cloudflare refers NTS users to wrong page

Udo van den Heuvel udovdh at
Fri Dec 13 08:40:50 UTC 2019


On 10-12-2019 06:47, Hal Murray wrote:
>> I also might have a local issue as I get:
>>  NTSc: certificate invalid: 20=>unable to get local issuer certificate
>> (for the other servers mentioned at the howto page)
> What OS/distro/version are you using?

Fedora 31 Linux with, git mesa, git amdgpu, git ntpsec, etc.

> Do you have the normal collection of root certificates installed?  Are they up 
> to date?

I do not hav the faintest idea.
I guess I need to explain to ntpd that we have a certificate that can
confirm the servers at the other side.

I was away but will have some time for the next week.


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