STREAM(channel) = fopen(path, "a");
-	if (FILE_STREAM(channel) == NULL)
-		return (isc__errno2result(errno));
-	return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
-isc_log_wouldlog(isc_log_t *lctx, int level) {
-	/*
-	 * Try to avoid locking the mutex for messages which can't
-	 * possibly be logged to any channels -- primarily debugging
-	 * messages that the debug level is not high enough to print.
-	 *
-	 * If the level is (mathematically) less than or equal to the
-	 * highest_level, or if there is a dynamic channel and the level is
-	 * less than or equal to the debug level, the main loop must be
-	 * entered to see if the message should really be output.
-	 *
-	 * NOTE: this is UNLOCKED access to the logconfig.  However,
-	 * the worst thing that can happen is that a bad decision is made
-	 * about returning without logging, and that's not a big concern,
-	 * because that's a risk anyway if the logconfig is being
-	 * dynamically changed.
-	 */
-	if (lctx == NULL || lctx->logconfig == NULL)
-		return (false);
-	return (ISC_TF(level <= lctx->logconfig->highest_level ||
-		       (lctx->logconfig->dynamic &&
-			level <= lctx->debug_level)));
-static void
-isc_log_doit(isc_log_t *lctx, isc_logcategory_t *category,
-	     isc_logmodule_t *module, int level, bool write_once,
-	     int msgset, int msg,
-	     const char *format, va_list args)
-	int syslog_level;
-	char time_string[64];
-	char level_string[24];
-	size_t octets;
-	const char *iformat;
-	struct stat statbuf;
-	bool matched = false;
-	bool printtime, printtag;
-	bool printcategory, printmodule, printlevel;
-	isc_logconfig_t *lcfg;
-	isc_logchannel_t *channel;
-	isc_logchannellist_t *category_channels;
-	isc_result_t result;
-	UNUSED_ARG(msgset);
-	UNUSED_ARG(msg);
-	REQUIRE(lctx == NULL || VALID_CONTEXT(lctx));
-	REQUIRE(category != NULL);
-	REQUIRE(module != NULL);
-	REQUIRE(format != NULL);
-	/*
-	 * Programs can use libraries that use this logging code without
-	 * wanting to do any logging, thus the log context is allowed to
-	 * be non-existent.
-	 */
-	if (lctx == NULL)
-		return;
-	REQUIRE(category->id < lctx->category_count);
-	REQUIRE(module->id < lctx->module_count);
-	if (! isc_log_wouldlog(lctx, level))
-		return;
-	iformat = format;
-	time_string[0]  = '\0';
-	level_string[0] = '\0';
-	LOCK(&lctx->lock);
-	lctx->buffer[0] = '\0';
-	lcfg = lctx->logconfig;
-	category_channels = ISC_LIST_HEAD(lcfg->channellists[category->id]);
-	/*
-	 * XXXDCL add duplicate filtering? (To not write multiple times to
-	 * the same source via various channels).
-	 */
-	do {
-		/*
-		 * If the channel list end was reached and a match was made,
-		 * everything is finished.
-		 */
-		if (category_channels == NULL && matched)
-			break;
-		if (category_channels == NULL && ! matched &&
-		    category_channels != ISC_LIST_HEAD(lcfg->channellists[0]))
-			/*
-			 * No category/module pair was explicitly configured.
-			 * Try the category named "default".
-			 */
-			category_channels =
-				ISC_LIST_HEAD(lcfg->channellists[0]);
-		if (category_channels == NULL && ! matched)
-			/*
-			 * No matching module was explicitly configured
-			 * for the category named "default".  Use the internal
-			 * default channel.
-			 */
-			category_channels = &default_channel;
-		if (category_channels->module != NULL &&
-		    category_channels->module != module) {
-			category_channels = ISC_LIST_NEXT(category_channels,
-							  link);
-			continue;
-		}
-		matched = true;
-		channel = category_channels->channel;
-		category_channels = ISC_LIST_NEXT(category_channels, link);
-		if (((channel->flags & ISC_LOG_DEBUGONLY) != 0) &&
-		    lctx->debug_level == 0)
-			continue;
-		if (channel->level == ISC_LOG_DYNAMIC) {
-			if (lctx->debug_level < level)
-				continue;
-		} else if (channel->level < level)
-			continue;
-		if ((channel->flags & ISC_LOG_PRINTTIME) != 0 &&
-		    time_string[0] == '\0') {
-			isc_time_t isctime;
-			TIME_NOW(&isctime);
-			isc_time_formattimestamp(&isctime, time_string,
-						 sizeof(time_string));
-		}
-		if ((channel->flags & ISC_LOG_PRINTLEVEL) != 0 &&
-		    level_string[0] == '\0') {
-			if (level < ISC_LOG_CRITICAL)
-				snprintf(level_string, sizeof(level_string),
-					 "level %d: ", level);
-			else if (level > ISC_LOG_DYNAMIC)
-				snprintf(level_string, sizeof(level_string),
-					 "%s %d: ", log_level_strings[0],
-					 level);
-			else
-				snprintf(level_string, sizeof(level_string),
-					 "%s: ", log_level_strings[-level]);
-		}
-		/*
-		 * Only format the message once.
