Windows and other AEAD ciphers

Hal Murray halmurray at
Mon Feb 3 22:37:48 UTC 2025

Neat.  Thanks.

> - libm
> - stdbool.h
Those should be part of the POSIX environment.
At worst, we can clone stdbool.h and find the source for libm and grab the 
parts we need.

> - struct timex and two of its members
This will be the tricky part.  I'm expecting a small shim to translate 
ntp_adjtime() into whatever Windows needs.  In spide of its name, 
ntp_adjtime() does both reads and writes.

> - EVP_PKEY_new_CMAC_key
> - TLS1.3
> - OpenSSL version
Those are all from OpenSSL
If any of the version stuff gets in the way, forget sipport for old 
(1.x.x) versions.

I'm pretty sure that OpenSSL runs on Windows.  If you can't find a ibrary 
built for Windows, check out HOWTO-OpenSSL

> OTOH, I will eventually be able to get other AEAD algorithms supported by
> NTPsec. I would not hold my breath, however. OpenSSL has some
> interesting files in its test suite.

That has nothing to do with Windows.  Right?

If you want to work on that area, that would be great.

Look at the API for libaes_siv
Throw away the main module that does all the work.  Keep the test stuff.
Now write the new main module that calls the OpenSSL AEAD stuff.

After you get it working, you will have to change the API.  It currently 
has CMAC wired in and gets which CMAC from the length of the key.  Change 
the API to include at explicit algorithm code and check the key length.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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