[Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][master] 2 commits: Squash a few more obscure warnings.

Hal Murray gitlab at mg.gitlab.com
Fri Dec 18 07:29:15 UTC 2015

Hal Murray pushed to branch master at NTPsec / ntpsec

22d615b1 by Hal Murray at 2015-12-17T23:26:23Z
Squash a few more obscure warnings.

- - - - -
bb8f025c by Hal Murray at 2015-12-17T23:28:18Z
Updates, mostly for NetBSD

- - - - -

3 changed files:

- devel/STATUS
- ntpd/ntp_intercept.c


@@ -24,6 +24,11 @@ libevent 2.x::
    Fedora: libevent and libevent-devel
    Debian: libevent and libevent-dev
+   NetBSD: As installed, libevent is broken.  It links, but doesn't run.
+     Here is a workaround:
+      # cd /usr/lib
+      # ln -s /usr/pkg/lib/libevent_core-2.0.so.5
    Optional, required for -u user:group on Linux
    Fedora: libcap and libcap-devel

--- a/devel/STATUS
+++ b/devel/STATUS
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
-Last update, 2015 Dec 01
+Last update, 2015 Dec 17
 It builds on the following systems.  In general there should be no warnings,
-but as of the above date, there are a few that haven't been stamped out yet.
+but as of the above date, there is one we can't easily work around.  Some
+compilers will complain about
+  comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions
+  at ntpd/ntp_io.c:4638
+It's known to build cleanly on:
   Fedora 22 and 23 on i686 and x86_64
   Debian wheezy and jessie on amd64
   Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS and 15.04 on x86_64
@@ -10,23 +14,8 @@ but as of the above date, there are a few that haven't been stamped out yet.
   Debian wheezy on BeagleBone Black ARM v7
   FreeBSD 9.3 on i386 and 10.1 on amd64
-NetBSD needs more work.  The basic ntpd builds and runs.
   NetBSD 6.1.5 and 7.0 on x86_64
-Audio doesn't work.  That is used by
-  6     IRIG Audio Decoder
-  7     Radio CHU Audio Demodulator/Decoder
-  util/tg2
-Loading libevent2 doesn't work.  That breaks
-  ntpdig and one of the tests
-Both build ok but don't load at run time.
-I haven't found libevent2 for NetBSD 6.1 so ntpdig doesn't build.
+    (see the comment about libevent in ../INSTALL)
 The basic parts of ntpd run on all of the above systems.

--- a/ntpd/ntp_intercept.c
+++ b/ntpd/ntp_intercept.c
@@ -182,9 +182,9 @@ void intercept_argparse(int *argc, char ***argv)
 	get_operation("startup ");
 	*argc = 0;
 	for (cp = strdup(linebuf + 9); *cp; cp++) {
-	    if (was_space && !isspace(*cp))
+	    if (was_space && !isspace((int)*cp))
 		(*argv)[(*argc)++] = cp;
-	    was_space = isspace(*cp);
+	    was_space = isspace((int)*cp);
 	    if (was_space)
 		*cp = '\0';

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/compare/876473a046f28c6c15ad9e4320fd9211aab88f82...bb8f025c94d08d204ae1f719e555f46a59074be7
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