-		 */
-		if (lctx->buffer[0] == '\0') {
-			(void)vsnprintf(lctx->buffer, sizeof(lctx->buffer),
-					iformat, args);
-			/*
-			 * Check for duplicates.
-			 */
-			if (write_once) {
-				isc_logmessage_t *message, *new;
-				isc_time_t oldest;
-				isc_interval_t interval;
-				isc_interval_set(&interval,
-						 lcfg->duplicate_interval, 0);
-				/*
-				 * 'oldest' is the age of the oldest messages
-				 * which fall within the duplicate_interval
-				 * range.
-				 */
-				TIME_NOW(&oldest);
-				if (isc_time_subtract(&oldest, &interval, &oldest)
-				    != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
-					/*
-					 * Can't effectively do the checking
-					 * without having a valid time.
-					 */
-					message = NULL;
-				else
-					message =ISC_LIST_HEAD(lctx->messages);
-				while (message != NULL) {
-					if (isc_time_compare(&message->time,
-							     &oldest) < 0) {
-						/*
-						 * This message is older
-						 * than the duplicate_interval,
-						 * so it should be dropped from
-						 * the history.
-						 *
-						 * Setting the interval to be
-						 * to be longer will obviously
-						 * not cause the expired
-						 * message to spring back into
-						 * existence.
-						 */
-						new = ISC_LIST_NEXT(message,
-								    link);
-						ISC_LIST_UNLINK(lctx->messages,
-								message, link);
-						isc_mem_put(lctx->mctx,
-							message,
-							sizeof(*message) + 1 +
-							strlen(message->text));
-						message = new;
-						continue;
-					}
-					/*
-					 * This message is in the duplicate
-					 * filtering interval ...
-					 */
-					if (strcmp(lctx->buffer, message->text)
-					    == 0) {
-						/*
-						 * ... and it is a duplicate.
-						 * Unlock the mutex and
-						 * get the hell out of Dodge.
-						 */
-						UNLOCK(&lctx->lock);
-						return;
-					}
-					message = ISC_LIST_NEXT(message, link);
-				}
-				/*
-				 * It wasn't in the duplicate interval,
-				 * so add it to the message list.
-				 */
-				octets = strlen(lctx->buffer) + 1;
-				new = isc_mem_get(lctx->mctx,
-						  sizeof(isc_logmessage_t) +
-						  octets);
-				if (new != NULL) {
-					/*
-					 * Put the text immediately after
-					 * the struct.
-					 */
-					new->text = (char *)(new + 1);
-					strlcpy(new->text, lctx->buffer, octets);
-					TIME_NOW(&new->time);
-					ISC_LIST_APPEND(lctx->messages,
-							new, link);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		printtime     = ISC_TF((channel->flags & ISC_LOG_PRINTTIME)
-				       != 0);
-		printtag      = ISC_TF((channel->flags & ISC_LOG_PRINTTAG)
-				       != 0 && lcfg->tag != NULL);
-		printcategory = ISC_TF((channel->flags & ISC_LOG_PRINTCATEGORY)
-				       != 0);
-		printmodule   = ISC_TF((channel->flags & ISC_LOG_PRINTMODULE)
-				       != 0);
-		printlevel    = ISC_TF((channel->flags & ISC_LOG_PRINTLEVEL)
-				       != 0);
-		switch (channel->type) {
-			if (FILE_MAXREACHED(channel)) {
-				/*
-				 * If the file can be rolled, OR
-				 * If the file no longer exists, OR
-				 * If the file is less than the maximum size,
-				 *    (such as if it had been renamed and
-				 *     a new one touched, or it was truncated
-				 *     in place)
-				 * ... then close it to trigger reopening.
-				 */
-				if (FILE_VERSIONS(channel) !=
-				    (stat(FILE_NAME(channel), &statbuf) != 0 &&
-				     errno == ENOENT) ||
-				    statbuf.st_size < FILE_MAXSIZE(channel)) {
-					(void)fclose(FILE_STREAM(channel));
-					FILE_STREAM(channel) = NULL;
-					FILE_MAXREACHED(channel) = false;
-				} else
-					/*
-					 * Eh, skip it.
