First round of my stupid questions about NTS

Eric S. Raymond esr at
Thu Jan 17 17:35:55 UTC 2019

I'm reading the current version of nts.doc in conjunction with the RFC.
Thanks to everybody who's been working on this; we're not far from the
point at which starting to write code makes sense.

I want to put arrows on the flow diagram.

I see no Bravo-to-Alpha initiation of requests, though there are
responses heading in that direction.  

Similarly, I see no Delta-to-Bravo initiation of requests, though there are
responses heading in that direction.  

Charlie requests a master key (and possibly initial cookies) daily
from Delta. It may do so simply by looking in fixed file locations
for the data.  Is there any plausible scenario in which Charlie and
Delta must run on different hosts?

I don't see any requests from Delta to Charlie.  Of course we have
polling from Alpha to Charlie and (unusually) KODs in the
other direction.

   Bravo                       Delta
   NTS client ---------------> NTS server
      ^                         ^
      |                         |
   Alpha                       Charlie
   NTP client <--------------> NTP server

Does this diagram look correct?

Delta will need an IANA public port assignment. I see this is TBD in
the draft.  Does anyone know what they've been using informally in
interop testing?

I'm leaning towards an organization in which the NTS client code lives
inside ntpd; this would reduce deployment friction slightly.  Is there
any scenario in which we'd want to run these pieces on different

Note:  Answers by reply email will be good.  Answers edited into nts.adoc
would be even better.
		<a href="">Eric S. Raymond</a>

No one who's seen it in action can say the phrase "government help" without
either laughing or crying.

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