Tangle - cookie keys file

Hal Murray hmurray at megapathdsl.net
Thu Mar 7 20:44:40 UTC 2019

Gary said:
> My idiosyncratic read of the FHS would, by default, put the master keys in
> /usr/local/var/lib: 

Is that a typo?  There is no /usr/local/var/ or /usr/var/ on Fedora or Debian.

> We can pick a default, but no default would be fine for most linux.
> It needs to be configurable for the packager. 

The server side needs 3 files:
  cookie keys
  private key for certificate

The certificate and private key can live in /etc/ntp/ -- they don't get 
updated by ntpd.

We could give up on defaults for all of them.  Then the documentation wouldn't 
have to discuss defaults.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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