NTS: Client side, ask and require

Hal Murray hmurray at megapathdsl.net
Sun Feb 24 23:51:12 UTC 2019

Gary said:
> Yes, it is confisuing, that is why there way a proposal for a different
> syntax that Eric vetoed.  You are making the exact mistake we foresaw.  This
> will contoinue with the current syntax. 

Thanks.  Now that I understand the ideas, I'll see if I can clean up the 

> Uh, no.  Just the NTS-KE server name.  The default NTP server name is
> whatever the NTS-KE server returns.  That is the Proposed RFC. 

That is optional.

>From 4.1.7, page 12

When NTPv4 is negotiated as a Next Protocol and this record is sent
by the server, the body specifies the hostname or IP address of the
NTPv4 server with which the client should associate and which will
accept the supplied cookies. If no record of this type is sent, the
client SHALL interpret this as a directive to associate with an NTPv4
server at the same IP address as the NTS-KE server. Servers MUST NOT
send more than one record of this type.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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