after network...

Udo van den Heuvel udovdh at
Sat Nov 27 14:45:47 UTC 2021

On 26-11-2021 06:52, Hal Murray wrote:
>> ntpd does not start, reliably.
> What goes wrong?  Is there an error message?

What I can find in journalctl -b:

systemd[1]: Dependency failed for Wait for ntpd to synchronize system clock.

This is before the network scripts I still use (no network-manager...).

network[2433]: WARN      : [network] You are using 'network' service 
provided by 'network-scripts', which are now deprecated.
network[2433]: WARN      : [network] 'network-scripts' will be removed 
from distribution in near future.
network[2433]: WARN      : [network] It is advised to switch to 
'NetworkManager' instead for network management.

Thus I think it fails due to lack of network connectivity.
Perhaps a simple tweak would be to have it wait longer but a real fix 
would be to start it after the network is up.

Kind regards,

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