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*Ahem* REEEEEEEE.......<br>
You are both talking past each other.<br>
There are two key sets:<br>
The c2s/s2c pair. Generated *BY* the TLS exchange between the client
and the NTS-KE server. Stored inside the cookie. Used to encrypt
data between server and client NTPDs thereby eliminating the need
for a TLS session between NTPD clients/servers. Left unchanging,
unless an NTPD sends a KOD and forces the client to re-run the key
exchange protocol.<br>
The Master Key. Generated by ways as yet undetermined. Used to
encrypt the cookies themselves. Rotated regularly. Shared between a
NTPD server and NTS-KE server by any of several possible means.<br>
There is never a TLS session between one NTPD node and another NTPD
node; only between a client and an NTS-KE server. <br>
There is a TLS session active when c2s/s2c are generated, and the
session generates the keys. So TLS data is relevant to that key
It would be advisable to banish the bare word "key" from this
discussion, so that further confusion about which keys are which may
be avoided.<br>
<div class="moz-signature">-- <br>
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No. A Man Chooses, a Slave Obeys."</i> -- Andrew Ryan
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It will exist the moment we are fit to occupy it."</i> --
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