Logging leap file info

Hal Murray hmurray at megapathdsl.net
Thu Jan 10 03:43:40 UTC 2019

Gary said:
> I would imagine that every anal retentive sysadmin, like myself, would like
> to know when the leap second file changed.  Maybe not so verbose. 

"Verbose" has two dimensions - the number of messages and the length of an 
individual message.

The thing that attracted my attention was the different printout between the 
startup messages and the new-file case.  There are 2 messages in the first 
case and only one in the second.

We can get rid of the good-hash message.
 5 Jan 01:53:02 ntpd[667]: CLOCK: leapsecond file ('/etc/ntp/leap-seconds'): 
good hash signature

I don't see an obvious way to shorten the main message.
 7 Jan 21:12:52 ntpd[21886]: CLOCK: leapsecond file ('/etc/ntp/leap-seconds'): 
loaded, expire=2019-12-28T00:00Z last=2017-01-01T00:00Z ofs=37

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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