Go vs GC

Hal Murray halmurray at sonic.net
Wed Jun 30 01:41:49 UTC 2021

I think you need a good story before we commit to using Go.

> Well, first, the historical target for accuracy of WAN time service is more
> than an order of magnitude higher than 1ms.

Time marches on.  We need to do better today, much better.

NTP is used on LANs.

> turning GC off

Is that lightweight or heavyweight?

How does that interact with threads?

What happens if there are lots of threads and they are all turning it off/on very frequently and probably overlapping?

I'm assuming the mainline server path won't require any allocations or frees.  Total CPU time to process a simple request is under 10 microseconds.


Is there a subset of Go that doesn't use GC?  Or someting like that.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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