NTS-KE port is 4460

Luis Batanero luisbat at gmail.com
Tue Jun 9 16:39:04 UTC 2020

I have created and updated nts-dev.rediris.es for testing with NTPSec. 
The machine is listening on 123 / TCP and 4460 / TCP for NTS-KE.

ntpq> pee

      remote                               refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset   jitter


-hora.roa.es                         .ROA.            1 u   62   64  377  34.3530   0.7371   0.0188

+minuto.roa.es                       .ROA.            1 u   62   64  377  33.1146   0.1014   0.0495

*hora.rediris.es                     .GPS.            1 u   55   64  377  12.4362   0.0955   0.0227

+time.cloudflare.com             3 8   64   64  377  13.8222  -0.1354   0.0530

  ntpmon.dcs1.biz                     .NTS.           16 u    -  68m    0   0.0000   0.0000   0.0001

-ntp1.glypnod.com                2 8    8   64  377 151.8191   0.4293   0.2064

-ntp2.glypnod.com              2 8   58   64  377  46.3639  -3.3230   0.1376


El 08/06/2020 a las 11:02, Hal Murray via users escribió:
> <https://www.iana.org/assignments/service-names-port-numbers/service-names-port
> -numbers.xhtml?search=4460>
> The servers at ntp1.glypnod.com and ntp2.glypnod.com are listening on both the
> old and new ports.
> When your servers are listening on the new port, please let me/us know and
> I'll contribute some test traffic.
> ----------
> The listen-on-both change is in git head.  There are 2 other code changes
> before a final/clean release.  The first is to change the default port number
> for KE connections.  (We've been using 123.)  The second is to drop listening
> on the old port number.
> My plan is to wait a few days or a week before changing the default port
> number.  The idea is to give time for most sites to start listening on the new
> port number.  Then wait another few days or a week before stopping listening
> on port 123.
> If the RFC is actually published before all that waiting happens, we'll
> probably make the changes and do a release with tarball.

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