-					 */
-					break;
-			}
-			if (FILE_STREAM(channel) == NULL) {
-				result = isc_log_open(channel);
-				if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS &&
-				    result != ISC_R_MAXSIZE &&
-				    (channel->flags & ISC_LOG_OPENERR) == 0) {
-					syslog(LOG_ERR,
-					       "isc_log_open '%s' failed: %s",
-					       FILE_NAME(channel),
-					       isc_result_totext(result));
-					channel->flags |= ISC_LOG_OPENERR;
-				}
-				if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
-					break;
-				channel->flags &= ~ISC_LOG_OPENERR;
-			}
-			fprintf(FILE_STREAM(channel), "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n",
-				printtime     ? time_string	: "",
-				printtime     ? " "		: "",
-				printtag      ? lcfg->tag	: "",
-				printtag      ? ": "		: "",
-				printcategory ? category->name	: "",
-				printcategory ? ": "		: "",
-				printmodule   ? (module != NULL ? module->name
-								: "no_module")
-								: "",
-				printmodule   ? ": "		: "",
-				printlevel    ? level_string	: "",
-				lctx->buffer);
-			fflush(FILE_STREAM(channel));
-			/*
-			 * If the file now exceeds its maximum size
-			 * threshold, note it so that it will not be logged
-			 * to any more.
-			 */
-			if (FILE_MAXSIZE(channel) > 0) {
-				INSIST(channel->type == ISC_LOG_TOFILE);
-				/* XXXDCL NT fstat/fileno */
-				/* XXXDCL complain if fstat fails? */
-				if (fstat(fileno(FILE_STREAM(channel)),
-					  &statbuf) >= 0 &&
-				    statbuf.st_size > FILE_MAXSIZE(channel))
-					FILE_MAXREACHED(channel) = true;
-			}
-			break;
-			if (level > 0)
-				syslog_level = LOG_DEBUG;
-			else if (level < ISC_LOG_CRITICAL)
-				syslog_level = LOG_CRIT;
-			else
-				syslog_level = syslog_map[-level];
-			(void)syslog(FACILITY(channel) | syslog_level,
-			       "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s",
-			       printtime     ? time_string	: "",
-			       printtime     ? " "		: "",
-			       printtag      ? lcfg->tag	: "",
-			       printtag      ? ": "		: "",
-			       printcategory ? category->name	: "",
-			       printcategory ? ": "		: "",
-			       printmodule   ? (module != NULL	? module->name
-								: "no_module")
-								: "",
-			       printmodule   ? ": "		: "",
-			       printlevel    ? level_string	: "",
-			       lctx->buffer);
-			break;
-			break;
-		}
-	} while (1);
-	UNLOCK(&lctx->lock);

--- a/libisc/unix/ifiter_getifaddrs.c
+++ b/libisc/unix/ifiter_getifaddrs.c
@@ -68,9 +68,10 @@ isc_interfaceiter_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_interfaceiter_t **iterp) {
 		iter->proc = fopen("/proc/net/if_inet6", "r");
 		if (iter->proc == NULL) {
 			ISC_IGNORE(strerror_r(errno, strbuf, sizeof(strbuf)));
-			isc_log_write(isc_lctx, ISC_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL,
+/*			isc_log_write(isc_lctx, ISC_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL,
 				      "failed to open /proc/net/if_inet6");
 	} else
 		iter->proc = NULL;

libisc/unix/include/isc/time.h deleted
--- a/libisc/unix/include/isc/time.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,324 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2004-2009  Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
- * Copyright (C) 1998-2001  Internet Software Consortium.
- * Copyright 2015 by the NTPsec project contributors
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC
- */
-#define GUARD_ISC_TIME_H 1
-/*! \file */
-#include <time.h>
-#include <isc/lang.h>
-#include <isc/types.h>
- *** Intervals
- ***/
- *  \brief
- * The contents of this structure are private, and MUST NOT be accessed
- * directly by callers.
- *
- * The contents are exposed only to allow callers to avoid dynamic allocation.
- */
-struct isc_interval {
-	unsigned int seconds;
-	unsigned int nanoseconds;
-extern isc_interval_t *isc_interval_zero;
-isc_interval_set(isc_interval_t *i,
-		 unsigned int seconds, unsigned int nanoseconds);
- * Set 'i' to a value representing an interval of 'seconds' seconds and
- * 'nanoseconds' nanoseconds, suitable for use in isc_time_add() and
- * isc_time_subtract().
