clangd, black, editorconfig evangelism was: Is it time to --enable-warnings?

James Browning jamesb192 at
Thu Feb 13 16:11:46 UTC 2025

I assume that few people use clangd[1] much.

With a reasonable config file, clangd can reach -Werror

Clangd can also reformat code like clang-format[2].

Someone should translate the dot.emacs file into .clangd, 
.clang-format, and .editorconfig [3] files.

While I am not inclined to switch to a non-vi, non-emacs editor, 
I would like to hear if other people have tooling other than
those listed in devel/hacking.

I also use black[4] to format new Python projects; I expect some 
of you will not like it.


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