Fixing cross compile armhf tangle

Hal Murray halmurray at
Fri Jan 31 08:59:18 UTC 2025

Currently, our CI cross compile armhf case is failing.  We discussed this 
back in Sept and I fixed things by handling each of 5 cases individually.  
It turns out there are more than 5 cases.  I missed the others so that's 
why cross armhf is currently failing.

I can add another handful of special cases, but that's getting pretty ugly.

So I'm investigating some waf hackery to get the size of a sample slot.

wafhelpers/ has separate code for the normal and cross 
cases.  The cross case goes through a loop.  Can somebody tell me why that 
needs a loop?

I was expecting something like compile this code with the target/cross 
include headers and compiler options to get things like the 32/64 options 
but generate code for this system so we can run it to get the answer.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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