- *
- * Requires:
- *
- *\li	't' is a valid pointer.
- *\li	nanoseconds < 1000000000.
- */
-isc_interval_iszero(const isc_interval_t *i);
- * Returns true iff. 'i' is the zero interval.
- *
- * Requires:
- *
- *\li	'i' is a valid pointer.
- */
- *** Absolute Times
- ***/
- * The contents of this structure are private, and MUST NOT be accessed
- * directly by callers.
- *
- * The contents are exposed only to allow callers to avoid dynamic allocation.
- */
-struct isc_time {
-	unsigned int	seconds;
-	unsigned int	nanoseconds;
-extern isc_time_t *isc_time_epoch;
-isc_time_set(isc_time_t *t, unsigned int seconds, unsigned int nanoseconds);
- * Set 't' to a value which represents the given number of seconds and
- * nanoseconds since 00:00:00 January 1, 1970, UTC.
- *
- * Notes:
- *\li	The Unix version of this call is equivalent to:
- *\code
- *	isc_time_settoepoch(t);
- *	isc_interval_set(i, seconds, nanoseconds);
- *	isc_time_add(t, i, t);
- *\endcode
- *
- * Requires:
- *\li	't' is a valid pointer.
- *\li	nanoseconds < 1000000000.
- */
-isc_time_settoepoch(isc_time_t *t);
- * Set 't' to the time of the epoch.
- *
- * Notes:
- *\li	The date of the epoch is platform-dependent.
- *
- * Requires:
- *
- *\li	't' is a valid pointer.
- */
-isc_time_isepoch(const isc_time_t *t);
- * Returns true iff. 't' is the epoch ("time zero").
- *
- * Requires:
- *
- *\li	't' is a valid pointer.
- */
-isc_time_now(isc_time_t *t);
- * Set 't' to the current absolute time.
- *
- * Requires:
- *
- *\li	't' is a valid pointer.
- *
- * Returns:
- *
- *\li	Success
- *\li	Unexpected error
- *		Getting the time from the system failed.
- *\li	Out of range
- *		The time from the system is too large to be represented
- *		in the current definition of isc_time_t.
- */
-isc_time_nowplusinterval(isc_time_t *t, const isc_interval_t *i);
- * Set *t to the current absolute time + i.
- *
- * Note:
- *\li	This call is equivalent to:
- *
- *\code
- *		isc_time_now(t);
- *		isc_time_add(t, i, t);
- *\endcode
- *
- * Requires:
- *
- *\li	't' and 'i' are valid pointers.
- *
- * Returns:
- *
- *\li	Success
- *\li	Unexpected error
- *		Getting the time from the system failed.
- *\li	Out of range
- *		The interval added to the time from the system is too large to
- *		be represented in the current definition of isc_time_t.
- */
-isc_time_compare(const isc_time_t *t1, const isc_time_t *t2);
- * Compare the times referenced by 't1' and 't2'
- *
- * Requires:
- *
- *\li	't1' and 't2' are valid pointers.
- *
- * Returns:
- *
- *\li	-1		t1 < t2		(comparing times, not pointers)
- *\li	0		t1 = t2
- *\li	1		t1 > t2
- */
-isc_time_add(const isc_time_t *t, const isc_interval_t *i, isc_time_t *result);
- * Add 'i' to 't', storing the result in 'result'.
- *
- * Requires:
- *
- *\li	't', 'i', and 'result' are valid pointers.
- *
- * Returns:
- *\li	Success
- *\li	Out of range
- * 		The interval added to the time is too large to
- *		be represented in the current definition of isc_time_t.
- */
-isc_time_subtract(const isc_time_t *t, const isc_interval_t *i,
-		  isc_time_t *result);
- * Subtract 'i' from 't', storing the result in 'result'.
- *
- * Requires:
- *
- *\li	't', 'i', and 'result' are valid pointers.
- *
- * Returns:
- *\li	Success
- *\li	Out of range
- *		The interval is larger than the time since the epoch.
- */
-isc_time_microdiff(const isc_time_t *t1, const isc_time_t *t2);
- * Find the difference in microseconds between time t1 and time t2.
- * t2 is the subtrahend of t1; ie, difference = t1 - t2.
- *
- * Requires:
- *
- *\li	't1' and 't2' are valid pointers.
- *
- * Returns:
- *\li	The difference of t1 - t2, or 0 if t1 <= t2.
- */
-isc_time_seconds(const isc_time_t *t);
- * Return the number of seconds since the epoch stored in a time structure.
- *
- * Requires:
- *
- *\li	't' is a valid pointer.
