cross armhf tangle

Hal Murray halmurray at
Tue Feb 4 03:59:41 UTC 2025

The current code in wafhelpers/ seems to work.

There are 2 reasons I would like to keep and understand it.  One is 
general curiousity.  It was commited by ESR and he is usually very good 
about fixing crappy code.  My best guess is that it was part of a large 
chunk  that was copied from somewhere.  The cross build path has never 
been high on our list.  On the other hand, maybe there really is something 
interesting going on in there that I/we could learn from.

The other reason is to have a handy way of recording the size of a few 
things.  I've spent just enough time wondering about the sizes of things 
like struct timespec that having hard truth for a specific system handy is 
useful.  Did you know that timespec is 16 bytes?  The ns slot that fits 
into 32 bits gets rounded up to 64,

I have no objections to cleaning up the code so that the NTP_SIZEOF stuff 
isn't needed.  I like your LAST_time_t example.

But please leave that NTP_SIZEOF stuff around as long as it is still 

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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