ublox NEO-M8T Pi Hat

Gary E. Miller gem at rellim.com
Sun Apr 21 01:33:14 UTC 2019

Yo Paul!

On Sat, 20 Apr 2019 18:07:29 -0700
Paul Theodoropoulos <paul at anastrophe.com> wrote:

> I managed to fry my previous M8N board that I'd cobbled together some
> time back. Poking around on ebay I ran across a slick little pi-zero 
> form-factor HAT  with M8T and onboard replaceable battery. Wired up
> PPS, and have it up and running. Took some poking at the ublox
> u-center to get it spitting out the 'right' nmea info, though no idea
> if all the strings are necessary (most of the thousand or so configs
> in u-center are far too arcane for my understanding).

Put u-vcenter where the sun does not shine.  ubxtool should do everything
that your need.

> Initially it was just pumping out long hex strings - not garbage,
> specific hex.

Yes, the default is u-blox binary.

> Now I have it putting out NMEA - but there's still one
> string in the output in hex, and i'm not really sure what it is or
> how to fix/hide it, or if i even need to bother? - example from
> gpsmon:

ubxtool will decode those u-blox binary bits.

> b562021570015eba490c02009a400208120b0101fcc8397c24fc914e744191f281f0aaad9a4167f8b6c3000200000000120b0f0c01009

b5, 62 is the header.

02 is Class RXM

15 is ID RAWX

So you have UBX-RXM-RAWX messages.  Perfect if you want to get RINEX.
Otherwise not very useful.

You can use ubxtool to revert to defaults, turn off binary and enable
	# ubxtool -p RESET
        # ubxtool -d BINARY
        # ubxtool -e NMEA

> One "neat" thing is that I'm getting three SHM outputs - SHM(0) GPS, 
> SHM(1) PPS, and SHM(2) PPS.

Weird.  Sounds like you have PPS on the serial port, and you also put
/dev/pps on the gpsd command line?

> ebay listing: https://i.imgur.com/sdBlMFW.jpg

I have seen similar, as a board, not a HAT, for under $80 at

Gary E. Miller Rellim 109 NW Wilmington Ave., Suite E, Bend, OR 97703
	gem at rellim.com  Tel:+1 541 382 8588

	    Veritas liberabit vos. -- Quid est veritas?
    "If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it." - Lord Kelvin
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