- */
-isc_time_secondsastimet(const isc_time_t *t, time_t *secondsp);
- * Ensure the number of seconds in an isc_time_t is representable by a time_t.
- *
- * Notes:
- *\li	The number of seconds stored in an isc_time_t might be larger
- *	than the number of seconds a time_t is able to handle.  Since
- *	time_t is mostly opaque according to the ANSI/ISO standard
- *	(essentially, all you can be sure of is that it is an arithmetic type,
- *	not even necessarily integral), it can be tricky to ensure that
- *	the isc_time_t is in the range a time_t can handle.  Use this
- *	function in place of isc_time_seconds() any time you need to set a
- *	time_t from an isc_time_t.
- *
- * Requires:
- *\li	't' is a valid pointer.
- *
- * Returns:
- *\li	Success
- *\li	Out of range
- */
-isc_time_nanoseconds(const isc_time_t *t);
- * Return the number of nanoseconds stored in a time structure.
- *
- * Notes:
- *\li	This is the number of nanoseconds in excess of the number
- *	of seconds since the epoch; it will always be less than one
- *	full second.
- *
- * Requires:
- *\li	't' is a valid pointer.
- *
- * Ensures:
- *\li	The returned value is less than 1*10^9.
- */
-isc_time_formattimestamp(const isc_time_t *t, char *buf, unsigned int len);
- * Format the time 't' into the buffer 'buf' of length 'len',
- * using a format like "30-Aug-2000 04:06:47.997" and the local time zone.
- * If the text does not fit in the buffer, the result is indeterminate,
- * but is always guaranteed to be null terminated.
- *
- *  Requires:
- *\li      'len' > 0
- *\li      'buf' points to an array of at least len chars
- *
- */
-isc_time_formathttptimestamp(const isc_time_t *t, char *buf, unsigned int len);
- * Format the time 't' into the buffer 'buf' of length 'len',
- * using a format like "Mon, 30 Aug 2000 04:06:47 GMT"
- * If the text does not fit in the buffer, the result is indeterminate,
- * but is always guaranteed to be null terminated.
- *
- *  Requires:
- *\li      'len' > 0
- *\li      'buf' points to an array of at least len chars
- *
- */
-isc_time_formatISO8601(const isc_time_t *t, char *buf, unsigned int len);
- * Format the time 't' into the buffer 'buf' of length 'len',
- * using the ISO8601 format: "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ"
- * If the text does not fit in the buffer, the result is indeterminate,
- * but is always guaranteed to be null terminated.
- *
- *  Requires:
- *\li      'len' > 0
- *\li      'buf' points to an array of at least len chars
- *
- */
-#endif /* GUARD_ISC_TIME_H */

--- a/libisc/unix/interfaceiter.c
+++ b/libisc/unix/interfaceiter.c
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
 #include <errno.h>
 #include <isc/interfaceiter.h>
-#include <isc/log.h>
 #include <isc/magic.h>
 #include <isc/mem.h>
 #include <isc/net.h>
@@ -182,25 +181,28 @@ linux_if_inet6_current(isc_interfaceiter_t *iter) {
 	if (iter->valid != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
 		return (iter->valid);
 	if (iter->proc == NULL) {
-		isc_log_write(isc_lctx, ISC_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL,
+/*		isc_log_write(isc_lctx, ISC_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL,
 			      "/proc/net/if_inet6:iter->proc == NULL");
 		return (ISC_R_FAILURE);
 	res = sscanf(iter->entry, "%32[a-f0-9] %x %x %x %x %16s\n",
 		     address, &ifindex, &prefix, &scope, &flags, name);
 	if (res != 6) {
-		isc_log_write(isc_lctx, ISC_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL,
+/*		isc_log_write(isc_lctx, ISC_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL,
 			      "/proc/net/if_inet6:sscanf() -> %d (expected 6)",
 		return (ISC_R_FAILURE);
 	if (strlen(address) != 32) {
-		isc_log_write(isc_lctx, ISC_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL,
+/*		isc_log_write(isc_lctx, ISC_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL,
 			      "/proc/net/if_inet6:strlen(%s) != 32", address);
 		return (ISC_R_FAILURE);

--- a/libisc/unix/net.c
+++ b/libisc/unix/net.c
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 #include <config.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #if defined(HAVE_SYS_SYSCTL_H)
@@ -17,7 +18,6 @@
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <string.h>
-#include <isc/log.h>
 #include <isc/net.h>
 #include <isc/once.h>
 #include <isc/util.h>
@@ -133,19 +133,20 @@ try_proto(int domain) {
 		len = sizeof(sin6);
 		if (getsockname(s, (struct sockaddr *)&sin6, &len) < 0)
-			isc_log_write(isc_lctx, ISC_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL,
+/*			isc_log_write(isc_lctx, ISC_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL,
 				      "retrieving the address of an IPv6 "
 				      "socket from the kernel failed.");
 			isc_log_write(isc_lctx, ISC_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL,
 				      "IPv6 is not supported.");
 			result = ISC_R_NOTFOUND;
 		} else {
 			if (len == sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6))
 				result = ISC_R_SUCCESS;
 			else {
-				isc_log_write(isc_lctx,
+/*				isc_log_write(isc_lctx,
@@ -156,6 +157,7 @@ try_proto(int domain) {
 					      "IPv6 is not supported.");
 				result = ISC_R_NOTFOUND;

libisc/unix/time.c deleted
--- a/libisc/unix/time.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,413 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2004-2008, 2011, 2012  Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
- * Copyright (C) 1998-2001, 2003  Internet Software Consortium.
