ublox refclock

Trevor N. trv-n at comcast.net
Thu Nov 28 03:08:48 UTC 2019

>Gary E. Miller gem at rellim.com wrote
>Yo Trevor!
>On Wed, 27 Nov 2019 01:31:52 -0500
>"Trevor N. via devel" <devel at ntpsec.org> wrote:
>> >Gary E. Miller gem at rellim.com wrote  
>> Thank you for the comments, I have replies for each point:
>Talk is cheap, yet time consuming, and proves nothing.
>Send this list some ntpviz output showing this driver adds value,
>otherwise this discussion is a waste.  If you can prove added value
>then getting it ready to include will just require the obvious grunt work.

I attached a week's data to the issue 499 thread, but I will also post
it here.

>I have a driveway to shovel and hours to drive, so my answers will
>have to wait.  I hope to see nice plots when I return.
>But one point worth noting:
>> From testing on a fast machine with the oncore driver, I have seen
>> average jitter values of under 200ns
>Which is aweful.  If you can't get it under 50 ns don't bother.
Won't know until I try, but I may not have time to modify the Oncore
driver for a few days.

I have already begun collecting F9T data with gpsd-3.19 (kernel PPS
enabled) through shm on the latest ntpsec.  I'll post 1-day output as
soon as it's available.

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