Using Go for NTPsec

Hal Murray halmurray at
Thu Jul 8 06:58:59 UTC 2021

> No, I'm pushing Rust away - and determined to exit from C - because of
> reasons in the larger context. We need to get to a memory-safe language, we
> need decadal stability, and we need one with a reasonably low barrier to
> entry for new devs.

> Rust fails two of those tests.  Go passes all of them.  If that means we need
> to do some acrobatics to deal with GC-induced latency spikes, that's a cost
> I'm willing to incur. --  

Thanks for taking the time to explain things to me.

I'm willing to trade decadal stability for not having to think about GC issues.

I think the real issue with Rust is the learning curve, or as you call it, the 
barrier to entry.

My plan is to go learn more about Rust.  Don't expect much help from me on 
converting to Go.


It would be interesting to peer into your brain and mine to figure out how 
much of our reasoning was making a choice because we like it at first glance, 
and then collecting arguments to justify that choice.

I really really really like type checking.  Rust seems interesting.  I want to 
know more.

(I can remember the first time that I figured out what type checking was all 
about.  The compiler was telling me that I had forgotten the & in front of a 
variable, or something close to that.  I was reminded of how much time I had 
pissed away chasing bugs like that.)

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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