
Matt Selsky Matthew.Selsky at twosigma.com
Thu May 2 18:24:13 UTC 2024

On Thu, May 02, 2024 at 02:17:18AM -0700, Hal Murray via devel wrote:
> Does anybody test our code on Apple?  Solaris?

I do some of my initial dev work on macOS, but I don't run ntpd on macOS. My production environment for NTPsec is Linux.  I worked with Solaris x86 a few years ago since I was interested to see if the SunOne Studio compiler would show us any interesting warnings/errors, but I haven't tested in a while.

> Does anybody use any of the fancy interface logic?
>   It's available both vie the command line and the config file.

We set:
interface listen a.b.c.d

on some of our hosts with many, many interfaces since ntpd prints errors if the interface count is > 1024, or on multi-homed hosts where we only want ntp service provided on 1 interface.


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