ftp.ntpsec.org folder for my stuff & malingering

James Browning jamesb192 at jamesb192.com
Thu Jan 9 17:08:19 UTC 2025

On Monday, January 6, 2025, at 1:00:07 PM Pacific Standard Time, Gary E. Miller 
via devel wrote:

> I want a unicorn.  Why does "ftp" even exist any more?

It is one of the machines in the NTPsec infrastructure. It serves the released 
tarballs, developer work files, and assorted miscellaneous files.

> > I intend to use it to stage unofficial releases like 1.2.3r1{,p2},
> > with the r1 indicating the number of unofficial releases since the
> > last official and the p2 indicating the number of patch sets I've
> > appended (if any). I am moderately willing to rebrand as the
> > unofficial patches' initial patch(es).
> I fail to see how an ssh public key helps that.

The general notion is to add the key to service1, so I can scp my files to 
james_fe80 at service1.ntpsec.org:/usr/local/jail/ftp.ntpsec.org/data/ftp/pub/

> Also, how about just get an official release ready.  Time to do things
> twice, but never time to do it right  the first time?

There are a few reasons I am unable to help the release process much.
- I can not merge to the blog repository.
- I can not approve or merge to the main repository.
- I do not have the release key or its password.
- I do not have NTPsec credentials for Fosstadon or X.
- I should not be looking at any of that.
- I do not have an account on service1.

Those are the things I perceive, some of them good, some annoying, some bad.

> > It would be nice if we could get a release out this month. There were
> > no releases last year.
> Ditto gpsd.

It appears that sometime *after May 2024*, I had forgotten about that.

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