How not to design a wire protocol

Ian Bruene ianbruene at
Wed Mar 6 19:16:28 UTC 2019

On 3/6/19 1:01 PM, Richard Laager via devel wrote:
> On 3/6/19 12:19 PM, Achim Gratz via devel wrote:
>> SNMP is as dead as a Dodo if you ask me…
> It's used all over the place if you ask me.

Common, dead, zombified hordes, whatever. I'd prefer to not have to deal 
with it where not necessary.

/"In the end; what separates a Man, from a Slave? Money? Power? No. A 
Man Chooses, a Slave Obeys."/ -- Andrew Ryan

/"Utopia cannot precede the Utopian. It will exist the moment we are fit 
to occupy it."/ -- Sophia Lamb

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