Periodic spike in offset for pps

Doug Curtis doug.curtis at
Tue May 5 19:52:29 UTC 2020

On Tue, May 5, 2020 at 3:35 PM Gary E. Miller via users <users at>

> Yo Doug!
> Maybe that is the problem.  How does the data get to the ntpviz server?
> NFS?  rsync?  It will be batched somehow.

I was using NFS but to eliminate that as a possibility, I changed to
rsync.  I'm initiating the rsync via ssh from the ntpviz server.  Of
course, I may have traded one problem for another.....

> > Because of this testing, each antenna is on a different
> > side of the house (west, south, and east).
> Common practice for comparing receivers is one antenna into a power
> splitter, thence to all the receivers.

That's on my list of things to acquire.  I wanted to get a little more
understanding under my belt before figuring out which product to go with.

> > This does start me
> > wondering the cleaniness of my power at the house though.
> Common to see A/C cycling in the data.  But I doubt your house has
> multiple A/C zones.

Yeah, just one zone.  I was thinking about that when this first started
because it does seem to not happen or not as noticeable during different
times of the day.


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