Is python2 dead?

Eric S. Raymond esr at
Fri Sep 15 09:13:55 UTC 2023

Hal Murray <halmurray at>:
> Maybe it's time to switch to Go?

I've thought about it.  It shouldn't be all that difficuly.  I wrote a tol that would help:

> How long would it take us to rewrite, from scratch, everything in ntpclients?

Around three man-monts is my estimate.

> I occasionally poke around in ntpq.  I find it very hard to work with.  I 
> think the others are much simpler.

Yes, that's so.  Most of the complexity is in ntpq.

> Is the basic structure right?  If we were starting from scratch, what would 
> pylib look like?

I've learned by hard experience not to try to do a language translation and
a rewrite at the same time, so this is a question I wouldn't want to broach
while doing a lift.

That said, I think the structure of pylib is basically sound.
		<a href="">Eric S. Raymond</a>

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