- *
- * Copyright 2015 by the NTPsec project contributors
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC
- */
-/* $Id$ */
-/*! \file */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <syslog.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>	/* Required for struct timeval on some platforms. */
-#include <isc/log.h>
-#include <isc/time.h>
-#include <isc/util.h>
-#define NS_PER_S	1000000000	/*%< Nanoseconds per second. */
-#define NS_PER_US	1000		/*%< Nanoseconds per microsecond. */
-#define US_PER_S	1000000		/*%< Microseconds per second. */
- * All of the INSIST()s checks of nanoseconds < NS_PER_S are for
- * consistency checking of the type. In lieu of magic numbers, it
- * is the best we've got.  The check is only performed on functions which
- * need an initialized type.
- */
-#ifndef ISC_FIX_TV_USEC
-#define ISC_FIX_TV_USEC 1
- *** Intervals
- ***/
-static isc_interval_t zero_interval = { 0, 0 };
-isc_interval_t *isc_interval_zero = &zero_interval;
-static inline void
-fix_tv_usec(struct timeval *tv) {
-	bool fixed = false;
-	if (tv->tv_usec < 0) {
-		fixed = true;
-		do {
-			tv->tv_sec -= 1;
-			tv->tv_usec += US_PER_S;
-		} while (tv->tv_usec < 0);
-	} else if (tv->tv_usec >= US_PER_S) {
-		fixed = true;
-		do {
-			tv->tv_sec += 1;
-			tv->tv_usec -= US_PER_S;
-		} while (tv->tv_usec >=US_PER_S);
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Call syslog directly as was are called from the logging functions.
-	 */
-	if (fixed)
-		(void)syslog(LOG_ERR, "gettimeofday returned bad tv_usec: corrected");
-isc_interval_set(isc_interval_t *i,
-		 unsigned int seconds, unsigned int nanoseconds)
-	REQUIRE(nanoseconds < NS_PER_S);
-	i->seconds = seconds;
-	i->nanoseconds = nanoseconds;
-isc_interval_iszero(const isc_interval_t *i) {
-	INSIST(i->nanoseconds < NS_PER_S);
-	if (i->seconds == 0 && i->nanoseconds == 0)
-		return (true);
-	return (false);
- *** Absolute Times
- ***/
-static isc_time_t epoch = { 0, 0 };
-isc_time_t *isc_time_epoch = &epoch;
-isc_time_set(isc_time_t *t, unsigned int seconds, unsigned int nanoseconds) {
-	REQUIRE(nanoseconds < NS_PER_S);
-	t->seconds = seconds;
-	t->nanoseconds = nanoseconds;
-isc_time_settoepoch(isc_time_t *t) {
-	t->seconds = 0;
-	t->nanoseconds = 0;
-isc_time_isepoch(const isc_time_t *t) {
-	INSIST(t->nanoseconds < NS_PER_S);
-	if (t->seconds == 0 && t->nanoseconds == 0)
-		return (true);
-	return (false);
-isc_time_now(isc_time_t *t) {
-	struct timeval tv;
-	char strbuf[BUFSIZ];
-	if (gettimeofday(&tv, NULL) == -1) {
-		ISC_IGNORE(strerror_r(errno, strbuf, sizeof(strbuf)));
-		UNEXPECTED_ERROR(__FILE__, __LINE__, "%s", strbuf);
-		return (ISC_R_UNEXPECTED);
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Does POSIX guarantee the signedness of tv_sec and tv_usec?  If not,
-	 * then this test will generate warnings for platforms on which it is
-	 * unsigned.  In any event, the chances of any of these problems
-	 * happening are pretty much zero, but since the libisc library ensures
-	 * certain things to be true ...
