Updated to-do list?

Hal Murray halmurray at sonic.net
Sat Apr 8 21:45:43 UTC 2023

>    Given that the things I have been turning in are not in the direction
>    we are headed, what should I be working on? Other than trying to do a
>    Golang port by myself, or revisiting the more than a-year-old list? 

MR 1307 and/or 1309 is high on my list.  I was hoping somebody else would be 

What's on your year old list?

For a small project, I think we should make mode6/ntpq require the cookie on 
everything but getting the cookie, and we should make sure that there is no 
amplification when getting the cookie.

How much do you know about Go?  Can you write a multi-threaded echo server?

I have a collection of hacks for measuring performance of NTP servers.  Down 
hill and with a tailwind, I can get 1,000,000 packets per second.  I have C 
and Rust versions.  It would be neat to try a Go version.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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