Anybody still using Python2?

James Browning jamesb192 at
Wed Jan 29 22:19:06 UTC 2025

On Wednesday, January 29, 2025 1:53:08 PM Pacific Standard Time Matt Selsky via 
devel wrote:
> Hi,
> Does the newer waf version drop 2.6 support?  I'd be happy to drop all py2
> support in NTPsec, but I don't feel that strongly about it either way.

The new waf requires a top-level sysconfig module with at least one partial 
feature greater than distutils.sysconfig, and 2.5 is broken unless someone add 
the as keyword to it.

> What's the benefit to dropping py2 completely?  What's the cost to keeping
> it?

Dropping 2.6 could potentially
- simplify wscript a little because of simpler set init.
- Also simplify wscript and bin_test because argparse is included
- simplify pylib due to not needing to import absent features from 2.6

Dropping 2.7 as well could allow for the removal of ntp.poly& stuff.
Really irritate off Fred, Gary, and three Canadian users.

Keeping 2.7 won't cost that much, yet. I would be pushing otherwise.


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