-	 */
-	fix_tv_usec(&tv);
-	if (tv.tv_sec < 0)
-		return (ISC_R_UNEXPECTED);
-	if (tv.tv_sec < 0 || tv.tv_usec < 0 || tv.tv_usec >= US_PER_S)
-		return (ISC_R_UNEXPECTED);
-	/*
-	 * Ensure the tv_sec value fits in t->seconds.
-	 */
-	if (sizeof(tv.tv_sec) > sizeof(t->seconds) &&
-	    ((tv.tv_sec | (unsigned int)-1) ^ (unsigned int)-1) != 0U)
-		return (ISC_R_RANGE);
-	t->seconds = tv.tv_sec;
-	t->nanoseconds = tv.tv_usec * NS_PER_US;
-	return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
-isc_time_nowplusinterval(isc_time_t *t, const isc_interval_t *i) {
-	struct timeval tv;
-	char strbuf[BUFSIZ];
-	INSIST(i->nanoseconds < NS_PER_S);
-	if (gettimeofday(&tv, NULL) == -1) {
-		ISC_IGNORE(strerror_r(errno, strbuf, sizeof(strbuf)));
-		UNEXPECTED_ERROR(__FILE__, __LINE__, "%s", strbuf);
-		return (ISC_R_UNEXPECTED);
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Does POSIX guarantee the signedness of tv_sec and tv_usec?  If not,
-	 * then this test will generate warnings for platforms on which it is
-	 * unsigned.  In any event, the chances of any of these problems
-	 * happening are pretty much zero, but since the libisc library ensures
-	 * certain things to be true ...
-	 */
-	fix_tv_usec(&tv);
-	if (tv.tv_sec < 0)
-		return (ISC_R_UNEXPECTED);
-	if (tv.tv_sec < 0 || tv.tv_usec < 0 || tv.tv_usec >= US_PER_S)
-		return (ISC_R_UNEXPECTED);
-	/*
-	 * Ensure the resulting seconds value fits in the size of an
-	 * unsigned int.  (It is written this way as a slight optimization;
-	 * note that even if both values == INT_MAX, then when added
-	 * and getting another 1 added below the result is UINT_MAX.)
-	 */
-	if ((tv.tv_sec > INT_MAX || i->seconds > INT_MAX) &&
-	    ((long long)tv.tv_sec + i->seconds > UINT_MAX))
-		return (ISC_R_RANGE);
-	t->seconds = tv.tv_sec + i->seconds;
-	t->nanoseconds = tv.tv_usec * NS_PER_US + i->nanoseconds;
-	if (t->nanoseconds >= NS_PER_S) {
-		t->seconds++;
-		t->nanoseconds -= NS_PER_S;
-	}
-	return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
-isc_time_compare(const isc_time_t *t1, const isc_time_t *t2) {
-	REQUIRE(t1 != NULL && t2 != NULL);
-	INSIST(t1->nanoseconds < NS_PER_S && t2->nanoseconds < NS_PER_S);
-	if (t1->seconds < t2->seconds)
-		return (-1);
-	if (t1->seconds > t2->seconds)
-		return (1);
-	if (t1->nanoseconds < t2->nanoseconds)
-		return (-1);
-	if (t1->nanoseconds > t2->nanoseconds)
-		return (1);
-	return (0);
-isc_time_add(const isc_time_t *t, const isc_interval_t *i, isc_time_t *result)
-	REQUIRE(t != NULL && i != NULL && result != NULL);
-	INSIST(t->nanoseconds < NS_PER_S && i->nanoseconds < NS_PER_S);
-	/*
-	 * Ensure the resulting seconds value fits in the size of an
-	 * unsigned int.  (It is written this way as a slight optimization;
-	 * note that even if both values == INT_MAX, then when added
-	 * and getting another 1 added below the result is UINT_MAX.)
