Tangle - cookie keys file

Hal Murray hmurray at megapathdsl.net
Thu Mar 7 05:36:05 UTC 2019

Where should we put the file used to store the key used to make cookies?  It 
gets read at startup and updated daily.

Fedora and Debian put things like that in /var/lib/ntp/
NetBSD and FreeBSD put them in /var/db/ntp/

There used to be a man/web page with a list of the default file names.  I 
can't find it now.

Can we and/or should we make the default file names OS dependent?


This gets tangled up with initialization and the config file.

What should the system do if it can't read the file?  Crash?  Blunder on in 
no-NTS mode?  Make one?  ...

If it crashes, where do we get the first one?

Do we ant to be able to run in no-NTS mode?  What does that mean?  We have nts 
enable/disable in the config file.  It enables the NTS-KE server which also 
needs cookies.

Does it make sense to have a ntp server than supports NTS without having a 
NTS-KE server to get the initial cookies?  Eventually, you should be able to 
get the cookies from something like NST-KE server for a pool.  But is there 
any reason for a system not to run its own NTS-KE server that will only send 
you to itself?

Anybody have any good ideas on this area?

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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