Python support policy

Richard Laager rlaager at
Thu Sep 3 07:30:43 UTC 2020

On 9/2/20 7:44 PM, Gary E. Miller via devel wrote:
>> 1. Change waf's shebang:
>>      -#!/usr/bin/env python
>>      +#!/usr/bin/env python3
> Uh, no.  That breaks Gentoo eselect.

How, specifically?

What do these give on your system?
  python3 --version
  ls -l /usr/bin/python3

For comparison, here is a second user's report that `python3` works in
Gentoo: "python3 --version reports python 3.8.5 for me in gentoo.
/usr/bin/python3 -> python-exec2c"

> Many other distros prefer not either.

"prefer" sounds like you're talking about distro policies. The question
here is: does it work?

Can you cite an example of a distro where installing Python 3 from the
distro does not result in a python3 in the PATH?

>>   A. Change the Python shebangs to:
>>        #!@PYTHON@
> You realize that the POSIX doc says a pace after "#!", but so many do it
> wrong they accept that variant.
In NTPsec, there are 122 the wrong way and 81 the right way. As you say,
either works. I don't particularly care about the space personally, but
we can use the space if you want to be pedantically correct.


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