ntp.conf changes for NTS

Achim Gratz Stromeko at nexgo.de
Sat Feb 2 08:32:34 UTC 2019

Gary E. Miller via devel writes:
>> I think there is a reasonable parallel between get another server via
>> DNS and get another server via NTS-KE.
> Yes, except the protocol, as defined in the Proposed RFC, does not support it.

Again, it supports it exactly the same way as the pool is currently
working with DNS: You want another server, you ask another time.  You
are not guaranteed to get back a different server and have to sort out
any duplication yourself.

The open question was if any of this can be made more efficient now that
we ask an NTS-KE instead of a DNS server.  That may or may not be helped
with changes to the protocol, but aside from being quite inefficient,
the current RFC lets you deal with pools just fine.

> Which may fail because different NTS-KE server may return the same
> NTPD address.  But still they way I would start to look at it.

You have the same problem with plain NTP and you can use the same
solution: ask again until you get a different answer.

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