SSL structs and testing

Ian Bruene ianbruene at
Sun Mar 31 19:33:21 UTC 2019

Is there any particular reason why SSL structs need to be passed all 
over the place to functions that do not depend on SSL itself?

The notable example here is nts_ke_do_recieve, which only uses the SSL 
to pass to SSL_read. I don't see any obvious reason that couldn't be 
done in the calling function and then pass the buffer instead as the 
logic doesn't depend on SSL, but on the buffer. As it is now, writing 
tests for many of the most important functions in the nts codebase is 
difficult at best because they require setting up SSL, which means 
faking a connection, which is already awkward and verbose in languages 
that make for easy shimming, let alone C.

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Man Chooses, a Slave Obeys."/ -- Andrew Ryan

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