NTS AEEF extension confusion

Ian Bruene ianbruene at gmail.com
Sun Jun 23 21:15:00 UTC 2019

On 6/23/19 4:09 PM, Daniel Franke wrote:
> The translation of the AEEF ciphertext into corresponding plaintext is 
> given by the negotiated AEAD algorithm; for AES-SIV, by RFC 5297. The 
> structure of the plaintext is defined in the draft, as a concatenation 
> of RFC 7822 extension fields.

This matches the RFC. It does not match the code, which expects a 
CMAC_LENGTH of 16 always and with no exceptions.

Possibility: this is a temporary measure, during which time encrypted 
extensions are simply not supported yet?

That would also explain why as far as I can tell the cmac data is never 

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