Hal Murray hmurray at
Tue Dec 15 01:10:43 UTC 2020

rlaager at said:
> Debian doesn't use the "lib64" style naming. It has the traditional  "lib"
> and then uses what it calls "multiarch", so you have things like  /usr/lib/
> x86_64-linux-gnu (and /usr/local versions too).

> I'm getting /usr/local/lib by default from waf, which is listed in  /etc/
> So that's how that works. 

I'm still confused.

On debian 10 (buster)

waf configure said:
  LIBDIR                        :  /usr/local/lib64 
  PYTHONDIR                     :  /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages
  PYTHONARCHDIR                 :  /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages

locate says (skipping stuff in my directory):

There is no lib64 in /etc/*
But it works.

Similar on Fedora 32.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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