-	 */
-	if ((t->seconds > INT_MAX || i->seconds > INT_MAX) &&
-	    ((long long)t->seconds + i->seconds > UINT_MAX))
-		return (ISC_R_RANGE);
-	result->seconds = t->seconds + i->seconds;
-	result->nanoseconds = t->nanoseconds + i->nanoseconds;
-	if (result->nanoseconds >= NS_PER_S) {
-		result->seconds++;
-		result->nanoseconds -= NS_PER_S;
-	}
-	return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
-isc_time_subtract(const isc_time_t *t, const isc_interval_t *i,
-		  isc_time_t *result)
-	REQUIRE(t != NULL && i != NULL && result != NULL);
-	INSIST(t->nanoseconds < NS_PER_S && i->nanoseconds < NS_PER_S);
-	if ((unsigned int)t->seconds < i->seconds ||
-	    ((unsigned int)t->seconds == i->seconds &&
-	     t->nanoseconds < i->nanoseconds))
-	    return (ISC_R_RANGE);
-	result->seconds = t->seconds - i->seconds;
-	if (t->nanoseconds >= i->nanoseconds)
-		result->nanoseconds = t->nanoseconds - i->nanoseconds;
-	else {
-		result->nanoseconds = NS_PER_S - i->nanoseconds +
-			t->nanoseconds;
-		result->seconds--;
-	}
-	return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
-isc_time_microdiff(const isc_time_t *t1, const isc_time_t *t2) {
-	uint64_t i1, i2, i3;
-	REQUIRE(t1 != NULL && t2 != NULL);
-	INSIST(t1->nanoseconds < NS_PER_S && t2->nanoseconds < NS_PER_S);
-	i1 = (uint64_t)t1->seconds * NS_PER_S + t1->nanoseconds;
-	i2 = (uint64_t)t2->seconds * NS_PER_S + t2->nanoseconds;
-	if (i1 <= i2)
-		return (0);
-	i3 = i1 - i2;
-	/*
-	 * Convert to microseconds.
-	 */
-	i3 /= NS_PER_US;
-	return (i3);
-isc_time_seconds(const isc_time_t *t) {
-	INSIST(t->nanoseconds < NS_PER_S);
-	return ((uint32_t)t->seconds);
-isc_time_secondsastimet(const isc_time_t *t, time_t *secondsp) {
-	time_t seconds;
-	INSIST(t->nanoseconds < NS_PER_S);
-	/*
-	 * Ensure that the number of seconds represented by t->seconds
-	 * can be represented by a time_t.  Since t->seconds is an unsigned
-	 * int and since time_t is mostly opaque, this is trickier than
-	 * it seems.  (This standardized opaqueness of time_t is *very*
-	 * frustrating; time_t is not even limited to being an integral
-	 * type.)
-	 *
-	 * The mission, then, is to avoid generating any kind of warning
-	 * about "signed versus unsigned" while trying to determine if the
-	 * the unsigned int t->seconds is out range for tv_sec, which is
-	 * pretty much only true if time_t is a signed integer of the same
-	 * size as the return value of isc_time_seconds.
-	 *
-	 * If the paradox in the if clause below is true, t->seconds is out
-	 * of range for time_t.
-	 */
-	seconds = (time_t)t->seconds;
-	INSIST(sizeof(unsigned int) == sizeof(uint32_t));
-	INSIST(sizeof(time_t) >= sizeof(uint32_t));
-	if (t->seconds > (~0U>>1) && seconds <= (time_t)(~0U>>1))
-		return (ISC_R_RANGE);
-	*secondsp = seconds;
-	return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
-isc_time_nanoseconds(const isc_time_t *t) {
-	ENSURE(t->nanoseconds < NS_PER_S);
-	return ((uint32_t)t->nanoseconds);
-isc_time_formattimestamp(const isc_time_t *t, char *buf, unsigned int len) {
-	time_t now;
-	unsigned int flen;
-	struct tm tmbuf;
-	REQUIRE(len > 0);
-	now = (time_t) t->seconds;
-	flen = strftime(buf, len, "%d-%b-%Y %X", localtime_r(&now, &tmbuf));
-	INSIST(flen < len);
-	if (flen != 0)
-		snprintf(buf + flen, len - flen,
-			 ".%03u", t->nanoseconds / 1000000);
-	else
-		snprintf(buf, len, "99-Bad-9999 99:99:99.999");
-isc_time_formathttptimestamp(const isc_time_t *t, char *buf, unsigned int len) {
-	time_t now;
-	unsigned int flen;
-	struct tm tmbuf;
-	REQUIRE(len > 0);
-	now = (time_t)t->seconds;
-	flen = strftime(buf, len, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT",
-			gmtime_r(&now, &tmbuf));
-	INSIST(flen < len);
-isc_time_formatISO8601(const isc_time_t *t, char *buf, unsigned int len) {
-	time_t now;
-	unsigned int flen;
-	struct tm tmbuf;
-	REQUIRE(len > 0);
-	now = (time_t)t->seconds;
-	flen = strftime(buf, len, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", gmtime_r(&now, &tmbuf));
-	INSIST(flen < len);

--- a/libisc/wscript
+++ b/libisc/wscript
@@ -6,15 +6,13 @@ def build(ctx):
-		"log.c",
-		"unix/net.c",
-		"unix/time.c"
+		"unix/net.c"

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