disable_dynamic_updates report

Ian Bruene ianbruene at gmail.com
Thu Aug 29 20:21:43 UTC 2019

The other day I determined that the flag disable_dynamic_updates 
(currently in the io_data struct) is either not properly initialized, or 
is blocking off a large chunk of dead code. After reading through the 
relevant code and looking through the history I think it is the former:

The flag is only set (to true) if ENABLE_EARLY_DROPROOT is defined, 
*and* sandbox() returns notroot==true. If either of these are not the 
case then the flag is left floating. From associated comments NetBSD 
does not allow ENABLE_EARLY_DROPROOT, therefore any NetBSD build will 
leave the flag floating.

It has always been the case that this flag is improperly set; as far 
back as the earliest available tag in the repo (NTP_4_2_7P455).

The original #ifdef guarded set was removed somewhere between the tag 
git-conversion and NTPsec_0_9_0. At this point no set or initialization 
existed anywhere in the codebase. However the flag was still checked 
despite floating.

The #ifdef ENABLE_EARLY_DROPROOT guarded block was added between tags 
NTPsec_0_9_4 and NTPsec_0_9_5, and has remained in that form since. This 
coincides with converting the flag from an int to a bool. The only 
change since then was when the flag was shunted from a global to io_data.

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