NTS keys as I understand them

Hal Murray hmurray at megapathdsl.net
Mon Jan 14 20:45:58 UTC 2019

> It is actually allowed to re-use cookies, specifically if it wants to avoid
> that re-keying.  Whether that's a good idea is debatable, but the server
> doesn't know either way and the decision is up to the client. 


I think we should make a "no reuse" decision.  We want that option for 
no-tracking.  We can't just keep reusing the first cookie we get since the 
master key will get updated occasionally.

Next time somebody is editing, please add a no-reuse note at the bottom.

> BTW, the number eight is not arbitrary: that is exactly the number of packets
> a burst poll would use. 

The normal case is that the client gets back a response before it sends the 
next request in the burst, so it only needs 1 cookie to start with.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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